Why do Indians act so pissed off when working behind a shop counter...

Why do Indians act so pissed off when working behind a shop counter? I always try to shop in a shop staffed with Eastern Europeans because Eastern Europeans can at least pretend to not hate me when I buy something.

Attached: indian.jpg (800x450, 73K)

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youtube.com/results?search_query=ownage pranks indian

Laugh and learn.
youtube.com/results?search_query=ownage pranks indian

My dad owns a few gas stations in nigger neighborhoods and we exclusively hire the hindus. Hindus will fight and die to stop a robbery. We had a 60 year old poo get shot 4 times while hitting a nigger with a broom fro an attempted robbery. He survived and came to work a week later.

Okay but why are indians so rude and pissed off? I stop shopping in places when they get hired. I even know a guy who got fired from two different convenience stores in my city.

Oh and I dress like a hobo when not working so they treat me like trash but then I tell one guy that I have a respectable job and he starts kissing my ass and suddenly Im his best friend.
Such weird people. Im just a customer. As long as I am polite, dont smell and hand over the money they shouldnt care who I am.

Just summed up my frustrations with them in another thread
They are the most insecure people on the planet and cannot fight back physically so screaming and crying is hardwired into their blood

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I worked behind a shop counter as a teenager. It never crossed my mind that I should be angry at the people I was serving.

>get bad service from some shitskin
>don't spend 10 minutes shitting on his life

Its something iv seen multiple times. Indians are really butthurt about being shop assistants but Eastern Euros dont seem to have the same problem.

Is it the same in Austria?

They think European peoples are weak, degenerate, and filled with self loathing.

They're right. Can you blame them for treating you as if you're a lower form of humanity? Tbh, I really can't.

>while they serve me snacks

Possibly because they are well educated and well rounded compared to most people in India, but then immigrate here and are (usually) forced to take jobs your average shithead high school grad could get.

From the pot into the frying pan. Then they have to, daily, interact with people who don't fully recognize their merit and just see them as 'that angry pajeet' because they've become jaded as people and have some thick ass Indian accent. People who don't even have a very basic understanding of the culture they themselves were raised in. They live their lives known as that Indian cashier behind the counter meanwhile they've traveled to x countries, speak 3 languages and have a BS in y.

Lmao. Would've been better if they never came here then.

Yeah but why are they angry at me? Im just buying a bottle of wine.

They just have resting bitch face. They're nice despite looking angry

>They're nice despite looking angry
they have horrible genetics and fucked-up soft tissue structure so their droopy and “scowling” faces don’t mean the same thing they would on another race


The Nog is repulsed at the idea of an upstanding Irishman and will last out in the only way it knows how

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I love pissing them off more, then I threaten to hit them when they don't give me my fucking receipt.

It's hilarious.

Parjeets are absolute cancer to the Western world. In every country where they migrate to in large numbers (AUS, CAN, US, UK) they lower the standard of culture and living whilst at the same time subverting within by promoting (((globalism))) so as they can bring in more Parjeets, these people are on par with the Jews with some of their dishonest and fraudulent activities.

wow.. did you give him a pay raise?

>t. prajeet