Never forget the Smirkocaust goy

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In 10th grade she mustered up all her courage to ask out Brad to the prom, and he only smirked at her


who cares what some blue-checkmarked-literal-who says

>being this much of a schizo
I'm fairly certain nobody ever payed any attention to her throughout her school life.

So being white and smiling is now a crime, huh? Tell me about a punchable face. I see repressed memories of countless white boys in high school turning down her grimy crust puss.

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Ban assault smirks now, haven't we suffered enough of smirk violence?

>HeLP! HiS SmiRk Is OpPrEsSiNg mE!

>mfw smiling is a hate crime


>artsy studio headshot with hard lighting
>still can't hide her double chin


They love the term “white boys”. Never hear black boys, asian boys, Hispanic boys, etc.

They want to condition our mentality so we see ourselves as boys, and not Men.

Not the first time her jelly rolls have been called out

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Am I the only one who thinks she looks like Chris Chan?

Attached: ChrisChan?.jpg (640x360, 36K)

just say "boy" and they will get much angrier

Damn white people are powerful as fuck

I'm not sure if white people invented passive aggression, but we definitely mastered it. This bitch has a point.

MAGA chuds and ancap_loli BTFO

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National Smirkism
Never forget the 6 million smirks
Post-smirk white privilege
This is extremely dangerous to our smirkocracy

leftists just cannot contain their raging hatred for white men anymore, can they?
the moments whites become a small minority in their countries is the moment when they get the South Africa treatment

>Jay Leno jaw
>beetle eyebrows
>double chin
>dressed in black with a cropped shot to disguise her linebacker statue
*smirk* Sweetie, you're just not my type.


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Fucking hell. They are so restrained by their faggotry they can't even use proper insults. Fucking nigger kike faggot cunt pussies.

>maga chud
even their attempts at coining nicknames for people they hate fall flatter than her chest. What's worse than a fat bitch? A fat bitch without jelly jugs. Just worthless.

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>"I've learned the best recourse is to ignore those fucks, and keep dismantling their power structures"
I wonder what they will do when they finally realize that these supposed "power structures" are the very things that pay all the taxes that support the country? Should be a fun time...

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Bump for National Smirkism

>let me explain to you about the 6th gender
>;-) :) =P

From elementary school through college, I went to school with girls and women who could hide behind their vaginas. Their facial gestures that weaponized their slits. Infuriatingly you can't punch a woman because that is against all that is right.

>Women demand equality

All bets are off. Punch a woman.

she looks like such a humorless bitch, the kind you can't make jokes around because she takes herself way too seriously

That’s a dude

>the smugening

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The indian approached them

Start about 1 hour in to see the black guys taunting the kids, then at 1 hour 12 min the indian approaches the kids and gets in their face

Probably should download this as well since they have been removing it.

Also at 1 hour 40 min the Israelites say they weren't threatened by the kids and it was an okay dialogue, the kids didn't really say anything back to them.

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>Damn white people and their *shuffles deck* smiles.

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The truth is the white power structures are gone. The media, the government, the education system, every aspect of power and influence in the west is controlled by people just like her. Anti white, anti male, anti right wing, Marxist operatives are behind the wheel. This is why a white guy wearing a wrongthink hat and smiling is a national news story. This video going viral isn’t proof of some vast white supremacy controlling the country, it’s proof that simply being white and in the wrong place is now a crime. You might not be punished directly by the government, but the power structures will destroy you.

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Incoming salt

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Kill yourself, boomer. This is cringe.

Reported to the FBI for literal actual penis in vagina rape via Facebook message smirk.

I bet you're 16 years old.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

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by DEVASTATE "she" means make her moister than an oyster then yes, rich white bois make bitches hot and bothered.
looks like failed production clone of roastie mcdonalds.
or has piss fits over couples together in public. she is peak femincel

>aka weak
>somehow can still devastate with just a smirk

fucking liberals and their logic i swear

reported for weaponized emoji smirking!
heh report back

>My existence trumps your existence

Every single time
Get others to fight for them.

careful guys. keep talking shit and the chapo guys might just ask to see your dick.

