> TFW Ann Cuntler was right the whole time
KEK, hear that Drumpffags? Amnesty Don is officially stating Amnesty is coming. And KEK, for immigration or "something else" LOL! Maybe for another McDonalds buffet?
> MFW Jow Forums now explains to me they always wanted Amnesty
The Madman Does It, Amnesty Is Coming!
Calm your tits, OP
Who honestly wants to throw out hard-working and skilled people that WE have trained? It's not a problem as long as they're law-abiding and tax-paying citizens.
Yesterday I was on here shitting on Ann for spazzing out like a roastie. I guess I have to fucking apologize. Amnesty should never, ever even be talked about by Trump. This is fucking bullshit.
the jobs they work at belong to americans.
they dont belong in the USA.
Well Drumpftards do. But they are a sad, disgusting horde so what they want shouldnt really matter to actual human beings.
shut up liberal
Amnesty is a stupid battle to fight. Most illegals have been here for ages, lots of them have lived their entire lives here and died of old age. They're here and nobody is going to be able to round them up. It's a losing proposition in every case. You'll get more out of "legalizing" them, especially if they start down a path to citizenship and then fail to honor it. Those that don't start down that path can be rounded up and shipped out right away. Those are the types that you should truly be worried about.
Priorities, gentlemen.
>Spanish have 20 year lifespan
>Amnesty is not part of my offer
>Haha drumpftards he’s granting amnesty.
>Priorities, gentlemen.
I'm sure that's what Reagan told himself.
>They've already stolen so much from us, why can't we just let them stay and keep stealing more?
>implying our Lord and Führer is wrong
>about anything
Accept our Mestizo-Aryan brothers and fucking like it, traitor.
I post in /ptg/ all the time. If he offers amnesty I'm out, plain and simple. I will support a primary against him, and I will stay home if its him in 2020. Amnesty for a Wall is like, I'll let you lock the doors on your house, just all the niggers that are already inside get free rein to rape your daughters.
>I post in /ptg/ all the time
fucking kys
> MFW reading is fundamental
I mean i forgive you, he writes like a 5 year old retard, so its hard to follow. But there you go. Amnesty Don. Gimme those sweet new voters user, ill take 'em!
We r/the_donald now. /oldpol/ is dead. Long live /nupol/.
>>I'm sure that's what Reagan told himself.
Exactly my point. Illegals live their entire lives in the US. You will catch more illegals with amnesty than you will without it.
>>Spanish have 20 year lifespan
Trump is turning into a big giant sloppy wet pussy. If I were President I’d say fuck the wall for now and send the Military around the country and start rounding up every single last illegal, sanctuary cities included and deport 30 million people. Then wait until next election in hopes of winning back the house and then build the wall. I mean what a stupid cunt. He asked for 5 billion? Not enough. Should have asked for 40 billion and let them negotiate him down to 25 billion to build the entire thing.
>muh Saint Ronald
May he burn in hell, I’m glad Republicans finally ditched his neocon ass and embraced white nationalism.
You, the nazi flag poster, EUfag and UNfag are all from the same discord and need to remove your meme flags
Let's be real, not everybody is a heartless autist like the typical Jow Forumsack dweller. I for one think that the army should shoot border crossers on sight, but my views are too much for the average blue pilled normie, and they would be pretty upset if donald started sending people who never stepped foot in mexico 'back' there....
He is probably going to trade amnesty for the end to shit like chain migration and visa lottery , which are much worse then letting some kid who has been raised in the US to stay there
You can't win every fight
Reagan's amnesty turned California blue. A second amnesty would turn the entire Southwest blue.
Has anyone met white trash? I will take Juan over Cletus any day. We would do well to replace or intervreed poor whites with far superior Hispanics. Poor whites are human garbage
> Anyone outside your trailer park embraces white nationalism
> MFW Jow Forums now unironically explaining we wanted amnesty the whole time
This is the absolute state of Jow Forumsfags under Drumpf
>On a much bigger deal
He knows they'll never accept whatever it is he wants for amnesty because they don't give a shit about spics. But its cool, the longer you spend shilling here in this thread the less porn and other bait threads you're making.
>Jow Forums
Thousand bucks says he's some lefty euro cuck
>muh defeatism
And that’s how it always starts.
Lmao this is what we are now.
DACA recipients by state (Trump vote margin of victory)
>Arizona 27,865 (91,234)
>Florida 32,795 (112,911)
>Georgia 24,135 (211,141)
>Iowa 2,798 (147,314)
>Michigan 6,430 (10,704)
>North Carolina 27,385 (173,315)
>Ohio 4,442 (446,841)
>Pennsylvania 5,889 (44,292)
>Texas 124,300 (807,179)
>Wisconsin 7,565 (22,748)
Of course they do. Only half my trailer park went to Charlottesville.
This. The Dems likely won't agree to any wall or immigration offer, so it only makes them look unwilling to compromise when he extends an olive branch.
He is distracting America (left and right) while we are being pushed through a period of leftist accelerationism.
