Islam is now the dominant religion of the US
Roast is culture is over.
Women dress modest and marry at 18.
White population expolosion results.
Isreal is no longer protected by the US Iran bombs it to glass.
Nigger hood behavior diminishes.
Hood rat women must be married to have kids and nigger men must live with them. Population and community stabilizes.
Why is this bad /po/?
It’s 2050 Islam has saved the US
You fuck your cousins already, you don't need anymore justification from that shitskin religion.
>the only way to stop brown people is to accept their religion
nice try frenchie
Why is it always gingers? Is it because of ginger bullying? No other type of white every falls for islamic cuckoldry
Forcing a woman to marry you beating her and breeding her is the exact opposite of a cuckold.
The prophet was a ginger.
Yes. it actually is bullying. Think twice before bullying a ginger, he might end up beheading ya in the morocco mountains later on.
Honestly, I wish Christianity would adopt that portion of Islam. For fucks sake, they are the only folks who have their wives on a leash, as it should be.
Salty english whoreson hahah
Mashallah. Unironically if Islam was the majority religion of most whites, we wouldn't have to deal with dumb shit like LGBT or geminism
Reminder that mexico has a cartel ready for you fuckers the templars are rising even if theyre brown
Cartel against army of white Muslims? Not a chance
Do we all get free goats when masturbation becomes a crime?
day of the rope is coming for you too, subhuman
Problem is, Allah doesn't exist and it's all based on bullshit.
Wait a minute, a ginger neckbeard mudslime, isn't that like a negative soul like a soul singularity.
I kinda like listening to music or having a cold one while mowing my lawn.
>Is it because of ginger bullying?
Half of the reason, the other reason is these Islamists, like all bullshit religions/philosophys purposely target the 'disenfranchised' so they target pretty much any ginger they can find because they see them as guaranteed converts.
Fuck off,
intresting, but fuck off
because Islamo Sandniggers burn all books except the Koran.
Western scientific domination would end with Islam
The cancerous anti Muslim mindset among nationalists needs to end. Globalist kikes just utilize them as another divide and conquer tool to keep us distracted from the real enemy. Only question is what Islamic demographic we should ally ourselves with. Sunni or Shia?
>implying Americans won't turn Islam into poz shit in under a decade
always a bullied ginger
>marry at 18
Obvious faggot is obvious
We would lack in scientific ingenuity but the other option is to me mongralized into nothing and be slaves to a degenerate Jewish global power
It's already a part of Christianity that the woman obeys the man
Yeah nah yeah nah
>Doesn't mention the inbreeding
>Doesn't mention the pedophilia
>Doesn't mention the fact that islam has been at war with Europe since its inception
Just because Islam hates faggots and kikes doesn't mean its a good alternative to well, everything.
>defending muzzies
checks out
He's defending your children and grandchildren though
I hope this is being ironic
I just live here. But you gotta get these pikey cunts sober before they start bacon dodging.
imagine white people in the future being called "ahmed", "muhammed" or "abdullah". islam is the erosion of everything european.
>The prophet was a ginger.
I-... What?
Aryan sharia law by 2050
Jews eliminated by 2060
It's true. Read the hadiths.
Fuck muslims and fuck islam
If the consequences of giving up my vices was beheading, I'd probably stop.
And USA becomes a third world shithole like every other muslim country.
Even better: get all that Abrahamic sterilized mystery religion shit OUT.
Better for me.
Now I can have 10 9-13 year old wives.
Fuck off kike
Only 4