Roman Republic, Roman Empire or Byzantine empire? Which was the most successful in your opinion? Ripoffs like the Holy Roman Empire do not count
Which was the best Roman?
dictatorship under Caeser.
>What was best Rome?
>Best Rome doesn't count tho
Ottoman Caliphate of Rum
the one with the most gay little boy concubine sex
>kingdom not listed
Fuck off Nigel
byzantium was the high point of human civilization
Pagan Rome = Best Rome. Hail to jupiter, down with desert jesus.
You shouldn’t be here, Maaruf
The Empire under Vespasian the jew slayer.
>Holy Roman Empire
Jupiter didn't die for your sins.
Republic. It was based then. No slave army - but hardy farmer's sons - citizens. Much more effective. No welfare state either, unlike the Empire.
don't get all worked up Poo it doesn't matter that both of you are pagans, the Romans will spit on you if they saw your ugly bitch lasagna face
Wasn't holy
Wasn't even roman
Wasn't an empire either
I’ve heard some good shit about the republic, apparently they took more pride in their race
Like i care irrelevant nigger. I support pagans world wide regardless their race. Ethnic religions = True religions. Universal religions can fuck off.
>curry nigger calling someone else a nigger
lol, your people will worship me if they i visit your shithole and i can easily get a harem of Indian whores
t.pale skinned 6.5 ft
>I support pagans world wide regardless their race
as i said any non-poo pagans will kill you at the first glance, no one wants to deal with pajeets
Etruscan Rome
>dictatorship under Caligula who killed senators for fun
>dictatorship under Nero who burned rome so he could write a poem about it
>dictatorship under Commodious who preferred fighting as a gladiator to running the country
>better than the Roman Republic that conquered the world
>and these are just Emperors during Pax Romana
absolutely pleb
The empire before Kikestianity spread.
nice digits
the Roman Empire, senpai.
Commodus sorry not Commodious
piece of shit fucking useless fucking faggot apple autocorrect that doesn't even know the name of a fucking roman emperor
> tfw too smart for a Republic
Obviously, gods don’t die, but men do.
>this dude slaps the ass of your GF and smiles at you like that
what do?
The Roman Empire from the rule of Domitian to the death of Marcus Aurelius (81 AD - 180 AD). Every other opinion is wrong.
>this meme again
by the time Caesar was doing his ... ehm ... reform, it was clear that Republic has run its course and was doing more harm than good.
Republic up until the end of Second Punic war was based though.
>not knowing that people made shit up about previous rulers
dumb ass leaf.
oh yesyesyesyesyes
go and read a book or something
>Having syrian emperors and armenid mongrel rulers
Holy Roman Empire was the rightful heir to Rome. I agree with Evola on that.
Dismiss the ameritards, they are animals on two legs.
Duh, obviously Finland is best Rome
Every time one swears or does something wrong a Jesus is crucified for the sins.
>syrian emperors and armenid mongrel rulers
those two look more white than your people desu
>whiter than thou "argument"
>against based Barbosa, no less
Was holy due to being an Empire which sought to unite Christendom under one banner. Also sanctioned by the Pope.
It was Roman in the sense that it had Rome as its Axis Mundii. Also because it sought to be the true successor to Rome.
So the Austro-Hungarian Empire was an Empire, but the Holy Roman wasnt?
You have any idea how many different peoples and languages it encompassed by the time of Frederick II?
From Jerusalem to Hamburg? Thats not an Empire in your book?
excuse me?
Based tuga. Never fall for byzantinism.
Unquestionably !
>Implying that I'm the average portuguese
>ever if being roman or not has anything to do with it
just shill algerianbro
>every thread which isn't /ptg/ is a slide thread
What the fuck are they even sliding you spastic
This European Huehue gets it. Charlemagne and even the Saxon dynasty were recognized as rightful western emperors by Costantinople
Even the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths sought to revive the Empire. Every germanic people from the Invasion Age sought to have its dominion equal to Rome.
