My girlfriend thinks gay people are normal and they are just "born that way". She also believes they should adopt children. How do i prove to her that gay people are not normal and they harm the future of our civilization.
Prove gays are bad
Stop calling them gay for starters
They are sodomites and don't know love, because love births life while sodomity only brings death
Also, majority of sodomites were diddled as kids and will do the same to other kids, creating more sodomites
I don't mind fags, I only hate them because they eat up progressive bullshit. You'd have to be retarded to be a fag and support 3rd world migration lol.
Tell her that despite the fact gay men make up 1-3% of the population, 39% of child molesters are gay, at least that’s true of crime statistics in the U.S. also tell her that sodomites are mentally ill which is why they’re 6 times more likely to manifest borderline personality disorder, and why they have an average of 53 partners in a life time, while heterosexuals only average 4-9
Most of the gays I know were sexually assaulted as a child. I often wonder if they were not sexually assaulted would they have ended up gay
You're gonna need a source for this blatantly homophobic statement. Your preacher telling you so does not count.
Probably not.
If you point out degenerates will damage kids, you rule out the vast majority of faggots adopting or existing. There will be some queers left, but they'll hardly be noticeable or do anything, since you already cleared out the right poofters.
Would you rather have a black neighbor or a couple of fags living next door?
You don't, there's no logical reason to think otherwise except a few fake statistics based on prison populations.
Most of sexual/psychological abuse, according to the victims, comes from their mothers, yet you're not arguing to make motherhood illegal even though there's much more proof pointing in that direction in comparison with "harmfulness" of gays.
Be smarter than this, being ignorant IS an actual slippery slope.
You can't because they aren't inherently bad. Just like the Greeks are the niggers of europe doesn't make them inherently bad.
Punch her in her whore mouth and find a vagina that isn't attached to a retard
Laws against gay democracy exist in many places... research your local laws and start turning in gays.
Your girlfriend is everyone's girlfriend. I hope you didn't commit too much financially and emotionally and I hope you are fine with cuckoldry because I have bad news for you.
I have identical twin uncles and one is gay and the other isn't. Explain how they are born that way.
There are few other things that if everyone did them, would lead to the extinction of humanity.
The crime statistics you can look up yourself, because 39% of pedophiles are gay, otherwise like 96% of kids being diddled would be girls. Also have you ever been to a Christian Church you retard. They’re too pussy to insult gays now a days
Also, just one article I’m not going to look up all the sources again for you
lol incel
Fags are not normal
They all have suffered abuse as children and need our help. The homos I know all have fucked up childhoods.
>Mom raped them
>Father beat the shit outta them
>Molested by care workers
Found a faggot
I don't think gays are bad per say, but I don't think they are normal either. I respect them as human beings and they can do whatever they want in their private lives. I don't think two men are fit to raise children. Kids need a mom and a dad.
Even if you think gays are "bad", there are much bigger issues facing Europe right now... Homosexuality has existed since ancient times. It's most like not going away any time soon. Feminism, PC culture, censorship, free speech, the EU and immigration are much more important issues right now. Pick your fights wisely.
It's different. Male paedopiles that attack boys aren't 'gay', their sexuality is just severely underdeveloped. They're stuck in a phase where 'girls are icky', putting it this way so you can relate, as you were a child once and probably remember how it felt.
This phase, youou should grow out of it when you're ten, but they didn't.
Saying that they're gay is as stupid as saying that all male children are gay because their sexuality didn't properly yet develop and they hate girls.
>Mentally ill people allied with feminism/sjw/antifa/pedophilia/communism/blm etc who adopt and molest young children and brainwash them into self-hating, unstable messes that live short, miserable and just plain old fucked up lives until they inevitably off themselves
If you can't see the truth now then you never will, OP.
Epigenetics and hormonal microenvironments. You can have further postnatal contribution as subtle as feeding times, sleep disturbance, temperature, etc. probably.
I'm bi and I wasn't assaulted
also certain people can see the finer things inlife
People aren't born with a sexual preference. Are babies gay? Sexuality only starts to develop around puberty. It's purely a question of nurture instead of nature. Kids become gay through experiences in their life and it's the responsibility of the parent to guide the child through life such that it avoids such experiences. The default is heterosexuality and for good reason. The end-goal of life is to procreate and have your offspring procreate, which is only (naturally) possible through a man and woman having intercourse.
LGBT retards are genetic dead ends and LGBT propaganda is a tool of evil designed to turn your kids gay which would stop them from procreating.
LGBT normalization must be stopped. I don't really mind them individually, but convincing kids it's normal when they are an extreme statistical outlier is outright wrong and must be punished by death.
None of this happened to me, and I still got fucked by the homoness, so therr must be other contributing factors. How do you know that many child abuse victims?
Your natural biological reaction to gays is your first clue
Anyone got that article about 2 gays adopting a kid and then abusing and killing him?
