I immediately looked for and watched the longer video when I saw this story: expecting to be horrified at the boy's taunts.
Of course no taunts took place. The boys is clearly nervous about being approached and drummed at.
Everyone is yapping about something that didn't happen.
Is this a redpill? Am I one of you guys now? I don't even like Jow Forums.
I'm so upset by this
I feel terrible for this kid, and I haven't spoken up: everyone I know would be down my throat.
get a job, and no you don't have one if you give a fuck about some red bois.
Can anyone provide the full video?
stopppp beinggg a fagggggggg
>I don't even like Jow Forums.
Then leave, there is nothing here of value.
look at these fucking npcs
that soulless look on their face
It’s a black pill, the kid did literally fucking nothing and people are frothing at the mouth to lynch
Blood will be spilled this year, society is no sustainable. I’ll say it again, the dude is guilty of NOT reacting to a counter protester getting up in his face
they all look like they are having fun.
what's the problem?
The pills are starting to take hold. You can see vicious hate and lies directed at any young white male who isn't a leftist. Soon you'll know why, and your transformation will be complete.
>We need to stop Jow Forums from protecting these kids from Jewish death threats and attacks on their personal life!
>I know, let's call the children Jews!
Get a job, Moarpheus
Literally all over the internet
welcome my friend.
from where you came there is no return.
youre here for life...or until we move sites
>American finally does their own homework
IP ban all American posters.
good to see publicly shaming you degenerates is fucking working, kys faggit
Nobody is making you stay here. You can leave if you want to and try to forget that the media conspired to lie to you and transform you into a weapon to use against an innocent child.
But you wont.
17 year old kids sent into powder keg political stew, to weaponize them against abortion, by catholic school with an agenda.
Catholic school must now punish them to appease SJW mob.
Fuck this world.
Now you know "fake news" is a real thing.
He's literally the irl npc.
Search on youtube: that's what I did.
It's telling that not one of the articles linked to this shows even the 3 minutes that I watched.
Cuckstians are truly the worst. Their flock gets attacked and instead of protecting it they throw the children to the wolves as fast as possible. Cuckstians have no spine, they're pathetic beta mole people.
The shills are really overplaying this "the kid is a Jew, it's all a setup" thing. It's such an obvious attempt to poison the opportunity, and the amount of shilling says how bad this will look for them if Tucker finds out and says something.
>we must protect this good jew
>t. usa flag
top kek
It’s his fault for having a chin that big
full vid of the MAGA hat kids versus Injun and Black Israeites:
>Of course no taunts took place.
>posts screencap of the taunt taking place.
The more and more I see people here display their inability to read this kids shit-eating grin and smug facial expression, the more I'm inclined to believe the autism memes were true.
Welp looks like this is just a fake ginned up controversy.
I don’t know what this kid is or why he is everywhere
Do women find him attractive??
Fuck you.
I don't discuss politics with friends or family.
It's basic politeness.
>gets "attacked"
>doesn't retreat into the parish center to play bingo
>(((spineless))) goyim
baptism by fire, you limp wristed soiheeb. guess which way is the fastest way to radicalize someone?
Tweet pewds and watch as he burns the whole MSM narrative to the ground
Tell me how he should have reacted whe the guy approached him and drummed in his face.
I have yet to hear an answer to this.
>Do women find him attractive??
Holy shit. This is why I come to Jow Forums.
Nice looking boy, will be a handsome man some day.
Parents smart enough to send him to a private school to keep home away from niggers.
the indian approched the kid, the indian is the one taunting, ive noticed your discord fucks like to use those dumb wojacks
Ugh that chick has an ugly laugh
t. larper
Would he touch this?
Being happy while being white.
It's really bizarre. All of those boys were standing around minding their own business when little drummer boy approached them. All they are guilty of doing is dancing and smiling.
>im apalled
then go on social media or talk about it, thats what everyone has to do
Today myself and another colored dude called this bs out on a friends feed and explained why its bs
a bunch of people ended up taking our side after a little discourse and this is the best way to confront this problem
Not only are people talking about it. It'll have real life consequences and his life and career will be ruined
I intentionally chose a pick of 4/10's to drive home the point that even average women absolutely would not find that kid attractive.
It's just some stormfag trying to guilt you into pushing his shit politics.
with innocent people getting doxxed every day and losing their jobs, I'm not surprised people aren't willing to disagree with the mobs these days.
A BASED and REDPILLED magapede standing strong in the face of a KEK.
Literally all of you should kill yourselves - imagine being autistic enough to think this little prick should be defended.
>I don't even like Jow Forums.
Then why are you here you absolute faggot? We don't need you. Jow Forums doesn't need anyone. Crying about not liking Jow Forums makes YOU a fucking failure since nobody is forcing you to be here.
