Owen Benjamin BTFO Shapiro


Attached: FireShot Capture 36 - OWEN BENJAMIN GIVES HIS OPINION ON THE JEWISH_ - https___www.youtube.com_watch (650x436, 232K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking Based.

told you niggers he was evolving
this time next year he'll have abandoned his residual cuck tendencies and will become a monster

Eternal victory.

isnt his grandmother jewish? sure are lots of jews who hate themselves. it's almost like...

Read it Owen.

Attached: 1519774504229.jpg (971x1371, 192K)

Attached: 3TFY6RlE.jpg (960x503, 100K)

He's great because his views are actually nuanced. It's absolutely correct to say that ''not all jews are in a conspiracy'', while pointing out that it's literally almost only jews that operate in hollywood and banking. Know your Cointelpro: don't let ''hardcore'' nazees trick you into abandoning this 100% reasonable view for some comical caricature version of antisemitism.


Civcuck faggot

>being able to see hypocrisy mean you hate yourself
Hi Ben

Me? Wrong. Owen? He's a self-proclaimed white enthusiast that calls out jews in positions of power.

Stop purity spiraling you absolute fucking retard.

>purity spiral
so owen is yet another jewish eceleb promoted by (((TRS)))

literally no one says that. Do you even know what the people you are attacking think?

"all jews" is a rhetorical device that is raising awareness. go to any comment section and look at all the people talking about jews, it's working. i don't think Vox and Owen understand that. but Owen is telling the truth, it's easy to see. remember, don't come to Jow Forums for rational discussions, this comment is the only one like it you're going to get, because nothing here is necessarily supposed to be true. look up some of the quotes on these memes some time, virtually all of them are faked. Jow Forums's infographics are a running joke on other boards, who also don't understand what they are. it's a rhetorical war to wake up the normie to the people who rule over them, who are not oblivious deli owner sal who never goes on the internet and knows nothing about the world, but multi-trillionaire rothschilds and their puppets across all industry.

funny how his videos haven't been hidden/shut down in the slightest...funny indeed
disappointed in you Jow Forums

friendly reminder to filter all leaf posts.

suit yourself brainlet


I never click these titles

>Not all jews goy

Attached: jews_quotes.jpg (1000x3000, 1.04M)

Be a good goy

Attached: 68732B46-6575-4329-89B8-8018FEF28DFF.jpg (640x800, 159K)

>literally no one says that
Except a fuckton of ''people'' (probably shills) on /pole/, if you haven't noticed. You're a C U C K if you don't think literally 100% of all jews are in a grand conspiracy and it's only jews.

Rhetorical device? You're going to have to tell me what the angle is here, because to my mind it sounds like what would make any sane person skeptical of you. When regular people think of jews, they think about their nice family physician Dr. Goldberg.

>look up some of the quotes on these memes some time, virtually all of them are faked.
I've done this, it's seriously disappointing to see how almost every ''woah did he really say that?'' turns into a quote that can't be found through goog'l.


It is ALL jews and they ALL need to be gassed

>not tall enough to ride the teacups
Fucking lmao, also kind of hurts since I'm not much taller (5'10).