If global warming is real, we save ourselves. If it's fake, we create a better world. What seems to be the problem here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>carrying about the world so niggers and asians can live happily
>willingly make your own species extinct because muh feelings

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Someone post the Christian version and watch the carbon taxer thrash about.

In the future artificial intelligence will put all comments on the internet since it's beginning in one of two files. The based file and the cringe file. Your comment is going in the cringe file.

not fucking one prediction climate alarmists have ever made has come true. even a broken clock s right twice a day. these people are more useless than a broken clock. i hope this keeps you up at night.

I am not a denier of global warming, just saying it has little to do with humans.
It's all a big cycle.
We'll warm-up and freeze as we did before.
Solar activity is the most important factor.


Christians are nihilists. I'm talking to sensible people who can be persuaded to change their minds.

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The exact same busted logic applies to Christianity, what if it is not true and we make good people for nothing?

This user gets it. It’s that giant ball of super heated gas in the sky that dictates our climate. How anyone can think otherwise is either a moron or loves smelling their own farts.

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Yeah don't worry goyim, if it's not real I'm sure those (((green taxes))) will be put to good use!

Yikes. Low quality bait.

If you want to combat global warming you just need to understand the Thermodynamics and apply them to a larger scale.
But I see no reason why we should fear global warming, it will bring us abundance not harm.

Nuclear power and reforestation
All other “solutions” are bullshit

Yes that describes your thread perfectly.

>Christians are nihilists
And what are nihilists?

Sorry for the smugness part.
If we are to be fearful we should be fearful of the Sun getting colder.
This usually predicts a giant solar flare in the making.

it's not real

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How do you not know that user? Nihilism is the belief that there is no point in this life. Christians are nihilists because they don't care about this world; they only care about getting to the Kingdom of Heaven. Nietzsche agrees with me.

there won't be any ai because all of humanity will be dead because of how homosexual our species is

Socrates didn't care as well. It's makes sense. Why would you care about the world if you die anyways. Your children die too and also their children and eventually the planet get sucked into the sun and ultimately kills everything. All you should care about is making your life on earth as easy as possible until you die.

>If it's fake, we create a better world

How is making energy much more expensive and unreliable making a better world?

Destroying business and pushing the government to manage the means of production is better for the world.

That is what they think.

>still sucking obamadick

Christians have been substituting God for Global Warming and getting persecuted for it, even in America. All you global Warming buffoons screeching to your magic sky daddy in Washington to save you from evil CARBON DIOXIDE are laughably ignorant. And you call yourselves scientists. What a fucking joke.

>Christians are nihilists

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This. Billions in gibs and not even a single fusion reactor, better EVs, algae and forests, desert terraforming, pollution control or whatever the fuck is needed.

Non-retarded, non-mutt human being here, as I'm not an american I can into science.
Global warming is real, and it's retarded to say the contrary, the fact that human activities are the cause is equally retarded.
The patterns are clear, virtually all archaeologists know this, this is the phase before a new ice age.
Your blue pilled brain can't conceive the concept of peer-review and scientific consensus because the only info you're worried about is the one you want to use to smear others that you think hold more power than you, so you don't need said infos to be right or wrong, truth is nothing to you.
unironically kys

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>Nuclear power and reforestation

/this/ 100%, although I think electric vehicles can also add a lot of benefits, but for then to take over we just need to get batteries to become cheaper and faster to charge.

nah, look up how much electric cars pollute just to be made vs the supposed benefits of their use


Belief in man-made climate change is leftist religion. It also requires an ignorant population and a shitload of propaganda.
Climate change is cyclical and we've known why for a long time.

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> electric cars pollute just to be made

define pollution. You mean energy consumption? I don’t care about that. Do you mean local contamintion of the soil in China and Argentina or Peru or Africa? Honestly, I really don’t care about these countries.

>"What if it's a big hoax and we give these con artists billions of dollars for nothing?"

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It's -20 C outside. Anyone who believes in global warming is clearly a delusional Californian.

The production of the batteries alone has a larger carbon footprint than driving a Toyota Corolla for 15 years.

Imagine making up this much bullshit.


i know you guys don't like him but this interview is amazingly accurate in what goes on in the brain of these postmodern tards, we are literally looking at a cult.

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>Global elites who emit more CO2 from their private jets than entire cities tell people in those cities that they are causing global warming and need to be taxed to fix it

In what sense is bankrupting our entire economy to MAYBE nudge the global average temperature down by 2 degrees a century later considered "good"?


>we create a better world

By doing what?

destroying our industries

The best lies American socialists ever pushed:

>Climate Change is a partisan issue
>Only socialism can fix Climate Change

The first is a lie on the face of it, Margret Thatcher was the first world leader to express the dangers of the issue. The second is patently false because the free market has done a far better job of fixing the issue then socialists ever have. Don't fall for the socialist's tricks.

It would seem really stupid or a declaration of war on some countries I would imagine.
Imagine being a northern country and always having to listen to idiot complain about how hot it is.
Then their telling you they want to make it colder.

(((THEY))) just want you to pay more for it, you fuckwit.

I hate to be the guy to spam YouTube channels here. But I follow 2 great daily space and climate news.
ADAPT 2030
Suspicious 0bservers

you just want a global tax to establish global governance.

ADAPT 2030 I'd Canadian and focuses on a coming ice age.

Suspicious 0bservers focuses on solar weather, geomagnetic changes, earthquake predicions, and reviewing related science publications

Because it’s not a better world for everybody. It’s redistribution of wealth to niggers

>If global warming is real, we save ourselves. If it's fake, we create a better world. What seems to be the problem here?
It's all just a weapon against average people in the west. (((They))) want to make everything expensive to maximise how much money they can wring out of people, to maximise the loans people are taking out, to enslave us all. But hey, at least your gruel is carbon compensated, right, slave?

((( green jobs)))

A multicultural world is not worth saving.

Based leaf you can move here

>Spend trillions reorienting society around saving the world, crippling power and industrial capacity, enforcing brutal regulations on those who seek to rise up but can't afford the obscene filtration systems and low-pollution machines, constantly putting down vicious rebellions by enemies who still use the more productive but more polluting factory methods
>The air gets slightly cleaner, turtles die slightly slower
>"Wasn't it all worth it when you think about it?"

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"Defacto redistribution of world wealth"

All I know is Austists obsession with patterns really helps us understand and predict the cyclical climate changes. I really think this information can used for culling of shitskins.

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>handing over your sovereignty to a global carbon tax scam tyranny
>better world
pick one

More Milankovitch Cycle info

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>pascal scam

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There is no "we", fuck off.
I consider myself a non-kike-believer.
>create a better world
For whom? For nig nogs?
Why would I want to do that?
>better world
By paying more and more of your income to ((them))?
Where is that "better world" supposed to come from?
Especially when ((they)) at the same time import tons of nig nogs from shithole countries, which actually shows that ((they)) do not believe their own shit.

This shot totally destroys the Anthropogenic Climate Change cult.

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duh what they mean is "better world" for them, by killing off whitie

they are referring to the political climate.

>if you dont change your mind to agree with me youre an idiot

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