Do you ever stop and consider that your parents may have fucked up your chances in life?

Do you ever stop and consider that your parents may have fucked up your chances in life?

>child prodigy with quantifiably advanced literacy levels
>extremely creative and writing full feature scripts and books in primary school
>parents discouraged me and said it wasn't a real job
>send me to a public high school despite getting an offer to the local academically selective school
>I'm consistently bullied and abused
>I end up taking 5 years to complete a 3 year degree at uni thanks to horrendous advice and blind trust in my roastie mother
>now 25 and still work as a cashier, serving people from my school earning 100K+ and finishing law, medicine and commerce degrees

It feels like it's over before it even began :(

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You can either wait for your mom to die or remove her from your life now.

The worst part is how fucking naive I was. Only now do I learn how the world really is and what is needed to get ahead and how my fucking parents intentionally drove me in the opposite direction when I knew no better. I have a 40K debt and I'm pretty sure clinical depression at this point.

Yeah, I grew up in the late 80s/90s and fell through the cracks, parents too busy focused on their careers. Didn't get an Autism diagnosis until 31, parents never bothered to get me checked. Parents excuse: "haha yeah it makes sense now, you were always different to the others"
Now I'm doing CBT and other random shit with a Clinical Psychologist but I'm so set in my autistic ways that I'll never have a normal life. One of the "professionals" I've seen was upset at the fact nobody picked it up early in order to avoid me becoming a completely dysfunctional adult. Basically now been a NEET shut-in for half my life (since 16) and I can't "into" normal stuff like going outside and socializing, let a lone getting a job with zero social skills, zero education, and zero qualities.

Considering just becoming a full-time meme creationist to piss off normies.

you were not a prodigy and you were not advanced in any way.

you were never creative and your writing skills are horrendous.

you deserved to be bullied and abused, and you remain so to this day.

Lol get rekt

>writing full feature scripts and books in primary school
Post evidence.

Fuck your stupid mother, that's why they say women's advice are worthless.

>I "was" so naive
>I was a super smart prodigy!

You are a run of the mill idiot in denial.

I'm 99% sure I have autism too but my parents would never get me checked, it's something I'll have to do myself. Social situations are horrifying, communication is hard, change from routine is scary. The autistic guy at my work is more normal seeming and social than me. Hopefully it's not too late to live a normal life (although considering it's been like this for over a decade, I'm probably too set in my ways now to ever be fully functional).

I had advanced literacy skills but, like most kids, was naive in the way the world works or what you have to do to be successful, faggot.

>suddently start speaking in complete sentences at age 2
>parents get me an IQ test
>genius-level IQ
>they tell me I'm special and super-smart and destined for great things
>refuse to work hard because now I think I'm better than everyone else and deserve to have the world handed to me
>the world: "nah fuck you"
>unable to cope with shit life
Why couldn't they just make me work hard in my formative stages?

>blaming others for my failures instead of being a man and taking accountability for my actions
stop playing the victim and do something with your life. plenty of successful people whose parents were shit

Me too, raised by blue collar company factory people, told to try and fit in my whole life. Hit 35 and realize most people I know are somewhat.less intelligent than me , but have better "fit in skills" . Designed huge gaschamber.

Take this test. Pic related is mine.

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>smart people cant be naive

You must define >great things

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>stop and consider
I realized it three years ago. My mom wore the pants and my dad is a beta cuck (she has cheated on him and he just took it). Dad was at work until my bedtime for most of my childhood and didn't do any real parenting. Mom taught me to respect women and not treat them like sex objects and it's resulted in wizardry. They allowed me to skip gym class and all sports because of mild asthma, so I grew up with lonely sedentiary hobbies and no appreciation for fitness, socialization, or teamwork. They've never been anywhere on time ever, I used to tell them that school events started 30 minutes later than reality, so we'd get there barely on time. Every decision my mom has ever made for me has made my life worse, and the moment I stopped listening to her and did nearly the opposite, everything improved for me.

Don't let women make decisions or take control of any aspect of life, except decorating the house, cooking, and cleaning.

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Can we turn this into a general failure at life thread?

> economics
>never worked a day of my life (properly)
>fluent in a handful of languages, never used them for anything except exchange semesters and shitposting
>cant find a job, dont even know what I want to do

40k in debt? How lol man good luck paying that off
>super smart

>Every decision my mom has ever made for me has made my life worse, and the moment I stopped listening to her and did nearly the opposite, everything improved for me.

A-fucking-men. I was socialised to believe my parents (mum in particular) knew best and so I had a lot of blind trust until I was at least 20. I needed her support, I followed her advice, I took her cues. I realised only now that this has actually fucked me up. Learn from my mistakes and try to be independent before it's too late.

What kind of piss-tier gif is that??