Imagine being THIS DEVASTATED over a fucking smirk.

>*posts 3 butthurt tweets about a smirk*
>"I've learned the best recourse is to ignore those fucks"

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being as ugly as her inside and outside should be a crime

Yeah... White people aren't allowed to smile anymore, this is a microaggression


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Haha - women.

Alex is a faggot. Faggot's must be beaten up at every opportunity.

imagine being such a FINAL BOSS CHAD that bitches are still horny for you till the day they die.

>for her it was the most important and pivotal moment of her life, but for THE GREAT WHITE CHAD it was just another tuesday.



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I have seen "black boys" actually - but the thing with "white boys" is they keep applying it to adult men to try and marginalize them. If you call an adult black a boy these people flip out.

Smirking AND drinking milk? Holy fuck that's racist

I rolled my balls up into a smile and sent a photo, which is sad because I'm twice that age........

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> existence TRUMPS your existence..



They hate you for just standing there, smiling.

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Ahnow lemme tell you about muhrigonal lectric hedgehog Pokémon

the world has gone mad

soon it will all be purged in a nuclear hellfire

the revolution already happened, it's just that most people don't know it yet
there is no prospect of taking these power structures back, as their legitimacy is long gone. they must be replaced
parallel institutions will have to be built for literally everything - right down to academia and science
my fear is that they will prevent this from being done until it is too late (it is already too late)
and then there is only one possible outcome

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>that smirk says "I'm richer, I'm white, and I'm a guy"
That smirk and his whole face says "I look like I'm Jewish." How is everyone missing this?

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Tbh in this instance, they literally are boys. It would be better for us, if we play that fact up.

Angry brown boys too

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This level of pathological projection. These people really are NPCs. Have they ever introspected?

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Is nobody else creeped out by this?

quick rundown on this new meme with source (the video)?
Some guy posted a 2 hour long video about a leftist protest or something in another thread, but the maga hat guy wasn't there

Tired: National Socialism
Wired: National Smirkism

>espouse concept of "white male fragility"
>literally break down over smirk

I remember Smirkalnacht, my grandparents told me the tales after they fled Nazi germany. Apparently a group of Hitler Youth were out marching and protesting, and a Jew ran up and started banging a drum in their faces. They smiled politely for ten minutes and then everyone left. I didn’t experience it myself but the oppression is felt deep in my DNA, and I have nightmares about it every night.

this is fascinating because you can watch in real time how the Holohoax lies were propagandized in the first place in the 1930s

Yeh that's what my first impression was but apparently these lads attend a Catholic school. I still smell the reek of yid on them but maybe it's just their immersion in Abrahamic religion giving them golem features.

>I’m a pile of shit
>it’s your fault


If she lost some weight I'd let her slob my knob.

What’s up Mohammed, your whole religion is an ape of your more successful little brothers, the Jews. You Semites shouldn’t squabble amoungst yourselves.

Confident white men terrify these people to shreds.

Yeah this situation in general is the latest real indication of a coming civil war.


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Every media "racist" ends up being a Jew. There is something about this divide which they are eagerly feeding into.

I hate sandniggers so damn much

LOOK HOW THEY FEAR US WHEN WE DON'T BACK DOWN. They don't know the kid is a Jew. They see a white man and we have earned a reputation to be feared.

>tfw i only smirk because i dont know how to smile
>i work with 75% blacks scared


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Wtf I posted a HITLER GIF

When will we pass common sense smirk control legislation and ban assault smirks? This is getting ridiculous, woman and POC are getting basically raped every day by these smirking animals.

so.. how long till we start considering bad optic means of doing what's needed to be done?

in minecraft obviously..

really she outed herself as being controlled by her self-esteem. a smirk just says "whatever".
this is the new American Anthem

Not everyone had a train run on them by 17, roastie

Nice to know they fear us so badly that merely smiling will send them running.