Why the fuck are alt-rights triggered by the Gillete commercial?

Just saw the ad, it was harmless af.
The problems the ad tackled were wife beating, cat-calling, raping and fights. Aren't these "nigger behaviour".

I literally dont understand. Why is calling out to act as a civilized man bad?

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They're very fragile about their masculinity, if you haven't noticed. The vast majority are also closet homosexuals and weeaboos.

Americans live in perpetual state of outrage and it doesn't take a lot to set them off. There's not a single American who doesn't have some form of a victim complex.

I just didn't like it because I don't need to be told not to grope women, of course the alt rights think it's part of the jewish conspiracy.

America has raised this generation in a culture of outrage at anything that you deem as insulting

They are manly man (without beard, a lot of fat, babyface and never had any sex) who feel very threatened in their masculinity.

I don't watch television, but it's probably fine.


Get out of Kosovo, It is rightful Serbian land.

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They think its attacking their masculinity, which I didnt know was about beating the shit out of other people.

The advertisement said a some men were doing a good job iirc

I just wonder why they depicted white men as the bad guys and blacks and Arabs as the good ones, when blacks and Arabs are the most misogynistic group of people.

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I didn't like it because it's obvious that corporations are fundamentally immoral and as a result their preaching of morals is insincere. Alt-right people however are mad because they think being a shitty person is manly.

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>saying "don't assault women" equates to attacking masculinity

nice one, pierre

Ulster is British you fenian pikey fuck

Ulster never was and never will be British ypu angloid tramp. UP DA RA

That's a pretty shitty attempt to save face considering all the alt right talking heads didn't complain about minorities being the voice of reason in the commercial. What they instead complained about was about how those soy boys were oppressing those poor chad whites by telling them not to rape women and beat up children, the true measure of a man.

No, not really. You have the white dad that separates the two kids fighting, and the other white kids dividing the other kids fighting.
The black father telling his daughter to be strong ACTUALLY IMPLIES women are more harrased in black communities. And the black dude dividing other black dudes and making them respect eahc other is a given, cuz it would not make sense for a white one to do it

fuck up you proddy cunt

Way to blow your cover, idiot.

>wife beating, cat-calling, raping and fights

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If you live in a homogenous society and have not experienced the very real over-representation of immigrants in your crime statistics you won't see a problem with the commersial.

Stefan Molyneux makes a point of it giving the wrong description of the problems:

Picrel is a small collection of stats on assault rapes in Sweden showing a HUGE over-representation of non-European immigrants.

Empathy towards people not looking like ourselves is proven to be lesser. This means huge risks in multi-cultural societies if the resources becomes scarser. Sure, it may seem silly to reason as if humans are just another animal but WE ARE!

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>Stefan Molyneux
stopped reading there

Whoever directed that commercial clearly doesn't know how to PR. What you get is a commercial framed so poorly that it sends a completely different message to the audience. Big companies really need to start hiring good PR managers.

Cromwell was right to put you ungrateful papist dogs down.
It's six miles from bangor to donaghadee

America is a prime example of people getting outraged on the most asinine things.
They also have a condition of misplaced patriotism.

>stopped reading there
Cuz your smart right?

Repeat the same mistakes that "multi-cultural" societies are doing then (they ALL become segregated and hostile towards each other!).

The past 50 years of the human race's BILLION year old evolution is fueled by oil - stored energy - and it will run out. If we don't have a replacement by then you can expect natural instincts to resurface!

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>reading comprehension
That was my point Jan

Can you link me to those comments?

Look at the original videos comment. The top comment is some " my wife's son quip". You are living in willful ignorance at this point.

I don't see anything about raping women and beating up children being the true measure of a man.

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Stupid Shitllette company lmao.

What I don't understand is that people mistake the actual abstract values in the video for some kind of admission on Gillette's part that they actually believe anything they say in that video, and aren't just trying to sell more razors.

After all, the market they are trying to sell to are millennial men and women who were educated in post-colonial and critical race studies.

Big ol yikes

Don’t watch tv or ads so I really don’t care. This is fabricated outrage without a doubt.

The assumption that men must be taught not to do these things is offensive. If you don't resent the insinuation you're way too passive or way too stupid that it went over your head. Aside from that we're being preached to by a company whose product is completely unrelated to social issues.

The term "Toxic masculinity" is a demonetization of masculinity in general. Boys and men are rambunctious and more aggressive. These things are not bad in and of themselves. Boys are being treated like defective girls.

Women can also be pretty toxic. I would argue Female on female bullying is far more frequent and far more insidious than males. With guys it's a brief bout of punching at it's worse with women it's prolonged torture of character and reputation attacks.

I'm not alt-right or triggered and mostly playing devil's advocate I actually don't care and found it funny.

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>The assumption that men must be taught not to do these things is offensive
>hurr durr don't tell me what to do
Men obviously need to be taught that because it's still happening and people are still arguing that "boy will be boys". Whether or not it's a company's job to do teach them is another debate, I think their motivation was more of a PR stunt than sheer conviction.