It's going to take years to turn the ship around onto the corrected path (new degree, autism therapy, learning how to live independently). God I hope it isn't too late.

It was boomer teachers that damaged me.
totally unsupportive.

I know my mom did

>Be me
>Raised by a single mom
>Mom stopped working because of mental issues
>fucks up my life constantly, starts fights with me for no reason
>Throws a drink in my face because i play videogames (i was 12 years old)
>I bring home my gf
>mom cusses her out, tells me i can do better (gf is a solid 9/10)
>asks two months later why im always at my gfs house instead

I got so many stories about my childhood, im surprised im not a deadbeat on drugs living on wellfare now

>25 and single

You can literally do whatever you want. You ant to write scripts? Do it. Stop being a faggot. You have no kids or a house or a career. Go back to school, move overseas, do nothing. You can do fucking anything you retard.

It's not too late user.

You're missing the point. Years of being doubted and belittled by my mum has left me with low self esteem. I'm also pretty sure I'm autistic but my roastie mother hates autists so would never have me tested. She also had me circumcised so it stunted growth and I can't even cum without lube and a sock.

>durrr mommy made me be an incel loser
if you weren't such a beta cuck to begin with you wouldn't consider any advice your parents give you between the age of 15-30. also OP's writing skills probably sucked balls.

these nogs know what's up

What a load of BS, you're absolutely pathetic OP.
If you were really serious about your writing you wouldn't let anything stand in your way, and you wouldn't make shitty excuses and blame other people for you not doing it.
Plenty of famous creative people worked shit jobs to keep the lights on before becoming famous.
If you're serious about becoming a writer then persevere with your writing and don't let anything hold you back.

yeah, it kinda is, tho. on the plus side, the welfare system in Germany is going to be changed soon (incidentally because of the migrants) and there will be no more repercussions for not taking up work. so its smooth sailing into doom

If you think smart people can't be naive you might be retarded

You have your foot in the door. Now become CEO of whichever supermarket franchise you work for. Should be easy since you're so intelligent.

That’s your own weak mental excuse. You can do it if you want. The truth is you actually enjoy being a worthless peace of shit. Literally anyone can be a chad if they just start acting like it. Get cocky you fag.


You niggers need to learn the difference between specialised aptitude and general intelligence. I dread most human interaction and just want to lock myself alone in my bedroom.

Also number one advice for dweebs like you and formerly me, travel. Scrape some cash, teach English, whatever, but go overseas for a while alone. That will make you man enough. Just don’t come here to Japan. We have enough retarded weebs and Japan is too developed to really test your metal.

I have a specialised aptitude. Paradoxical intelligences is a symptom of autism. I haven't been diagnosed, but many people have observed that I might have Asperger's. I too work at a supermarket. We are in the same boat, fren.

>I had advanced literacy skills
>I read books, therefore I was a prodigy.

I WROTE books and was 8 years ahead of my reading level in grade 3.

No, you stopped writing. Even without your parents helping you, you could have succeeded. You still can.

...Anonymous (ID: sjNd4W1T)
01/20/19(Sun)09:59:42 No.200428135
>suddently start speaking in complete sentences at age 2
>parents get me an IQ test
>genius-level IQ
>they tell me I'm special and super-smart and destined for great things
>study hard but still fail the test over and over
>drive myself hard and always end up empty handed.
>fear of failure + constant failure = panic attacks
>eventually realize my gifts dont translate to anything normal people care about.

you do not have "specialised aptitude". you are a subaverage thinker, at best.

grow up and stop blaming your mommy for your many personal failures.

Live your best life man. Good luck

no you did not.

>Mother neglected me, I was her second child and she suffered post-partum depression when she had me because her relationship with my dad had already fallen apart.
>Father was an unhinged lunatic who would scream every insult in the book at me for hours. Basically think of how the stereotypical physically abusive alcoholic dad behaves, but he wasn't alcoholic.
>I showed countless signs of being miserable and depressed in public school, no one ever noticed.
>Can't really think of any sort of parental behavior I was a recipient of. Father yelled and threatened, mother nagged. Zero life advice whatsoever.
>Have to spend years in therapy once I turned adult and got the hell away from their worse than useless boomer asses.
>Still trying to find direction in life in late twenties
>Only started to learn how to develop meaningful relationships a few years ago, used to be pretty schizoid.
Got my white male privilege though.

its not too late, but as someone who is older than you, you need to act NOW.

I have the aptitude tests to prove it. Go away, niggerflag.

I feel your struggle, I was in the same boat last year. I decided that I would forge my own path, now I'm an independent contractor working as my own boss, doing jobs I want, when I want

oh god just go cut off your dick with a sheet metal nibbler already

>Nigger flag
It must be difficult to comprehend how weak fathers can have an influence on your life when you had none

No user. Do not blame others for your short comings. If you were such a prodigy and your work had potential you'd have been something. If you care so much you should have stuck with it. Do not blame them that you were too much of a coward to do what you believe in.

