Serious question

Would this white kid be so smug/cocky eager to start shit if the Indian was a black guy?

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We both know that he wouldn't even dare look a black man in the eyes.

He does have an extremely punchable face as well.

No. We know this because the black guys are egging the "white boi" on behind the camera and he chose not to escalate with them.

>"Start shit"
> Stands smiling while Indian man beats drum in his face. Says nothing.


Fuck you you fucking dirty filthy nigger trash. God you niggers are fucking disgusting

Don't bump discord niggers' threads.

Keep saying shit like that online. If you met me IRL in the street you would lower your gaze like the submissive faggot you are.


Of course not, we all know that black people are subject to unpredictable episodes of chimping out

Would there have been any scenario where this kid wasn’t ousted? Blank expression would be ignorance, sad would contempt, angry would be hateful and scared would be racist.

>Would there have been any scenario where this kid wasn’t ousted?
Him not being white.

Crazy Indian boomers approach school kids, and loudly bang their drums and yell. Most of the kids dance while some look on in amused disbelief. This is harassment!!!!

Meanwhile, nogs are calling the kids rapists, school shooters, faggots, child molesters, crackers, and klansman, and no one says a word about it.

Try this one on for size...

>not standing at a "Indigenous People's March" wearing a MAGA hat and taunting the indigenous people

>inb4 he has a right to stand there with that hat, it's public property

Absolutely correct and now his life has the freedom to be totally fucked

>being this triggered by a 17 year old kid wearing a red hat
>deserves to have his life destroyed because of it
You people truly are mentally handicapped.

That webm of a fake lynching is blood libel.

Also, top hateposting m'lad.

He also has the right to meet assailants with deadly force. I wish I was this kid. I'd boldly walk down the street, glock on my hip and AR on my back DARING any leftist to come at me. I would not hesitate to kill any leftist who attacked me.

uh-huh. Not even kidding, I seriously in all seriousness believe you would actually carry out this promise as long as you had forty to sixty other white people around you. Less than five and you're fucking high right now if you believe what you're saying.

>I seriously in all seriousness
>Less than five and you're fucking high right now
you're so mad you can't even type straight

The indigenous people's march was over by the time they got there. They kids were there to have a pro-life rally or something. The native guy stuck around and approached them to cause a scene. This was all artificially created. I expect the native to start up a go fund me any second now.

It's cute to see white people act tough for a week when a white kid looks hard at an old fragile Native American man. Sad to know next week you guys will be complaining again about how black people beat you up all the time and won't leave you alone.

Actually, you are quite delusional. The very reason I bought and learned to use my weapons is to kill leftists. I have a gun with me wherever I go. I also keep an AR in my trunk with a few extra magazines. I have also been actively attempting to create situations in which I can draw and fire. Stop projecting, punk. I fear no one. I have an idea. Let me know where you live. Have as many leftist friends there as you want. I will come. Alone. And I will kill you all.

Likewise, it's adorable to see you act all outraged and tough because some white kid looked at a Native American man. Sad to know next week you guys will be grasping at straws for another nothingburger to be outraged at when everyone realizes this event was nothing.

The black guys didn't approach.

I don't know, why don't you ask Chief cock-in-but that started it.

That's just a chosen man's regular face, goyim. Stop being racist.

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I guess I should shut up. I'm pushing you pretty hard. You're starting to scare me.

No. Gorillas and other apes see eye contact as a challenge and he would have been attacked.

Way to completely ignore context. This narrative has already been debunked

How fucking socially autistic can you be to think a smirk is starting shit lol.

He didnt escalate with the injun, what are you talking about? He just sat their. In fact all the kids behind him were way worse than he was.

He did absolutely nothing wrong and he's a qt3.14. Would totally cuddle

I'm going to use this rationale to shoot dipshits with obvious gang colors on. Think it'll pan out for me?

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Look at Jow Forums, eating up the ((narrative)) just like the rest of them.

A catholic school waits to join the March for Life. The old protestor decides to obnoxiously walk right into the middle of the group. One kid doesn't move and stands his ground. The narrative that hates white's and Christian morals runs with this in another blatant attempt to stir the pot.

This. Niggers back down when you call them what they are.
I've had beta white bois act tougher towards me than their nigger friends when I call them niggers

Exercise your rights, just don't be a blowhard faggot about it.