He is the new Reagan. This dope is gonna trade millions of new dem voters for a fraction of his wall(which he admitted is not gonna be an actual wall)
> Be Drumpf
> Offer Dems literally millions of new voters
Of course the Dems would turn that down. KEK!
Nothing stops future illegal immigration like rewarding past illegals. I'm sure it won't have the same results as the last time Republicans did this, back when California wasn't bright blue.
Trump is going to sabotage himself with tweets like this. We move one step closer to a socialist utopia.
They were basically raised here user.
Deport the people who are at fault and those coming into the country now.
Deporting these kids, who have been here since they were 1 or 2 serves no reason.
All you are doing is taking away tax dollars and spreading anti-american hate.
Shame on you.
>he actually thought trump was going to forcibly remove 11 million illegals
stop being autistic if we can get a change to the current immigration laws from 1965 and a “wall” for amnesty it’s worth it
I’d take that deal
If they are here illegally they aren't law abiding, they are breaking the law by being here. Just saying, personally I don't care but all illegals are technically criminals.
The wall was never about keeping shitskins out. Everyone knows that shitskins arrive on planes and then just never go back.
The wall is a monument, first and foremost. A 2,500 mile long middle finger to mestizo filth, a tribute to the infinite superiority of the White Race, and a reminder that they can never have what we have. That’s the point of the wall. It always has been.
>It's worth it
retarded logic, demographics changes will ensure the left wins from here on out and that's a good thing. The wall really will be pointless at that point lol.
I bet that's what Reagan though too
Amnesty is not an acceptable solution for the future of American whites. Also it's not gonna be a wall. Trump himself said so.
Haha! Yes!
Except they'll be bent over a table for it. It's not like Trump is just giving it to them.
No, they have a 15 - 20 year doubling time
I'd accept amnesty if it meant abolishing immigration act of '65 and everything related to it, as well as birth right citizenship. They can always be killed later.
This post is satire.
>serves no reason
It serves as an example. No one will respect a law if the government does not respect it. Trust me on this one.
Exactly, there is no actual purpose for the wall. It's a waste of money.
There will be no big push to remove people here ILLEGALLY, Mr. Trump.
Oh and "11,000,000" Mr. Trump?
Where did you get those numbers, Mr. Trump?
And are you saying you won't apply the LAW, Mr. Trump?
Ann Coulter was fucking CORRECT.
>You can't win every fight
nigger he's the fucking president.
either he nuts the fuck up and gets shit done, or we're burning his ass on a pile of tires. this is extinction otherwise.
The Reagan argument doesn't work, most "conservatives" love that stupid ass neocon sellout.
>Reagan's amnesty turned California blue. A second amnesty would turn the entire Southwest blue.
California was going blue no matter what. Even the graph shows that. Besides, the political map isn't what it was 30 years ago. Our technology is far superior as well. Getting the wall will slow down the illegal traffic. Giving illegals a path to citizenship will put a lot of them into a database where they can be tracked when they fail and promptly removed from the country. The standard for people who make it over here legally and work on citizenship is quite high. Most will try, but never meet it. If they don't try, they are still illegal and nothing changes anyway. Amnesty is literally more effective at removing illegals from the US than labeling everyone illegal without a direction on who to deport first.
>Ann Coulter was fucking CORRECT.
Say what you will about her but she almost always spot on with her predictions.
No one respects shit anyway.
Deporting Americans who were raised here is just racist. They grew up in our culture, went to our schools, ate our food and had friends that were AMERICAN.
Being against that is just hateful.
Also, fuck off Ruskie.
Reagan gave amnesty with a promise of action
I want action with the promise of amnesty
>Who honestly wants to throw out hard-working and skilled people that WE have trained?
said the roman cuck as the germans advanced
LOL, who cares what they have to give up? with 10 million new voters, we'll never lose an election again. We can just change any aw back to what we want. So, thanks faggot! Ill give you 100 billion for the Wall. Go nuts!
I want a president who isnt a cuck
Show flag faggot.
Man you haven't seen how "no one respects the law" actually looks like. If you think you have it bad now, I promise you it gets way, way worse.
>They grew up in our culture, went to our schools, ate our food and had friends that were AMERICAN.
Yeah and they did all that against the law so now they have to go back. Maybe with the influx of all these educated guys Mexico will become less of a shithole, too.
>LOL, who cares what they have to give up? with 10 million new voters, we'll never lose an election again. We can just change any aw back to what we want. So, thanks faggot! Ill give you 100 billion for the Wall. Go nuts!
>assuming most of them aren't already in California (electoral college)
>assuming they instantly become citizens without going through the process that legals do
>assuming they aren't already voting illegally
Don't count on it, contrary to the kike TV illegal immigrant murder rate is 3 times higher than even black males
assuming people will accept amnesty if you just make it sound based. WHat happened to removing anchor babies?
>be careful nancy
They don’t pay taxes and they rape and kill at 10x the normal rate of citizens.
Post in an epic bot assisted thread!
Make them train their new American replacements and then throw them out. Then make a funny tv show about it all like they did when indians took all the call center jobs.