Unlike those filthy byzantines who represented everything that made Rome fall.
good chart, but misses the Napoleon branch and the Nazi branch
By proclaiming the 3rd Reich Hitler was basically claiming the title of Caesar. The 2nd Reich was the German empire and the 1st Reich was the Holy Roman Empire which was the attempted rebirth of the Roman empire
France is unironically the true Third Rome, all other claimants are laughable in comparison.
Are you serious?
Oui :^)
>meme flag
opinion is disregarded
Roman empire was a multicultural multi-racial empire yeah that's right not all of them were modern Italian
>true third Rome
>says britbong
oh my sides, OH MY SIDES, where art thee?!
>meme flag
the last straw argument of a shitskin
>being multicultural makes the armenoid roman
Don’t worry fellow, I’m still here, this is not a slide thread don’t worry
>France is unironically the true Third Rome
I can't imagine being this retarded, if anything the British Empire was.
Na mate byzs were romans, but that also means that they were able to recognize someone else as their western counterparts, and they recognized the HRE for this role
>British Empire
The British Empire was the second coming of Carthage while America is the third.
Caracalla sucks Pluto's thorny dick for what he did!
show your true flag then we can have a real discussion, i can't respect a faggot who hides behind a meme flag because he is ashamed of his shithole
do you even know who are the Roman people?
Whatever. This all trickles down to Anti-German rethoric.
The Germans were the only ones able to surpass Rome, so the whole world is mad. And has been mad for the last millenium.
since you ask so nicely
> Grew out of the more successful half of Charlemagne's empire
>The leading military power in Europe for centuries
> Remained true to the Roman Catholic church
> Territory comprises much of what used to be the heart of the Western Roman Empire
> Brought back Roman aesthetics
Prove me wrong
Rome had a literal arab as the Emperor
>The Germans were the only ones able to surpass Rome
you talking about what the Vandals did? they were later BTFO by the Byzntines
The absolute state of Christcuck byzantines
Fair enough user, they might not have been Roman in blood, but in soul they had a few resemblances
>''my flag''
Are you trying to take a jab at me with Al-Andalus or whatever you Numidians call our Peninsula?
You know the Vandals were a miniscule spot in the history of Europe?
>been Roman in blood
Who is Roman in blood?
who? remember that middle easterners are not Arabs and back then they didn't even mix with them
>the Vandals were a miniscule spot in the history of Europe?
the Sack of Rome is a miniscule even in the history of Europe?
I chuckled but I'm still right
>t.pale skinned 6.5 ft
Nice larp nigger. You look just like us with nigger hair and facial features.
> i said any non-poo pagans will kill you at the first glance, no one wants to deal with pajeets
Currently? Virtually nobody is 100% Roman, they mixed and mixed and vanished
Yes it is. You might think its big. Its not. Several peoples sacked Rome. From its foundation to today.
2000 years ago it was the Vandals, today its you Berbers and Negroes.
>I'm still right
so you insist on mincing up that hill?
There you go. No one is a descendant of the Indo-Europeans of Latium which formed Rome.
Just like in 100 years, no one will be a Briton or a Swede.
Not cheering for it though.
Of course
t. I learned a lot about Roman history from Hollywood movies.
>You look just like us
hahahahaha poo did you even bothered to look it up on google or something
yeah dealing with you from a distance, i can't find anything about Romans inviting a poo to Rome, obviously they were afraid of polluting their clean Roman streets with your shit
true, but the Vandals were the first ones to do it
next thing you will tell me that my mother is a hamster and my father smelt of elderberries... I know you, french types! What are you doing in England anyway?!
What about the Celts 6 centuries prior?
>Roman Republic
Republic made the gains, Empire just consolidated it.
I'm actually half English and half Belgian. I just really like France and think both the HRE and Russian Empire were massive memes unworthy of the title of Rome.
Neuter did Jesus nor any other jewish invention.
isn't that a myth without proofs?