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Ahktually this was the black guy starting shit with the high school students who were waiting for their bus, by telling them to go shoot up their own school, that they're all school shooters

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>Look at Jow Forums, eating up the ((narrative)) just like the rest of them.
>A catholic school waits to join the March for Life. The old protestor decides to obnoxiously walk right into the middle of the group. One kid doesn't move and stands his ground. The narrative that hates white's and Christian morals runs with this in another blatant attempt to stir the pot.
And they leftists are falling for it hook line and sinker
The general consensus on Jow Forums is that the left is actually fucking retarded because
A. Maga hats aren't racist
B. The Indian started it
C. Smirking isnt racist
And even if they were racist, good! Fuck those niggers

Yeah those are the black Israelites lol, they really hate Jews, whites and asians.

There are tons of videos of this.

They’re racist because they didn’t apologize for being white. Also, he smiled and that’s really disrespectful. You’re supposed to apologize to natives, even if they’re being rude and banging a drum in your face. It’s hate standing, like the T-Pose.

Oh geeze this is embarrassing.

I wish I lived in your world were leftists were violent organized parties and not just outspoken college kids

Screencapped for the cringe.

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Also sent to the feds.

This is a board of peace.

Have you noticed that everytime this kid is mentioned on Jow Forums it's is stressed that he is a WHITE kid. It really activates my almonds

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with fist in pocket. when the civil war starts the bullet will hit you before the gaze has been met


OP here, I'm actually starting to change my mind about white people starting it. Maybe they didn't but do you have this clip without the cut at 10:38? Seems that's the most important part and want to see what happened at that point.

this. I'm still waiting to see where magaped yelled at him. further more, there's a lot of red hats in that photo. I don't doubt for a second he would have approached a black man the same way in that situation.

>libs so cucked to niggers they pretend their nigger savior wouldve saved the day
stay cucked

He was at a pro-life rally, then waiting for his bus near a monument. The redskin approached him.

Shit up Tonka saw 2.0 nigger faggot.

No, but look, between me and you, can you give me a reasonable explanation at why they were wearing the MAGA hat?.

I understand they're free to wear it but what would be the reason?.

To make things clear just like in the situation a person would be driving a pickup, they might have an answer like "because I pick up big things for work". What would be this group's rationale for wearing a MAGA hat there?.

They want to?

Why did an older man approach a bunch of kids minding their own business and start beating a drum at them?

Serious answer:
Imagine being on a field trip and you immediately find yourself within a protest, then suddenly, this derranged dude strides up to do and starts pounding wildly on a drum in front of your face. It's a massive "what the fuck" moment that you'd easily see in Vines and YLYL compilations. If the political situation was reversed (demoncrat ended up within a white pride rally, encountered a mad drummer), it would be seen as the funniest thing this year.

The real question is what if the group was black and a lone white guy walked up like that.

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Get in here we are fighting back.

>They want to?

No, I understand that. I figured already that much. If he didn't want to he wouldn't have worn it. But he did want to so he did. I want to know what good reason you think he could have to wear one to that event or around that event?.

>Why did an older man approach a bunch of kids minding their own business and start beating a drum at them?

because he wanted to?.

you see?, we get nowhere with an answer that vague.

You want my answer to your question, well could be because possibly the Indian wanted to challenge the kid in that because he heard someone in the crowd yelling "build that wall". That's supposedly what he said in the video in the article. I don't know if that shit is true or not. Maybe he didn't hear shit and simply wanted to fuck with the white kid because he resents whites for taking Indian land. I don't know but those are possibly reasons. Come on now, why can't you give me a sensible reason of why this kid would wear the hat. can't stand when I have to explain this shit to adults.

Want some Skittles nigger animal? Well boy do you?

No, niggers are like animals, very strong and agressive, that kid i so smug because is facing an old man, he wouldnt be so brave facing a nog, nogs are strong like gorillas

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Haha says skinny asian kid

Except one of those actions is deliberating intimidating and it's not the hat-wearing. You retard.

For the record, the ones shouting "build that wall" that he heard, were the fucking black Israelites.

He doesnt want to listen to facts. Seen red hat white skin.....seething


Safe spaces back at plebbit

>That's supposedly what he said in the video in the article
Do you have a timestamp with the kid shouting it, or are you just repeating what you've heard with no desire to actually see it firsthand?

No, I don't. I'm assuming my point flew past your brain too. My point isn't whether or not anyone in the white crows shouted that.

