MLK celebration states anyone wearing MAGA gear will be removed by force

Let's celebrate civil rights and ending racism by committing bigotry. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad

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We should show up in large numbers and peacefully get removed

Yeah, that will sure show the libs how not racist you are

Nah the point is to make them remove us

if you wear a 'fuck trump t-shirt' you will get a handjob from twink security guard

Point is to show them HOW racist we are, you weak faggot.

So any other color besides red is ok I'm taking?

Hats, nothing about a fucking huge
>TRUMP 2020
banner. That would be fun.

>does the museum receive federal funding?

>"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble..."

Pretty cut-and-dry, if not trawlin'

you expect niggers to be logical and stick to their word?

>It would be funny
No it would be funny if they gassed all magrats on sight.

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We need "le based black dude XDDD" to go in wearing the MAGA hat.


have at it then, post pics

God be with you, my white brothers.

thats an easy court case

literally fake news...I can't find that to link it?

>implying anyone showing up to a MLK ceremony in a MAGA hat is looking to wholesomely participate

Why are you such spineless cowards you can't even admit your goal is to antagonize?

This. Like a National Socialist Deustchearbeitepartei member coming to a Jewish girl scout rally.

It's Faceberg you absolute retard.

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I bought the black maga hat, can I still get in?

>HOW racist we are
I smell glowing, but I'll bite
"Racist" is a word that has only negative connotations. If anything, you're standing up against the intolerance of the event organizers to link it?

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Malcolm X was unironically more red-pilled about race than MLK.

>Didn't foresee peace between whites and blacks
>Wanted each race to go their own ways and celebrate their uniqueness
>Warned against racemixing and singing kum bay yah with your enemies

He was right about a lot of things.

Yikes. Search for wmc action news. Then go back to eddit.

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Literally nobody but niggers and kikes would go to such an event. MLK was a Communist.

Why can't you just fucking link it instead of replying back to me with more worthless fucking words. I don't give two shits what you have to the fucking page or you go back to plebbit

>watch old civil rights films about the people in the movement
>Preached against feeling the need to be put down by words and feelings of those that are racist
>Litterally chanted "nigger" at each other in order to not only make sure they wouldn't be chased by it, but because they beleive that the word shouldn't matter in a civilized world and that they were beyond caring about it
>Flash forward 60 years
>Boomers and Xers are now heavily offended by a single fucking word
>Same people who were close to MLK flat out don't care about him anymore
>Surprisingly some Millennials and Zoomers wonder why they should even care while boomers get assblasted at white Zoomeras rapper saying nigga

Can someone tell me why the people who either were directly with MLK/civil Rights movement or born to the people in said movements suddenly threw away MLK's teachings in order to promote this idea that the words/actions that hurt them should be repayed twofold? Were they too drunk off the idea of winning in 1960's that they decided that equality wasn't enough and they needed revenge?

MLK was a plagiarist and a philandering sexual deviant communist, and the fact that our government and culture has deified him is disgusting. Fuck that fraud of a nigger I have more respect for Malcolm X than that pussy degenerate MLK.

I think you’ve been on Jow Forums long enough to know that the answer is the Jews.