Would you ever burn yourself alive to make a point?

Would you ever burn yourself alive to make a point?

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Nope, because it's an empty gesture that gets nothing done.

no, I'd burn the person who can't get the point across

Used to burn sand niggers in Iraq.

I'd burn the person that deserves to be burned alive.

>Would you ever burn yourself alive to make a point?
I'd much prefer to burn my enemies alive to make a point

what's the point?

>Would you ever burn yourself alive to make a point?
No but I would burn everything else for a comfy happening.

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Watching people burn alive is like porn to me. I watch the Temple of doom sacrifice scene literally everyday. Watching that guy go down into the lava pit screaming in agony while everyone around him writhes in ecstasy is amazing. And watching the heart continue to beat and burst aflame while the guy himself is completely submerged beneath lava, likely still aware and in blind agony...

Also, liveleak still has those fire challenge videos.

I heard that it's painless

Nigga you've never been on fire if you think it doesn't hurt
-t Australian

This. Gasoline and white phosphorus now.

>Die for a cause that now has no one to lead it
>Not burning your enemies to further your own cause instead

It doesn't ever work. I'm not aware of a single instance where it's done any good. In fact, there was one guy just a few months ago who burned himself alive in a park protesting something or other, and it barely made the news. I can't even remember what he was protesting. It wasn't important, but I guess it was worth an agonizing death for him to make his point.
Anyone remember that? It was weird. Maybe in Portland? I can't even remember.

Hell fucking no. I would rather massacre innocent people. Death by fire sounds terrible.

I've lit my arm hair on fire before. Wasn't to make a point though.

only if it's about the gasoline

Naa looks painful and annoying. I'd burn someone else though

>not just setting someone else on fire and claiming they did it for your cause.

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Probably should see a psychiatrist about this bro, bit too intense. Might cause problems down the track

Been on fire, don't recommend it. IF you ever find yourself on fire, remember, do not breathe in until you are clear ! Same rule goes for any accident involving particles of glass etc, stay calm and monitor your breathing first before anything else, do not gulp that shit in whatever it is.

but they scream and twitch

What was Tunisian uprising in 2011??

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did you scorch your lungs? that must have been a good time.

Nope. It seems to be a predominantly nigger phenomenon. Guess it takes a very low IQ to expose yourself to the most painful death imaginable. Niggers don't have an imagination that stretches beyond muh gibs, so they can get watermelons for tomorrow.

a glownigger colour revolution

>wants to be edgy
>wears make up, like a little girl

You don't die for your cause. You make other people die for their cause.


no i'd burn someone else

>Watching people burn alive is like porn to me
The state of Edgelords today, amiright?

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anybody got the webm of the mexishits on fire?

No, I followed my own advice luckily, but I noticed that the first impulse upon the shock of the fireball was to take a deep breath before taking evasive action. This is not an instinct one should follow.

Tell that to Mohammed Bouazizi

> from working society to muslim shithole in 6 months
yeah good job mohamed, you really did it

Ask Mexicans after their self-immolation protest against building the wall.

Is that a Mexican?


This is the absolute best burning alive video you will find, pure gold!

>Would you ever burn yourself alive to make a point?

For free gasoline.

No, only to get free gas

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Hell no.

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That was a tranny. They always kill themselves, this was just a bit more creative than most.

Maybe after all your nerves burn off. But before that it's probably the most painful things a human can experience.

It's only gonna cause problems if he does see anyone. Getting a mental disorder on your record will fuck up your entire life.

That is fucked up because I'd rather see politicians that sold their soul to the devil burn that way, those pigs don't deserve to suffer that way. I am against animal cruelty.

Has anybody ever researched what happened with Joan Of Arc? She got burned alive. Not willingly. Interesting story tho. People think we are past certain concepts but certain political concepts are timeless. As is hers.

That’s not right. Crime against nature. Must shoot them first. Even if it’s in the pit.

Fuck no.
I wish I'd capped that Irishanon's post about burning to death from a medical perspective from the other day.

I lightly burned my finger and it fucking hurts.

The gist was that being on fire never kills you immediately.
If you breathe in the flames they burn your throat and lungs causing them to swell up and choke you to death and you die "quickly" in minutes after struggling to breathe through swollen burned tissue that still feels pain because it wasn't burned enough to kill the nerves.

If you make it to the hospital with significant burns over your body but didn't immediately choke to death, you will probably die of infection days later.