To your original point, only full acceleration is the answer now. Otherwise eat shit.
Nope Pewdiepie only cares about money
Fuck off nigger
Just stop lol, you're embarrassing yourself. Nobody cares about your preference in young boys creeper.
With enough evidence to support his claims why not. He's a victim himself of the MSM and knows how these fuckers operate guaranteed he wants nothing more than to bring that whole MSM to the ground that mad swede
You see that racist indionigger using his war drum as a dog whistle for raiding the kids village? Kid shoulda opened fire I would vote to aquit
Don't expect to see the full video or hear this discussion anywhere in the MSM. It doesn't fit the "white man bad, everyone else good" narrative.
Extremely Jewish post
Everyone you know is pissed about this? Your life sucks.
ok now
>hurrdurr he wuz smilin n sheeeit
You guys literally think white people should be destroyed if we don't suck brown people's cocks on command. Fuck you and if you people ever display these types of ideas to someone like me in person I'll do a lot worse to you than just fucking smirk. I'll knock you the fuck out and spit in your face.
Remember, they dehumanized us first.
murica fucked
Anyone else paying attention to melon's surprisingly low IQ take on this? twitter.com
you're not "one of us" until you at least understand the jewish problem
he should have bent over opened his anus and said "namaste, senpai"
> smug cringe faggot #resisting the old indian man with his retarded face
You're so brave and powerful Jow Forums this is what Christopher Colombus and the Conquistadores must have felt like
What should he have done when the man approached and drummed in his face?
Why do you believe the story that the native “just approached them”?
It’s obvious the kids started taunting him first and tried to drown out his drumming with chants.
Go up to random people and bang drums in their face, or have a smug grin. Which one is more autistic?
He’s a Jew and this is a set up
Maybe stop sucking cocks all the time
>the indian approched the kid, the indian is the one taunting
The indian approached a bunch of gen z drumpftards antagonizing people by wearing MAGA hats in one of the most liberal cities in the world in protest.
>B-but he approached the kid first beating a drum
What's wrong with beating a drum? Besides it providing the opportunity for this kid to show how much of a shitty person he is and exposing the overall nefarious nature of the little drumpftards and their MAGA hat faggotry?
Why do you suggest that the kids starting it is self-evident? Is it because the peaceful drummer couldn't possibly be capable of instigating something?
We don't give a fuck about this specific kid or how cringy he might be. I'm sure you were a gargantuan faggot in high school too, leaf. The bottom line is that you shouldn't have a virtual lynch mob trying to destroy your life simply because you smiled at a brown man who approached you, no matter how punchable your face may be. You people are insane and dangerous and you need to be dealt with in a very harsh way.
>antagonizing people by wearing a hat
>she was asking for it
the state of the left.
I don't know. I haven't seen him do anything remotely political.
I think all he cares about now is getting married.
Even beating T-series doesn't come up much anymore. Unless there realy is a Super Bowl ad, I think it's done.
polish kid would have punched drumming autist out
The high school kids were waiting for their bus to leave March for life. The idiot Native American walked up to him and started drumming in his face. One other Native American can be heard telling the boys to go back to Europe.
This is all media spin and leftist racists pushing white make hatred
>what's the problem?
pic related
Except those retards were there howling irl r/donald memes and Build Wall to random fucking people in the fucking indigenous people's march
>kids wear hat
>injun starts beating a drum in their face
>kids stand there seemingly befuddled and amused
>this is another Trail of Tears
I wish I could reach through the computer and punch you in you face. You are so fucking dumb.
here is a breakdown and examination of the FACTS and the truth of the situation. great work as always by Vince James of Red Elephants.
OP if you are new to this stuff, start watching his channel. he puts out content daily and is professional, does the proper research (better than MSM and leftist "journalists"), debunks the lies and exposes the truth of current events.
he has 2 channels. all are goldmines of redpills.
here you go -
I really regret making a twitter account and I just did it yesterday
Reminder: You're here forever.
I don't believe any story.
I went to the original tweet, found out there was a video, looked for the video, saw the man approach him, and here we are.
Fuck you paki.
>Is this a redpill? Am I one of you guys now?
Everyone has their first sometime.
best video explanation of what actually happened -
Break down
The one hour video is exactly what I’m talking about you fake news spewing loser. It clearly shows them taunting first.
I wonder if liberals every get tired of being wrong?
Skip to 1:12:00 Indian walks up to the crowd, this should redpill liberals about the constant media lies but it probably wont and they will do some mental gymnastics to have it make sense in their heads
How do you think the kid should have reacted?
jew Ben Hoffman aka musician "Wheeler Walker Jr" literally inciting violence against a minor.
>butthurt indian still seething at paleface tries to intimidate children
>roasties will support this
I don't like "explanations", I watched the source material.