Europeans for 2 decades say that Russia is not dangerous, that it is too weak to conquer them and steal their honey, so they do business with Russia, they trade with it and supply it with trillions dollars Russia can invest in its military industry.
Russia becomes strong enough to come back to its natural self. Russia's ambition is to dominate everything from Lisbon to Vladivostok. So it begins to steal land of other countries while using technique of small steps, one by one, piece by piece.
America suffers from tight budget issue and must focus on China dominating region of Pacific, so it says: "OK, guys, if you say that Russia is too weak to hurt Western Europe, and you are building pipelines to Russia and give it even more money year by year, despite "sanctions", so what about Western Europe raising military spendings and investing its own money in keeping its buffer zones in Eastern Europe afloat instead? Why should we pay huge money for protection of Germany from Russia, if the same Germany doesn't consider Russia as a danger at all and trades with it?
Europeans, instead of raising military spendings and reducing trade with Russia, just freak out and say that USA betrayed them with Russia. Where is logic?
we want healthy relationship with Germany - same way as with Kazakhstan
Brayden Gray
What we need to maintain European peace is cancelation of Nord Stream (and preventing all kinds of "Streams" from happening, desu) connected with massive arms race. It would have a potential to stop Russian aggression, indeed, and it could also contribute a lot to create tensions between Russia and China in a long term scenario.
James Turner
If our countries united we could be the most powerful alliance on earth. That’s why the Anglo always feared it.
Isaac Carter
Unite with China instead, hehe
Ayden Brown
>steal their honey, is it really that good?
Blake Clark
Why does Western Europe worry if the Balts, Ukrainians, Poles stand in the way of Russia? Let stupid Slavs die while we trade with Russia, lol.
Samuel Jones
America rebuilt your country from the ashes after WWII moron while Russians turned the other part into a commie shithole. America made you and Japan into what you are today while Russia can't even develop itself. You're probably a Russian rape baby
Parker Wilson
Agreed with this lad. I want Vladmir Putin to be in charge of Germany, so we can get our country back and Muslims will have to move to Chechnya or home to the Middle East / Turkey.
Isaac Gonzalez
Russia has 20 million Muslims, idiot. Putin ain't doing shit.
Michael Bell
do it, it would finally be the impetus that shakes my country out of our narcissistic lethargy and gets us to start expanding again.
Losing balts and ukraine is of very little geopolitical signifiance for Western Europe and USA indeed. These countries are important mainly from Russian perspective. But losing Poland would already mean making a frontline countries out of Western Europe, it would also destroyed geopolitical balance in Eurasia, as Poland is placed on the strategically crucial corridor that transforms Rimland into Heartland, we are also a major hub of trade routes North-South-West-East as we are placed in the central part of European Plain, which creates potential for Russia to dominate all these directions.
That's why USA is pushing its forces to Poland now, not to Baltics or Ukraine. NATO doesn't have anything to do with it, it is just pure geopolitics.
oh look at the time, europe its time to change sides
Landon Ramirez
there are several interviews with putin where he said he wants a good relationship with germany. some of them are ~20 years old
i dont think he lies and i believe him. but iam worried about what will happen after putin
Levi Powell
>there are several interviews with putin where he said he wants a good relationship with germany. some of them are ~20 years old
I bet he said the same about Ukraine 20 years ago
Benjamin White
these are white muslims, like Bosniaks
Luke Cox
based Serbia...
Zachary Jones
Russians have never threatened to imprison me for spicy memes, Russia didn't flood my country with foreigners who are lazy and hostile. Russia isn't my enemy.
Nolan Brooks
I'm talking about war. 3 Reich, too, at one time traded with the Soviet Union and maintained a good relationship. Remember how it ended. So I would not be surprised that in the case of the disappearance of Ukraine, the Germans and Russians will divide Poland and the Baltic. People are stupid, do not learn anything. History repeats itself.
Dominic Baker
>Russia didn't flood my country with foreigners
The USA didn't do this either. Your governments did, and you voted for these governments
America would turn the middle east into an irradiated wasteland. Europe would run out of oil. America has a shit ton of oil.
Ryder Rodriguez
>Inferring there is any logic in the EU ever at any point in the last decade
Jace Phillips
Yes. A common border between Germany and Russia creates a risk and potential for huge war that this time can destroy more continents than only Europe. So the USA ain't really interested in creation of German-Russian border. Even if somehow Russia and Germany avoided going with each other into war, they could easily create a military-economical bloc competetive for the USA which is not good for the USA either
Alexander Myers
USA >free speech and the right to bear arms >everything else, including its money supply, subverted/controlled by Jews EU >hate speech and minimal/non-existent gun rights >everything else, including its money supply, subverted/controlled by Jews Russia >disliked by the Jews So it is not that Europeans are "retarded" as such. The problem is that their institutions are controlled by people who are not European and who do not have their best interests in mind as a result.
Jews admire Russia. Go to Israel to find out. They build huge monuments of Red Army and say that Russians with their 27 mln of victims who died to protect Jews from nazis deserve an eternal respect and memory. I never met a Jew in my entire life yet who wouldn't love Russia
Nathaniel Reed
nobody will say that about the ukraine
Gabriel King
>Germans and Russians will divide Poland paper dragons
Jack Reyes
They love communist Russia not modern Russia
Jeremiah Foster
What's the difference?
