No “climate change” nonsense allowed, only discussions about rising globanl temperatures.
Is Trump right, btw?
No “climate change” nonsense allowed, only discussions about rising globanl temperatures.
Is Trump right, btw?
>no way this one is real
>check twitter
>Stay in your house
Don't know about you, bro, but last summer here was hotter than I consider convenient, and winters are also not what they used to be. I wouldn't bet on climate change not being a human achievement, I don't want to live a place that is going to be a hell if the development continues. His climate policy is the one thing I hate Trump for. We can't continue to burn everything we find and pollute the air like we have and still do, it sucks and you're dumb if you don't understand that.
I feel like hes just gotta be trolling at this point. Setting aside the issue of whether global warming is real or not, what the fuck is the purpose of this tweet?
The purpose is to show that he is right in rejecting the Paris agreement. What an asshole.
Does he just roll out of bed and immediately start shitposting?
wtf i want global warming now
But seriously, I still laughed when I saw that tweet.
>last summer hotter
Oy veh! Tax your carbons goy even though there is no actual data that concludes the Earth is warming. The climate changes, it's what it does. Why do you think it shouldn't?
43 today. That's ignorant
Pretty sure it's
>wake up
>grab wife's ass
>grab daughter's ass
>drink OJ
>eat sausage biscuit
>shit post
And just like that, everyone is having the same conversation they had 2 months ago.
ahhh but 19 and rain wedesday. t.aussie frankie
It's more than only a possibility that humans contribute to the climate change, and we should do all we can to stop this planet from starting to boil, you ignorant cunt.
Sounds like the start of a good day.
Same here... saw it, thought it is fake, checked... fuggg BASED Trump again.
>first responses are from the ponzi bros.
Wonder how much they charge per tweet.
You do realize that the most prolific polluters in the world (chinks and poos) are exempt from any kind of (((climate change))) legislation. Protecting the environment is of course important for everyone, but climate change, carbon tax, etc is a thinly disguised scheme to transfer money from western nations to (((international))) organizations. China and India alone release more carbon and pollutants than every other nation on earth combined.
He is waking up and taking his iPad. He is old, so he wakes up early. He’ll browse Twitter and news articles. Then gets riled up about some shit and gets the urge to shitpost. It’s like some troll on Jow Forums trying to get him YOUs. He’ll get a shitton of retweets and replies and he lives for it.
znot kidding here
Is he actually retarded?
Does he understand that "Global Warming" has scientifically accurated effects in the arctic regions and not in his local neighborhood?
What the fuck is wrong with americans.
43 Fahrenheit is quite warm for winter, true.
If the predictions are true and the effects will devastate cities such as New York, Boston,LA,Chicago,etc then climate change isn't the problem it is the cure.
Make this sum: add up all the little flames that burn on earth every single second: burning fuel in engines, burning coal in energy plants, the flames in gas and other stoves and kitchen utilities, etc. etc. This adds up to a flame of say one cubic mile every goddamn moment: do you think such a heat source would not heat up the atmosfere? We need to transition to fire free energy supply.
It's not only the pollution, it's the fire, even if nobody tells that story.
Climate change (((science))) has proven to be based on manipulated and limited data, completely overblown explanations for what are, in all likelihood, poorly understood natural cycles in earths temperatures. “Climate change” is real, the climate has been changing since earth developed an atmosphere. Climate change “experts” are just mouthpieces for the tribe that wants to further line their pockets with shekels from the goyim
Fuck that, we need MORE Winter-chan.
more like schlagger lmao
No it would not, the oceans are responsible for the global temperature, anything else is very unlikely to cause noticeable change.
Idgaf about arctic regions if its such a “global” problem then why does the west have to take the brunt of the cost to “fix” it? Fuck that
Ok when do we glass the third world and china?
It's 4 degrees where I am at. Time to surrender all of our rights and sovereignty to the globalists so that they can save us!
Global warming is a cover for pole shift.
