What about your private life how are you personally handling this?
What should be done about women?
I'm going my own way and doing nothing until women spontaneously learn to act the way I want them to
Why do women always have to remind us that they have pussies?
When my girl is on her period, she stops every fucking thing. Calls in to work and doesn't get out of bed..
So basically I'm pressing X.
>What should be done about women?
Nothing, for now. The wheat are being seperated from the chaff, niggers mix with the disloyal cunts, the mutts shit up the place, pardos everywhere, a few bio viruses, and shit gets handled.
What they remind us is how stinking they're
Agree but you assume they won't kill us
if they didn't have a pussy, what use would they be to society?
The white genocide now is shopped in, right?
No there are more pics. I just deleted the one I have before you posted that. Apparently he's a troll
Only if that thing involves sitting in an office chair all day. If it requires movement or physical work... then she's too good for that.
Okay. So several pics are shooped.
Who cares?
Hysterical hysterectomies are increasingly becoming anti-tranny and anti-Israel. Yesterday jidf false flagged the roastie march, and cohencidentally the march is receiving little to no air time. I won't speak for everyone, but personally I am going to encourage this golem to bite the hand that feeds it.
Why are you trying to hide the level of hate our enemies display towards us?? Are you a kike???
No, I just gave up is all.
Hoping the kikes buy this place so I can finally move on with my life.
None of it affects me anyway. You fucks are on your own.
Funny sign, every woman I’ve worked with can’t do shit when they’re on their period and their coworkers have to take over for them.
Speaking of not receiving air time, a similar situation happened with Black Lives Matters. Much like the roastie marches, msm used to give BLM so much coverage that it seemed they were promoting it. Then suddenly you rarely heard about it again. Why?
Because like the womens' march, BLM turned on Israel. Coincidence?
MSM stopped pushing Soros-fueled BLM when they turned on Israel.
Apparently the key to shutting down these cancerous movements is by getting them to criticize their masters.
Come back OP. :DDD
I'm here.
I was worried about you.
Didn't realize that. Media memory holed it. Well it's not surprise they turn against jews since they're indeed the ones behind their illness and not White men like those absurd conspiracy theories about white supremacy and how White men control the world from the shadows
>You fucks are on your own.
It's you the one who's alone. Also our enemies love to gang on individuals
They are one trick ponies user. Without their pussy, they cease to have any value to society
Ignore them. If men as a group did this, we'd see a behavioral shift in a week.
cut off all welfare to them, make abortion illegal
Again...I don't fucking care. I pray for an EMP or another Carrington event.
Then we will see who is alone. It won't be me, again...it's you fucks.
This is all a time sink distraction waste of time. All of it. Tv internet. Radio *news* nothing good has it will come from any of it.
Women must be publically scolded and scorned, like this:
Can you imagine those spoiled and entitled cunts getting a treatment like this?
>outlaw abortion
Roastie please. I know the extermination of life is a difficult subject, but please think with your brain and not your heart. Abortion is keeping the nigger population fown in the US (and that's a good thing!).
Abortion clinics make a lot if money selling their sins to the highest bidders. Simply cutting off tax payer subsidies from these private companies will suffice. I have no doubts that abortion clinics will offer discounts to the poor (black) population.
>What about your private life how are you personally handling this?
Faggot data mining thread but I have an answer you won't like.
These women will die alone without progeny. I am raising a large family that's everything they hate and wake others up daily without revealing my power level. Hearts and minds. We are winning. The pendulum is only beginning to swing in our direction and it will not swing back for a long time. Not while these people have 10 year old trannies dancing around and are trying to normalize pedophilia.
Public punishment are specially effective for women they only fear social rejection
>doesn't have a dick
>can't helicopter
>can do everything I can
>But we used protection
>Implying he had aids
Dumb cunt
The thread is dying, do you have more pics of sluts being shamed?
>look at middle lady's sign
>spin 360 degrees and walk away