My point is why would he wear the hat.

White people can't be this fucking stupid.

They've doxxed this kid already over at Reddit. Jow Forums is losing it's mojo.

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Your point hinges on the fact that the guy heard someone shouting a phrase that you can't seem to actually find anyone saying.

Are you really so simple minded that you can't understand why a kid would wear merchandise of someone who's figurative workplace he was visiting?

The kid didn't start anything. He was there with his class. The Injun walked up to him and started beating a drum in his face while some black guys in the back called him gay and to go back to Europe. The kid handled the situation well.

There were black men there and they were BTFO.

Hope you starve chimp.

cool larp bro

>class was told to wait in front of lincoln memorial for buses
>Injun approaches them to harass the kids
>while nigs call them gay
You have the freedom to fuck right off. You look like an absolute moron when all video evidence destroys your perspective on the situation

He would probably look down and walk away like all pussy ybois

Lets be honest, this is a bounch of young men harassing an old man, if this granpa we're white and niggers we're the ones harassing him Jow Forums would chimp out, c mon guys why are you so fucking hypocrites? You don't respect elders!??? I mean Ive killed, ive tortured, i'm not a saint but always people of my own age or stronger than me, its about pride, it's about a warrior honor, respect to older and wiser men, why are you so fucking childish cunts? This is why murica white race is diying out and being racially replaced, instead fighting niggers or jews you harass poor old grandpas and are proud of it's like if it we're a big victory, this is why you already loss this racial war, you are childs instead mature men.

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He probably would but you are still a nigger.

He showed amazing restraint whilst confronted with some fuckwit slamming a drum in his face.
Mr. prairie nigger would be wearing that drum as a necklace if he pulled that shit on an adult.

>my point hinges on what they were wearing
Really? Your argument is "they were asking for it, just look what they were wearing!"


trips are a terrible thing to waste

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Trips nigger is more alpha than any of you "pussi boi ass crackas"

Wow that's so great to dox an innocent kid over the color of his skin. How valiant

>Would this white kid be so smug/cocky eager to start shit if the Indian was a black guy?
Considering Mr Woowoo chose to go to a group full of MAGA hats for the express purpose of starting trouble. Yes I do believe he would have since he is in a group of MAGA people. , he would have got beaten up with a bike lock.
I must also make this as a side note: Had this guy done this to a group of Pantifa/leftists
Full video natives Approach the kids at 1 hour 13 mintues. Watch decide for yourselves, save the video before its taken down.

Obvious discord thread is obvious

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Look at his smug face faggot, weak men like him shouldn't be allowed to be that snug while harassing old men, why he don't face a man from his own age? If there is something i hate are weaklings feeling superior when they are less than maggots, i'm not a leftist but cmon this child deserve to be beaten up by someone of his own age lets see if he is so brave after that

where do you want to IRL, I'm game.

If a black person stood in front of a whutey in the same manner, in his personal face, with a smug, and surrounded by a group of black people, pol would be up in arms that dem niggers were harassing the poor whitey. But because it's whitey, you crackers suddenly act like personal space isn't a thing anymore. "He's just standing not doing anything, how is this harassing?" Yeah fken right.

And then you pretend to not know why people hate white people right now.

The ShitSkinraelites were there you freak !
I find it funny how the niggerlites were totally side lines in this dont you ?

>I have also been actively attempting to create situations in which I can draw and fire.
>And I will kill you all.
This is called instigating. If you do this and kill someone, you'll go down for murder. You'll be the minority in prison.

>Say that to my face not online and see what happens
t. niglet

I grew up in Detroit blacks do not scare me, because I am always on guard to their behavior. I will get in anyones face that gets in mine like the old dude, and the others did to those kids. Kid did not break down so he becomes an aggressive racist white man for refusing to be dominated, by the oppressed, or the true oppressors.

He didn't start anything, nigger.

Because it's representative of their beliefs and they can wear what they want?

Just like how you have a right to out yourself as a leftist sissy by wearing your black lives matter buttplug and hilldawg t-shirt in public.

>being this aggressive and retarded
>niggers aren't less intelligent and more aggressive

Niggers get ripped to shreds by actual gorillas in Africa every day. Lol

okay bean-nigger


What a brave man are you kek, wow, should i be offended by an inferior male like you? Know your place in the food chain bitch

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.