I miss her bros

Not a day goes by

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Other urls found in this thread:



literally who?

reported for offtopic, trolling outside of /b/

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>tfw is the one who gets rekt for announcing a report


Her birthday is in a few months.
I'm buying a bottle of Belgian ale for the day.
No one will know what I'm celebrating, but I'll know.

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Why? Her Numbers where way to low!

>zero kills
>retarded videos
please leave our beloved taiwanese bamboo carving forum immediately and never return.

>trying this hard to force le based tranny meme

nobody on Jow Forums likes forced memes ya utter newfag

filtered the based tranny lol

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just report the newfag for trolling outside of /b/

She was our version of Che Guevara

The injuries were of legs and ankles.
She didn't shoot to kill.
She just wanted them to dance.
And dance they did.

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in other words, she didn't have enough strength to hold up the gun barrel.

She still had the willpower and resolve to shoot up (((YouTube))), more than 99% of other women. She was waifu material.

Who could possibly be against her? I'm well and truly baffled. She was an incredible woman, she gives me hope that the rest of them can maybe evolve somehow.

it was a fake shooting you false flagging kike

p.s. she's what i think of when i think of the fish speaker legions in god emperor of dune. she's my madonna of death.

>nobody on Jow Forums likes-
That's where you're wrong. She was voted Jow Forums's official Person of the Year:


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>HurRrr DUrrRr im gunna go shoot up innocent people at a social media company cause muh channel hurRrRrR

she was a psycho attention whore with no life out side of the internet, glad she is dead. She didn't even make it to the parking lot lmfao.

If your looking up to people like this you are underage and need to stop posting, you must be 18 to post here.

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Nasim haters are just part of the gang of skeptic naysayers that would antagonize anything just for the sake of pleasing their need of egocentric self-indulgence.

She had magnificent tits (peace be upon them), and sometimes that's all that matters

She's in heaven with Rich now, drinking the nectar of the Gods.


>using bots to upvote your based tranny

says the faggot who has never stood up for anything in his life

how the fuck do we forget about skyking, yet we post about this psychotic attention whore?

don't you dare mention these two together ever again.

you're sooo fucking gay holy shit

seething janny kys

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nasim nasr is proof that obscenity can not only be holy, but it can be the thesis of holiness

>says the faggot who has never stood up for anything in his life
lmao, AI does all the censorship and she shot people for no reason, she stood up for nothing but her own ego. You cucks are glorifying some attention whore who shot people because she didn't get the attention she wanted, stay cucked kiddo. She would of did more damage shooting up the server room.

>looking up to a 38 year old iranian who shot people over her youtube channel.


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i don't "look up" to her, i look within my own heart and find her dancing there. who dances in your heart?

YouTube started censoring her channel and changed the algorithms so she was getting less views. That was her life, she was making a living from her channel, her art, she could have been also monetized on Patreon, but YT had to start censoring like they are now, and she single handedly stood up to (((Silicon Valley))) Marxists


richard spencer

>If your looking up to people like this you are underage
It's "you're", retard. Normally I wouldn't care, but Jesus, why is it that you room-temperature-IQ disruption shills can NEVER even properly spell basic words?

she was one of us

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one of what? brown people who embarrass germany?

you can fuck-off as well, you're polluting this thread more than the shill.

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literally the best thing she achieved with her life was exposing all the incels of Jow Forums

t. stormfaggot

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cringe schizo boomers

back to the_donald with ye

The funny thing is, Andrew Anglin of DS unironically worships Nasim. She is a true Aryan through and through.

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The same way we forget about Tree King and our grandparents and our dreams.

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then in contrast, why do we remember this retarded bitch?

skyking was a legend. this bitch is a national embarrassment who looks like a tranny.

How do you miss someone you didn’t even know until they died?

trumps a zionist cuck, stay mad kid.

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>How do you miss someone you didn’t even know until they died?

Or if the event even happened?

>I disagree with a private business so I shot up the place

Jow Forums literally supports freaks like this

inb4 muh jewtube is evil - yeah I hate liberal youtube as well. doesn’t mean it gives anyone the right to shoot up a private business because of their fee fees.

>all this butthurt shills against nasim

stay mad cucks, Jow Forums more embracing of women and is more multicultural than you leftard faggots, and we dont even try, we just naturally are united in the hatred of you, your kikery and cuckery

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>this bitch is a national embarrassment who looks like a tranny

outside only a handful of faggots who force this meme nobody even knows wtf they're talking about

>Andrew Anglin of DS unironically worships a tranny shitskin

like pottery

No one cared about her until she shot up the Youtube office.

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you'll be the one thrown from a rooftop, apostate!

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because youtube kept her hidden from us, her genius

>miss her
None of us even knew her name until she was dead you faggot.

I lost both my mom and Nasim. I don't know how I made it.

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>tfw no gf like nasim

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Our love is eternal.

>I lost both my mom and Nasim. I don't know how I made it.

join them by eating a bullet or jumping in front of an oncoming train

>trumps a zionist cuck, stay mad kid.
Oh I get it now, this is yet another /leftypol/ raid. I can recognize your faggots' posting style in an instant. It explains the sudden strange uptick in anti-Nasim shilling. I guess it took all of 10 months to add her to your target list.

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Her psyops were far superior to any of the other amateur hour shit I've seen from the top echelons.

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I can not do that user, not until every last Jew is dead.

ID elcCyhH5 is totally not mad online

the only target will be your head as it's violently smashed against the pavement, faggot

Cringe. Stupid boomer.

Anyone who supports Trump is a race traitor.

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Found the filthy nigger who hates happenings. Go back to r*ddit you fucking pussy kike. Go back to worshipping based niggers and kikes you fucking peice of shit.

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>I can not do that user, not until every last Jew is dead.

even more of a reason for you to become a 'good jew' by jumping in front of an oncoming train

no, you don't get it, you will never get it. You follow narratives and people that have an agenda and you fail to think for yourself and attach everyone to some group or buzzword. You are going to die ignorant and unaware of how bad things really are, for your sake i hope it is quick.

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how come y'all haven't read siege yet if you like happenings?

Jesus, dude. Where have you been? She was a candidate for /pol's person of the year in 2018.

he's a schizo stormtard, ignore him

hey rabbi!

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I must suffer this Hell long enough to kill them all myself.

>ignore people who don't believe what we believe.
definitely a kike phsyop here.

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check out all the idiots in this thread drinking the poison of anger and expecting me to die? you sever your own testicles and expect me to have erectile dysfunction? cute :) how can you possibly derail my love for my favorite woman to ever exist?

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pretty much this



oh come on, Nasim is white!

I miss her.

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Incels like you are intoxicating this fucking board. I can barely come to pol anymore. Fuck you

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Stupid fucking boomers like you ruined this board.

This is you:



RIP, sad

This. Only JIDF calls her tranny because they can't stand the sight of a literal aryan-Iranian princess taking the lead over their JIDF girls.

you didnt know who she was until she shot up youtube hq
You cant miss someone you didnt know

>JIDF girls
speaking of "idf girls" i've been watching their propaganda, basically exploiting their own women for propaganda purposes, since they started shoe-horning "oh i just happened to notice these hot idf girls" threads in the old forums like somethingawful etc. never mind watching SRS develop. and yet they constantly spam the same buzzwords as if i haven't been watching how they work for decades. cute :)

>the Youtube hero

But Amerimutts worship their JEWTUBE oppression. The world will be saved by the Chinese. Whitoids need to die.

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>constantly spam the same buzzwords
Idk why they keep doing that