Henry Johnson
Israeli Jews don't matter. It's all the kikes that Stalin kicked out that fled to America and have been trying to destroy Russia ever since. Spend a few days reading the (((American media))) and you'll figure it out fast. Look into (((Bill Browder))), an international ex-Russian Jew who is responsible for all the sanctions (almost every Western country has a Magnitsky Act now).
Dylan Gutierrez
Jews in the USA are pro-Russian too, usually. Most of them.
Ethan Roberts
>and you voted for these governments to be fair, we vote for pathological liars it’d be like going to a lemonade stand and paying a cup, but getting piss instead and you’re forced to drink it we need a Consumer Watchdog for politics—and it isn’t the media paid-up party members need a way to fuck their party up if the party they signed up to aren’t following their aims; something that’d let Old Labour members tear out the cancer that is New Labour, for instance
Josiah Smith
To be honest, the Russians are weak. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, they began their propaganda against my people. Ukrainians do not exist, they are invented by Austrians / Poles / Jews and other nonsense. They consider this country their own. So what? In 2014, when the budget was only $ 10,000, when there was no commander-in-chief, when there was only one combat-ready division in our army, and all the rest were volunteers. they got scared. they could easily conquer all of these lands in half a year, but for some reason did not.
Ethan Mitchell
Find me one USA media Jew who is pro-Russia. they've spent the last few years agitating for all-out war with Russia. you must be a kike shill, no one can be this dumb
Zachary Parker
I am all for independent and strong Ukraine. I am sceptical only about weak, destabilized and anarchist Ukraine that could be taken over by some hardcore nationalists who could be controlled by Moscow.
Bentley Bennett
>Find me one USA media Jew who is pro-Russia. they've spent the last few years agitating for all-out war with Russia. you must be a kike shill, no one can be this dumb
Jews are not a tribe of robots having the same political views. Some of them might dislike Russia. Some of them might love Russia. But generally those of them who are pro-Russia are in majority.
you have to make more Spooky-Russia stories to get another credit, which you will never pay back
Ryan Davis
I really don't understand where this idiotic idea about Jews being "anti-Russian" come from. I think that it might be spread by Russian infowar officers, who want to take advantage of antisemitism of Europeans: "If Jews hate Russia, it means that Russia is good and we must support it". The reality is more prosaic though: Jews in their vast majority love Russia and respect its soviet heritage by building Red Army and NKVD monuments. Jews love also today's Russia of Vladimir Putin whom they consider as a friend of Jews. Jews do a lot of business in Russia and they earn money on 140 mln of Russian peasants to such degree that makes them richest people in Earth literally. A lot of members of Russian parliament (Duma) have also Israeli citizenship, probably because they think that it would be good for them to move to Israel when somebody decides to arrest them for their financial/corruption crimes because Israel doesn't accept extradition.
Jews dislike Poles a lot, even more than they dislike Germans, that's a fact. But Jews - in their vast majority - are very pro-Russian.
Angel Sanders
Jews despise everyone especially their mortal enemy; the white man. Everything to them is a charade to them so they can manipulate others to do their bidding.
Kayden Hernandez
Russians are not white according to Anglosaxon-KKK-germanic definition, though
Bentley Robinson
Honestly despite by innital butthurt and hatred for the slav I would prefer them over Amerikkans.
Ethan Butler
Nationalists have little support.
Lincoln Brown
>Get a credit from Jow Forums >t. pidorashka 60iq
Ryder Russell
Eu army is a joke Haveing army that speak different languages How would they have a central command lol like Austro-Hungarian army
Tyler Smith
>Eu army is a joke
It is a joke not even because most of European armies are mess, but because it doesn't exist hehe
Current Eurocorp command structure is based on NATO model, they also have unified command language in English. Austria.Hungary had lot more of emblematic issues asside from the ethnicity question too since effectively they had 2 armies, one Austrian and one Hungarian, creating duplicate command structures, differences in standardization of equipment etc. EU army would be nothing like that since its fairly standardized by Eurocorps.
Mason Price
Sorry Rabbi, they are white.
Wyatt Howard
If you say so. Founding fathers of the KKK would disagree with you.
Mason Rogers
The EU is a mismanaged authoritarian empire. It is bankrupt and so they need an enemy to unite them.
Tyler Russell
"White" isn't a race its a skin color
Luis Rodriguez
Being white is a germanic-anglosaxon race acording to the KKK. Them being "white" is not only a colour of skin, but also germanic-anglosaxon superior culture and intellect. But this mutt probably doesn't even know what the KKK was preaching, and since his neighborhood is full of niggers and spics, even a Russian seems a model white to him now
Colton Powell
>the EU Army would speak in English >with no English-speaking countries in the EU Would laugh my ass off.
>low level of cultural development in Russia I'm not sure the US are better
Dominic Morgan
The USA at least makes impression that it cares about such things as freedom of speech and human rights. Russia doesn't.
Jacob Lee
This thread proves exactly why uniting as V4 is a bad things. Fucking polacks will just piss off the whole world again, get bombed into stone age and partitioned again, taking any of their local allies with them. It's better to just stand aside.
If we get fucked, Czechoslovakia is going to hell with us because of this: and because it is childlishly easy to move forces through Moravian Gate, and if some empire like Russia f.e. is suicidal enough to go against Poland, it would be irrational for it to resign from moving few brigades through the Moravian Gate to pacify your little cocksucking country too xD
Liam Ramirez
Btw, did you know that you are entering the "Russian sphere of influence"? I advise you to think about it.