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Jesus user at first I kinda empathized but you sound weak as fuck. You remind me of that fat fuck on YouTube from the south that everyone hates


Fuck off, kike.

Yeah, but there's no point blaming them for what they do.
Just cut em off and try and salvage what's left of your time.

Boomers have that effect on their children

Thank you to all the supportive comments in the thread. The reality is, I need to steer the ship around, it is not too late, but it will take time. Fuck my unambitious parents, fuck public schools.

Yeah you need to. But how are you going to say fuck the no ambition parents. YOU are in this mess because YOU don’t have ambition. It’s like one step forward two retarded side steps back. Account for your fucking self man. You will be equally unsuccessful with the it’s everyone’s fault but my own attitude

Oh yeah.

>be 8 years old
>mother spoils me with fast food, soda, desserts, etc
>end up getting type 1 diabetes
>aunt looks into it and tries to convince her to help me change what I eat
>she doesnt listen
>I continue to eat terribly for 14 years
>blood sugar out of control the whole time as a result
>bad blood sugar in growing years is linked to brain deterioration and stunted growth
>I never knew that if I changed what I ate I could have managed it
>only now discovered that 2 years ago on accident
>mfw I have no memory of my childhood and I am a foot shorter than other men in my family
>mfw my moms insistence on me eating whatever I want as a child has turned me into a scrawny manlet with no memories and blurry vision
>mfw my body will never reach its full potential

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meh I was a 140+ IQ wunderkind as a kid but I dropped out of Uni and do menial labor now
Who cares

No, they definitely did. My older brother is the eldest and they poured it all into him. He will ne 28 in a few days and he has been jobless for basically a year, almost two. He just got offered a job the other night, refused to take it because it's the night shift. Mind you, we are losing everything we own in the mean time. They completely failed raising him to be a healthy adult Male. He even fucked college up. Something they could never afford for me. They poured all their effort into 1 child and it was actually a complete waste. Thanks Mom & Dad.

Holy shit he was a kid you illiterate fuck. Tell me one kid who knows what the real world is like cuck.

Jew. JIDF. Isaelli. Kike scum. Disgusting kike scum. Fuck of and kill yourself.

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>You can either wait for your mom to die or remove her from your life now.
fpbp>My mom wore the pants and my dad is a beta cuck
>Mom taught me to respect women and not treat them like sex objects and it's resulted in wizardry. They allowed me to skip gym class and all sports because of mild asthma, so I grew up with lonely sedentiary hobbies and no appreciation for fitness, socialization, or teamwork
are you me?
thankfully I taught myself how to get on in the world and am fit and well-liked

It's never over pussy. You're smart, that's good. Now grow a fucking spine and you'll excel.


An IQ test at age 2 is in no way reliable.

Actually yes.

>Be five years old. Happy Canadian boy doing well in school, making friends, learning a second language, wanted to grow up to play Hockey
>Dad gets a job offer in Australia
>"It's only for a year. Maybe two. Don't worry."
>Mother agrees enthusiastically
>Little brother is three
>We move. They doped my brother on the plane
>Get to Australia. Never see anyone in my extended family again until I'm in my teens
>Meanwhile Australians are racist fucks. Even to White anglosphere brethren.
>Treated like an outsider. Develop a very thick skin. Bullied on the reg.
>Eventually get big enough to fight back. Fuck up several bullies
>Treated like an outsider even more.
>Because of this never lose Canadian accent. Brother doesn't either.
>One or two friends tops.
>Have facial scars from fighting. Got stabbed in the face once.
>Brother meanwhile is broken down by it all, plus toxic home environment.
>Becomes textbook KHV NEET wastrel. Still is to this day, living with now retired Mommy.
>Thirteen years pass (so much for 1 or 2)
>Never play hockey. Never really become athletic. Focus on studies. Reading. Becoming smarter than the assholes constantly telling me I'm worthless.
>Finally start to get things on track. Have interests, some friends, schools going great. Next year I would graduate with honours. Starting to feel like I have made myself a place, a future.
>Guess what kids we're moving back to Canada
>Move back. Oh guess what you have to do two more whole years of high school. Also we are bumping you up a grade and throwing you into high level math and science courses you're not ready for.
>Life is totally reset. And once again a foreign loner who gets picked on (more bully fights) in a totally different place and culture I never really knew.
>Push forward.

To this day my parents are in denial about how fundamentally they fucked up my brother and I. He's what he is, and I'm a lone wolf personality doomed to die alone.

Thanks Dad.

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I am trying man, thanks