Ok so I have a thermometer outside my house and outside my work, right now it's bottomed out and the weather networks are saying it hasn't gotten below -32 C. The weather networks are literally lying so on record it shows we had a much warmer winter than we actually had. My power steering pump sounded dry as a bone driving down the road, the fluid rated for -48 in a jug in my truck froze in the funnel trying to put it in. That's where we're at right now. Below -48 C but they're telling me the oceans are boiling and we need to pay $50 a tonne on carbon to fix it.
So when would a flame be huge enough, you think, to do add to global warming? 100 cubic miles? 1000? It may not be an instant burner, but all the heat certainly slowly heats the system up. Do your physics, instead of echoing things you don't understand.
its pretty cold today tru
They will follow if our technology is highgrade. And don't underestimate China, they will become more advanced than the US, if the US keeps being stupid.
Canada is fucked it seems.
I swear I've seen this in a few inspect element tweets that have previously been put up. Without even looking I know every response is "clIMATe is nOT weaTHER" even though it is when there is a heatwave
Is there any anons here in STEM that dont believe in global warming? Or are neets the experts?
but didn't climatologists say we would have an arctic winter in western europe this year?
Trump makes me smile or laugh literally everyday. He the best pres and gonna enjoy it while it lasts
* A doubling of preindustrial CO2, absent any feedbacks, would result in a maximum forcing of +1.2C.
* The General Circulation Models, and the IPCC, predict 2-8C of warming because AGW theory assumes a positive H2O feedback. They assume that if CO2 causes a little warming, the atmosphere will hold more water vapor and that more water vapor will lead to a lot of warming.
* The warming predictions cover such a large range because everyone assumes a different average H2O feedback rate.
* Every GCM based on this assumption has failed to model temperatures for the past 18 years. They are all trending too high.
* In the late 1990's the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more then a decade that would falsify AGW theory.
* There is no data to suggest a +H2O feedback either now or in Earth's past.
* If there is no +H2O feedback then we literally have nothing to worry about.
* The average climate change believer knows none of this. Politicians, citizens, activists, surprisingly even a lot of scientists are literally ignorant of the theory and the math. In their mind it's simply "CO2 = bad" and "experts say we're warming faster then ever."
>It's more than only a possibility that humans contribute to the climate change
But it's not more than a possibility though unless there's some evidence, but you have none so either come up with some or shut the fuck up.
scientists have no real idea exactly how humans are affecting the planet. most of their predictions have been way off. climate change is horseshit.
Several neets ITT look at their thermometer (not that they even know how it works) and say: "It says 'no climate change'". People are to stupid to even express.
STEM user here, global temps are rising and it’s kind of clear a lot of the rise of the last 100 yrs is due to human activity. If I am wrong, fine, but I don’t see any convincing arguments I am wrong.
I 100% disagree with how socialist left wing politicians try to “combat” global warming. We don’t need taxes or light bulb bans, we need reforrestation and e-car incentives and investment in nuclear.
His stance on climate will kill his 2020 possibilties, screencap this. He's a dork on that point.
STEM user here, of course it's real, but the idea that we'll stop it is ludicrous. Truth is we best buckle up and prepare.
let me guess, you didn't read the public part of the paris climate accord.
i did and there's nothing in there that will reduce human impact on the climate, it will make it worse even since it's about moving european factories to 3rd world countries in hopes that they in turn enact enviromental policies.
best part is that it is a non-binding agreement
This sort of comment probably makes more sense to oldfags who remember being told that snow would become a thing of the past. Conveniently, global warming is now completely compatible with the population of the world freezing to death.
we really are blessed to have President Trump. I shudder to think about where we would be right now under Hillary. Imagine the Supreme Court alone. America would be ruined.
I helped my grandpa in his greenhouse when I was a kid. We had CO2 detectors. The greenhouse was warm without heating due to the CO2.
Sorry, but we know CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
>I have no proves, you have no proves, so I am right
Read my contributions, faggot.
Thats what i figured. Also STEM here. Ya we got a foot of snow yesterday and its gonba be like -20 for 2 days. But its the first major snow of the year here, and its going back up to 4 degrees on wed.
>They will follow if our technology is highgrade
You put too much faith in the rest of the world to actually give a shit about the planet.