Amnesty can be a deal that can work but it needs to be coupled with reduced immigration from south america for a number of years while we even things out with white european immigrants. Don is right to put amnesty on the table for negotiation but it needs to be his ultimate card to play and it white immigration needs to follow it.
>it needs to be coupled with reduced immigration from south america for a number of years
You cannot make long-term deals with democrats since the moment they are back in power they'll conveniently forget about anything they promised.
>Why would you want to throw out a ethnic group that you've trained to perform useful jobs but will based on their ethnicity vote for democrats in your two-party system that will eventually undermine the constitution and the republic it stands for.
Republicans are fags for being on the fence this long and most of them are just as corrupt as democrats (see also the neo-con warhhawks).
You're a faggot.
It's fucking stupid, amnesty should never be discussed and putting it on the table will only draw in others that are hopeful the tides will change or that a "deal" can be made. In my country we've dealt with a "general pardon" which is in essence the same as an amnesty and it hasn't helped a bit. The bureaucratic lying machine became tangled and fucked itself up on its own lies and they decided to let a lot of illegals stay and attain citizenship anyway without fundamentally changing the way the system functions. The only way to do anything remotely close to an "amnesty" is to break the ineffective system (deadlines and complete migration stops), register everything you can and write the rules in fucking stone for the coming 100 years. Illegal migration is a fundamental part of leftist tactics to undermine the west, that spearpoint must be broken off and shoved back into their goddamned guts. Problem is that everybody is too chickenshit to do something about it, it has progressed to such a point that length of stays, life that people have build and other retardations are seen as valid points for these illegals still being permitted on your soil. Sure there might be the odd valedictorian or genius in there, but that doesn't make up for the demographic replacement and subversion that is going on.
> TFW you forgot Texas exists
All we need is Texas, and it's game over. Good for you, there are no illegals in Texas, KEK!
>Be careful Nancy
Should I read that as he was going to remove Nancy Pelosi?
Ann Coulter knows Trump 100%
Whatever deal he makes it better be iron fucking clad and not something that can be just turned around.
> but be careful nancy
> try to kill me and i'll fuck your shit
How can one man have such large balls?
>assuming people will accept amnesty if you just make it sound based. WHat happened to removing anchor babies?
>assuming people have a choice
>assuming that constitutional amendments are easy
and we wonder why our teachers are under staffed?
Jesus christ
The right needs to ask for way more and then comprimise. Ask for land mines along the border and then when they complain say well how about just a border wall then. Say you are going to end h1 visas and then the comprimise is keep them but only half of the current rates.
There is no need for an Amendment to deal with anchor babies, as birthplace citizenship for illegals has never been tested in court. A simple majority vote in Congress to clarify the law would suffice. Unfortunately, most Republican politicians are spineless cuckolds and the rest are anti-white.
>All we need is Texas, and it's game over. Good for you, there are no illegals in Texas, KEK!
Good luck with that pipe dream. Amnesty will make voting more difficult for illegals, not easier.
>Extend 3 years DACA for wall
>Over the summer SCOTUS visits DACA and rules it illegal
How is this not a win?
>but be careful Nancy!
He's placing the future of those 11+ million in NP and the Dems ability to negotiate, which they show no signs of doing.
Thank god you’re not president
>he writes like a 5 year old retard,
>Single most effective communicating president of all time
You can choose one, and only one
Faggot! The Amnesty is coming for the dark ones willing to turn and flip and switch on their dark controllers , like Lindsey Graham for example.
Realise this young faggots , the dark ones have corrupted and bent many a one who is not inherently evil, to their will trough manipulation and BLACKMAIL. Not all who serve these wretched ones are bad people. Just people put in a pissy place between a rock and hard place.
Amnesty is coming for those with enough spine and balls to be willing to return to the light.
Personally I dont think that is bad. Why force people whith the capacity for good to fight to their death for masters they hate because there is no way out for them.
Choose love, choose the light.
Dont be revengeful faggots, its not about revenge its about getting a new world. A better world.
I love you.
Unironically this.
Make these people pay goddamn taxes.
Also granting Amnesty could mean DNC will lose every election for the next 40 years.
>and that's a good thing.
Spotted the retard npc
This would only ever work if chain migration ended and there was a 2nd tier to citizenship that doesn't allow them to vote.
Lower middle class doesnt pay taxes. How much did you think Juan with his 4 kids in public school that makes 30k a year would pay in taxes? How much does just the education of his kids cost s year?
People overwhelmingly support amnesty for DACA. They been here for 25 years now and hasnt been a problem. They are inivetably getting citizenship so he really offered nothing.
>Also granting Amnesty could mean DNC will lose every election for the next 40 years.
Anyone who says this is either retarded or lying.
>in ineffectual fence, the final breath of a dying white boomer population which failed to admit the most basic truths, even to themselves
>a tribute to the infinite superiority of the White Race
jesus, the delusion out of you utter faggots
faggot should just order the military to do it and start a civil war over it. what a cuck.
>Make these people pay goddamn taxes.
they don't pay now, why do oyu think they'll start when they become citizens, you absolute fucking retard?
lmao this board is either astroturfed to hell or you are all utterly stupid