>rambunctious and more aggressive
>These things are not bad in and of themselves

>Women can also be pretty toxic. I would argue Female on female bullying is far more frequent and far more insidious than males. With guys it's a brief bout of punching at it's worse with women it's prolonged torture of character and reputation attacks.
Sounds like an overly simplistic and baseless statement.

Wife beating and fights are based and redpilled.

>Sounds like an overly simplistic and baseless statement.
Ironic coming from someone who supports a message that boils down the complex relationship of men and women to "masculinity bad"

you're a moron and probably a stinky feminist "ally" no woman would touch because your intentions by virtue signaling are so obvious that it's cringe.

You sure sound a hell of a lot like you're both alt-right and triggered friendo, not like it wasn't obvious already in your previous post but at least you're not pretending anymore.

Corporate cocksucler? Get killed

>Men obviously need to be taught that because it's still happening and people are still arguing that "boy will be boys".
Then teach niggers not to murder and steal. Do you want to talk about people as individuals or groups? Pick one.

>Men obviously need to be taught that because it's still happening
By that logic it should be okay to make an ad about the disproportionately high black crime rates despite them being a minority, right? You are so disingenuous it's not even funny. Of course people are going to take that as an attack on behalf of the whole group and not just the particular offenders.

Did you notice all that "nigger behavior" was acted out by white guys with niggers calling them out for it?

That alone is worth flaming

Why don't they make a commercial telling niggers to stop raping and committing crimes?

>anyone disagreeing with me is triggered by default, that'll make them look worse and wrong automatically
Love this meme.

Hey, OP, can you stop harassing and assaulting women?

Remember to not do that. Also, buy this product.

I didn't really care either way about the commercial. It was just a bunch of low test cucks talking shit about one another.

Because commercials are used to show the new products instead of creating controversy? I guess it's correct when they say that there's no negative publicity. Also Albanians are subhumans, but that's just a side note.

"Dear customer, you're a potential rapist so stop it. Also buy these razors."

Gee, I wonder why people are mad -- really makes you think.

It’s was condensing and a bit patronizing. “Men are toxic, when will you stop raping women, don’t you know it’s bad???” Was the message. Also it had an anti-white subtext to it because it showed almost every white as being the problem, and the blacks in the video were the good ones

Nobody got triggered. The video got called out for what it is, nobody started knitting pinks hats and cried for 12 hours.



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They are showing propaganda that says bearded people are sexist and looking noble for it through all this politics. Could you imagine if a diet pill company made an ad that made fat people look racist or if Gatorade called dehydrated people homophobes.

Whats the altright?

>Why is calling out to act as a civilized man bad?
I'm sure this was intentional, but you answered your own question. Knuckle draggers think this is a psyop to turn men into numales.

Just more condescending back from people that think children can consent...don't tell me not to grope tell that fuckin nigger

It's because it's not a damn commercial. Sell me a razor, bit some stupid virtue signaling sigil

Also this kinda. It was in bad taste.

They want people to associate beards with sexism so that people shave more.

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its a culture war, fuckface

Yes it is nigger behavior... but they portrayed white men as the niggers

I imagine that somewhere in some board room, there's a psychopathic dickhead laughing maniacally, thinking "these fucking dipshits minds are so broken, we've destroyed 7 sovereign nations in the last 2 decades, destroyed millions of lives, poisoned them and their children to the point of near retardation, and they're angry about a fucking razor commercial. Hahahahahaha"


It's not that there aren't issues and we can't work on them as a society, but villifying white males does nothing but breed resentment. Most men know not to bully or rape women, so telling them they are part of the problem does nothing to help. Also the feminists who like the commercial are man hating anti-white marxists so I'll oppose them regardless merely out of self preservation.

What was actually offensive about that ad was the implication that Gillete gives a fuck about anything except their bottom line. On the other side of the issue people who spent hours raging about a shitty ad do deserve to be bullied and it's good that they are offended and suffer from seeing a fucking 2 minute ad

Dont know about the alt right but men in general are triggered by the Gillette commercial.
I'm guessing because they refuse to become emo basedboys, its just a guess tho.

We should prepare a video response to them.

What do you say about a sequence of Paris Dakar rally cuts, racing moments with crashes and glorious overtakes, with Black Betty music playing on the background. Only whites dare to do these things. Stopping the race and helping each other when the other has big problems. Striving to find the route or get out of the mud. Or striving to land on the Moon, and jumping in joy after they did it. Women and other races don't have this. They.. can't race..

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They had TYT it was pushing a political message whenever communism takes hold of a nation everything becomes political. There is a good reason why people should be vigilant of this kind of shit or else it won't stop and will get worse. Do you think it will stop at just commercials no you will be made to celebrate this bullshit and if you drag your feet in anyway prepare for a Struggle session; we are seeing it happen today with the internet.