>And don't underestimate China, they will become more advanced than the US
That is irrelevant, they still won't give a shit about the pollution they cause.
Destroying western civilization to allow African civilization to reach PEAK PERFORMANCE!!!
It will take a few years to undo the damage done by the conservatives, but your political agenda is supported by a shrinking minority in this country luckily.
It will be a great day in America when the Republican Party is kicked into the trash. They have caused most of the problems in the US and around the world in the past 39 years. (Although Goldwater was the real start of it)
Scientists know what is happening. It is the trolls on-line who have no evidence for what they claim. Only that the dirty polluters fund their politicians and let them continue with the lifestyle they have regardless of the damage it does.
>Sorry, but we know CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
We also know that CO2 is a weak GHG which cannot possibly warm the atmosphere in a dangerous fashion absent feedbacks. The IPCC themselves state this.
The debate isn’t about CO2 being a gas but rather what role humans have in it. The impact of humans is what is disputed.
>Scientists know what is happening.
>implying all scientists agree
>implying consensus is more important than evidence
Do you see this graph? This graph shows that observed warming is consistent with either a no feedback scenario or a weak feedback scenario. The GCMs all assume a strong feedback scenario. And they have been falsified.
>It will happen when the weather cools
-112f? Nigga you retarded.
>Don't know about you, bro, but last summer here was hotter than I consider convenient, and winters are also not what they used to be
This does not prove human life on earth has had any effect on climate change whatsoever.
>The purpose is to show that he is right in rejecting the Paris agreement. What an asshole.
This does not prove human life on earth has had any effect on climate change whatsoever.
>It's more than only a possibility that humans contribute to the climate change, and we should do all we can to stop this planet from starting to boil, you ignorant cunt.
This does not prove human life on earth has had any effect on climate change whatsoever.
>Make this sum: add up all the little flames that burn on earth every single second: burning fuel in engines, burning coal in energy plants, the flames in gas and other stoves and kitchen utilities, etc. etc. This adds up to a flame of say one cubic mile every goddamn moment: do you think such a heat source would not heat up the atmosfere? We need to transition to fire free energy supply.
Again, not proof, just an estimate and a maybe. Maybe it is enough to heat up the atmosphere, but probably not.
>It's not only the pollution, it's the fire, even if nobody tells that story.
>So when would a flame be huge enough, you think, to do add to global warming? 100 cubic miles? 1000? It may not be an instant burner, but all the heat certainly slowly heats the system up. Do your physics, instead of echoing things you don't understand.
So greenhouse gas emissions didn't work, it must be heat from motors and fires? Are you fucking serious? The rest of your "contributions are smooth brained responses to other comments. You have no proof whatsoever human life has affected climate change.
Some perspective....
basically this
seuss effect provides evidence that human life is effecting climate
>If there is no +H2O feedback then we literally have nothing to worry about.
bullshit. +h20 feedback is one kind of positive feedback, invalidating that (and btw I dont believe you because you made factual claims without sources) doesnt invalidate the much more damaging positive feedback in the methane released as permafrost melts, or the possibility of ocean methane being released (at which point we are fucked).
>This does not prove human life on earth has had any effect on climate change whatsoever.
no, for that we rely on fucking thousands of scientific papers and the relative lack of scientific evidence against.
why do you keep eating the Koch brothers lies?
Okay but the astronomical increase in CO2 density in the atmosphere since the dawn of the industrial age has nothing to do with it, right?
Jesus Christ you guys.
they've been brainwashed by rightwing infotainment. there is truly nothing of value left in the mind of a boomer.
Right, but I always wonder, if Asia and some of europe were held to US standards for pollution would it change a lot or just a minuscule amount?
>why is shekelstein always telling the US to reduce when its everyone else fucking shit up.
Last summer was quite normal down here, I still remember that when I was I a kid I there were summers were you couldn't even sleep due to heat, but these last years are nothing compared to that.
Here's one I've never got an answer for. If scientific climate models of the earth are all false in the ways in which climate deniers claim, then our model for why venus (whos atmosphere is >90% CO2) completely falls apart in a way that suggests our understanding of physics is deeply flawed in an obvious way at multiple levels.
given that: why should we believe the claims of internet crackpots and desperate billionaires over the math that underpins our understanding of the universe.