Perhaps so, but you’re looking at if from a different angel. Their fucked up fag brains make it more likely for them to be pedophiles, but not all fags are as mentally fucked up as the gay pedophiles. They are gay, but pedophilia is kind of on the extreme end of the spectrum. Their sexual orientation is still them being attracted to males, as a male, which by definition makes them gay. Also, a lot of gays have sex with minors when they’re like 13-15 range. Milo Yillanipousliusfhc talked about it, and supported it, which is why he pretty much ruined his career, but most fags are about equally as fucked up as him. There’s not a natural pattern in a male brain that makes them attracted to other males, they’re not just born that way
just throw her down and rape her in the ass real hard, then tell her its good because gays do it this way and they're normal. Fuck her like this every time she mentions gays. If she still keeps on about that bullshit just punch her in the face and move on. You need to punch her hard because if you do or not doesn't matter because she will accuse you anyway.
I dont believe you can prove anything to people like this. If they cant work out whats wrong with two guys shoving each others dick in their various holes then you really have a big job trying to explain that shit.
That article you posted in no way supports your arguement. It's about bears and states absolutely nothing about faggots being 39% of pedos. Did you think just because you posted a link, you would be free to say what ever you want? Did you think "Oh let me post a link to my favorite kind of fag, no one will check my source?" You must be retarded, or a liar. Which is it?
Checked and factual.
The only way for sodomites to reproduce is by touching children.
This is also the only way to create a sodomite.
It's dead end, if you know what I mean.
Both, actually this whole thread is ridiculous. Christcucks splerging our jewish morals.
Real question, are you retarded? When did I say that article talked about gay men being pedophiles? Department of justice says 96% of child molesters are male, and 39% of victims are boys, meaning ~39% of pedophilia is male on male. I just posted a source for them being more promicious, although it was just one I remembered I told you I’m not going to find every source for you because you can do it yourself if you really want to fact check me
Public health statistics are a great place to start.
>In 2016, gay and bisexual men accounted for 67% of the 40,324 new HIV diagnoses in the United States and 6 dependent areas.
>In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States.
Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than heterosexual men.
There is tons of data showing that the vast majority of most sexual predators were themselves sexually abused. This is widely known. The cycle of re-victimization has been studied for 80 years.
47% of gays versus 7% of hetro men report being sexually abused. Naturally if some % of these childhoold sexual abuse victims themselves will be come potential abusers. Should be zero suprise that there will be 7x more that are gay.
I told you that I order for you to throw that bullshit that you're spewing out as facts you would need a source. You replied with a link, so I thought you were going to support your lies with a reliable source and then I would have apologized. But no, you didn't let me down and proved you are not worth the resources you suck from society. I wish your parents believed in abortion, killing you at birth would have had a positive effect on the world.
You’re just sperging out. I’m not trying to write out a paper and make a persuasive essay. This board is to talk about politics, and what I’m saying is true, or at least as far as from what I know it is. I don’t have to give you 4 different sources because it’s a waste of my time. If you want to prove me wrong maybe you should come up with a counter source, because I don’t care enough to go back and find them all, and you don’t care enough to post a source that proves any of it wrong
If you are a woman that's cool but I assume you aren't soooooooo that means you are a giant flaming faggot bruh
This guy gets it. So which came first if child molestation is cyclical, the homosexuality or the abuse? What percentage of abused children then went on to abuse the opposite sex? Are they gay because they were abused?
Then don't try and pull statistical numbers out of your ass along with your butt plug. You need to lurk more if you can't hold an intellectual conversation and be prepared to support your statements with sources
i don't care what you do in your bedroom
They’re not fake statistics. Which one is fake? You can easily find anything I said through probably 4 minutes of googling, and then reading. The crime statistics are obviously true, it should almost just be common knowledge. So should them bring more promicous. It would be a stretch really to say it’s not true. Go to a gay club and just observe how many of them go home with another guy or blow someone in the bathrooms
how many children understand the concept of molesting, are actually willing to tell the truth, or were boys molested by women and don't care
They're not normal. Cancer has more of a chance to affect any given person than to have them be homos and we don't pretend it's meant to be like that.
If they're still are functioning, at least economically to society it doesn't matter. But we really need to stop acting like transgender is a valid or functional lifestyle and research should be done to cure them instead of indulging them in their delusions.
Then you should be able to provide the source. I'm not here to do your homework for you Johnny.
Very few women molest kids. It would have to be something like 95% of boys who were molested by women would never tell anyone and take it to the grave for women to be around 50%. Even if half of them never tell it would still be like 90% of child molesters being of the male variety
I’ve already done it for myself. I’m not here to do your homework or persuade you. I’m sure if you cared and didn’t have a leftist agenda you would look it up yourself
Another bullshit post, have you seen the deluge of female teachers molesting male students. So you are telling me there is this is happening 95% more of the time then we hear about. Eat shit you know nothing liar.
sexual truama makes faggots, not 100%. But in general faggots begat faggots.