That's why its climate change and not global warming. Climate is shifting from how it used to be, and while it may not seem immediately bad for people living in such areas ("oh I can adapt") the problem arises with farming land that can't so easily be moved or adapted and often relies on things being as they were. Add melting permafrost and deep ocean reserves of methane being released into the mix, and you get devastated farmland, which means everyone gets fucked.
>then our model for why venus (whos atmosphere is >90% CO2) has a surface temperature of 467 C completely falls apart
how bad do you reckon its going to be when climate change fucks up food supply in africa and a wave of desperate starving humans starts heading north?
If everyone started to full throttle cut emissions and halt development we'd still be increasing several degrees celsius over the next century. You can't stop human development. I can't remember off the top of my head but we're talking something like 4 degrees versus 6 if i remember correctly by 2100. And the rate of change is FAST. The left thinks they can stop it and the right thinks it's a conspiracy. They're both wrong
That's not proof of AGW
so what the fuck do we do
...ramp up off world research and development? it seems like a fever dream but, I dunno man.
the scientific method is the best tool we have available to understand the universe and anyone who doesnt believe that is too stupid for their opinion to matter.
Imagine still shilling for the continued Israeliforming of the planet.
Kikes like you and shabbos goyim like Trump will only be content when the whole planet resembles the Negev desert.
nah we still have to go with the whole "build solar and nuclear" and "tax the fossil fuel industry until it is all but dead" plans. we're in for a rough time no matter what but if we dont do that then shit gets exponentially worse.
>is the best tool we have available to understand the universe
Empiricism is incapable of even proving the existence of the self so you're wrong
But the weather has always been changing even without our intervention, just look at the ancient greeks and romans, they didn't need to wear pants, and during the "cold" days they only wore a toga, they only started wearing pants when they conquered lands from germans and gauls. I can assure you that you'll freeze to death wearing just that during winter in Spain or Italy, not only today but even decades ago.
African niggers are always starving dude, also they never and never will farm since the west will give them food. We tried giving them farming equipment in the past and it never worked, since they rather be given the food that work for it.
Prepare for the worst, develop clean energy so we have a chance in hell at surviving the 2100s. Buckle up butter cup
Wasn't the current consensus for immediately stopping 1 degree guaranteed, and 2 degrees (with feedback taking that up to 5) if we start decreasing in 10 years?
Taxing the fossil fuel industry does nothing until renewable solutions are widely available. Thankfully that seems to be the case sooner than later (5 years is a decent estimate for it being viable for replacing >90% of currently fossil energy, due to the technologies that are entering production that timeframe and increases in production)
>empiricism is bad at metaphysical philosophy
fuck off you pretentious wanker we're talking about real world shit here
Because the west is responsible for it in the first place?
Translation: I'm upset because my preferred method of thinking isn't as infallible as I like others to believe
>Because the west is responsible for it in the first place?
china is more responsible than anyone else you fucking wildling retard
south africa grows about as much food as canada. when their food production gets fucked up one too many times we're going to see widespread famine, and the previous mass migration events will seem like nothing.
Can I have an opinion on it like "They lie about everything else, why not this to?" How do i effectively communicate that?
>coming out of an iceage
>Planet imidantly starts to boil
It's always funny people seem to forget we were at a point were Temps were so low that the constantly killed people via famines.
The crop industry has record yields despite how high the temp and co2 gets, if anything more co2 will increase yield even more while reducing water consumption of plants. ocean rising is a meme and most of it can be attributed to land subduction.
The earth is the greenest it ever was. (since they have satellite) records.
Climate change evangelists are a death cult that want to kill humanity.
taxing the fossil fuel industry discourages new investment in fossil fuels, accelerates investment in its competitors/alternatives, and encourages existing operators to shut down their fossil fuel operations earlier.
>be china
>cant compete with jewish western economies
>adopts western indrustrialization
>the eternal west strikes again
The end
yes, yes he does. He's the peoples champ.