Our culture has moved to normalize faggots
It is no longer the indication of a broken person
Next our culture will normalize child consent and child sex.
>They're stuck in a phase where 'girls are icky',
I still think about 90% of vagenes are nasty looking. Can't stop seeking them out, though.
>statistic pulled out of no where
doesn't matter lol flawed study
Take her to a gay bar. I'm sure there's one in Exarcheia or Metaxourgeio. You don't even have to go inside of the gay bar, just let her see them literally fuck each other in the ass out in the open in those bars.
No, you’re not even literate. I’m saying that it’s not happening 95% of the time, and maybe 10% of child molesters are women, but that it’s not going to stray drastically from the 96% that the department of justice has stated. Nor is the number of male victims going to be much different from the 39% states
I didn’t even use any statistics, I was only talking hypothetically. Learn to understand English
Whatever you try, if she's just decided, ditch her. Do you really want to raise kids with someone in the house who'll teach them that being gay is fine?
By becoming one.
Milo tried to publicly make the connection between childhood sexual molestation on homosexuality. His point was that if gays are fine, then where gays come from must be fine. It was a troll too far even for him.
What about ancient greek and Roman culture. Faggots were ubiquitous. This is not a new trend, this isnt something that's happened in the last 50 years. Have you never heard of the Etoro people, you want to tell me that they developed in this manner because of our culture?
You can't pull numbers out of thin air like that, it makes you look stupid.
It’s not thin air, you absolute sperg. It’s the department of justice’s conviction statistics. I’m saying if half of them are never convicted then it would it would be around 90% instead of 95%. It’s basic math
holy shit bro
I didn't know that
but you're gonna feel awfully lonely when the public orgies start happening
ok, that was easy
Then post your link to where you are getting them and prove that your not a liar, just retarded.
If your girlfriend uses the term "gay people" in place of faggot or sodomite, she's a retard.
I do not hate fag nor the concept of two men loving each other, in and of itself. But their degeneracy parades and other parts of their so called "culture", that pollutes straight minds as well as their own, THAT is what makes me livid.
I’m getting it from the department of justice. I’m not going to find the table for you. How many pedophiles do you honestly think aren’t male. You would have to be retarded to assume it’s not at least 90% male. But it’s not even really relevant anymore, gays are obviously over represented among pedophiles unless there’s tons of women who are pedophiles (which obviously isn’t true), or almost no boys are being molested
I don't disagree with you, but I do think that the puritanical view of sex, especially in America is what drives some of the debauchery.
Ok little Johnny, sure thing. Why not dazzle us with more of your substantiated insightful knowledge.
>How do i prove to her that gay people are not normal and they harm the future of our civilization.
First of all, can gay couple give births?
Second, how the fuck do they know how to raise a proper child. You don't want to see straight child acting like a retarded puzzled individual.
Finally, these guys represents the minority and if anything that the past teaches us is, 'minorities are the first to get vanish from the face of this earth'.
Sorry, you’re retarded. It’s really not that great of wisdom, it’s pretty much common sense to people who aren’t retards
Show her this
The term they use to define themselves used to mean "mirthful," and now it means "butthole worshiper." No good person would sign on to that.
What does the word 'debauchery' mean?
It is over.
Debauchery- excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures
ghetto black or respectable one?
Deal with them in business. They are mentally ill frauds just like they've been their entire lives. A friend of mine does some business with one but sure as hell doesn't trust him.
Wow, little Johnny have you ever thought of getting your own blog or starting a podcast. The rest of the world is missing out on your insight and could use some of your common sense knowledge. It's a shame for it to be wasted here on us. Go forth unto the world and teach the people with your overwhelming knowledge and vast reservoir of facts. Go little Johnny go!
I'll let you decide.
i think the shitcovered appendages and facial smears stand for themselves. kys scat fetishists.
Conservative views on sex is what's causing people in America to fuck like rabbits. Is that what you're trying to say here?
Show her threads on /lgbt "when did you know you were gay" and show the ones who were attracted to girls until they decided they wrre gay.
I like how you ignore that boys and men are less likely to report crimes against them. Especially if it's by a woman.
t. was 11 when I first had intercourse with a 21 year old. It was not a secret. All my friends knew and I wasn't the only kid. Hell 15 years later my dad said he suspected something.
Citations? From non-leftist think tanks.
Yeah, I did not think so, faggot.
Yes, society is like a pendulum, it swings back and forth. Here in America for so long the puritanical views about sex and sexuality had forced these things in the dark corners of society. But now that Pandora's box has been opened and these things are rushing out like never before. In the next 10-15 years we will get back to that happy medium where sex and sexuality are discussed and they won't be back room conversations but the blatant over sexualization will no longer be as prominent.
I am gay.
Greece birthplace of gay