Corbis goes full redpill

Calls out niggatry and references Jow Forums while wearing FBI hat and star of David necklace. You have created a monster.

Attached: Screenshot_20190120-145011_YouTube.jpg (812x1077, 202K)

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Is she transitioning into a boy

Given her entire adolescence has been spent getting flooded with perverted comments by pedo beta orbiters it's understandable how she could end up being a dyke.

so this is what they mean about generation Zyklon?

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Don't spread this guys,
She's just a kid,
I don't want her to get hurt.
The point of the video will fly over SJW heads, and they'll misconstrue her message.

Between all the shit they seem to be doing in public lately with no fucks given I would say so. It warms my heart to see the next generation rejecting propaganda trolling on such a massive scale.

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hard to watch

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inb4 mainstream media say hacker Jow Forums is responsible

I love her

Fun video; thanks for spreading it.


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I crieded.

>That boy was Albert Einstein.

It’s actually you who created the monster. You’re paying attention to her and posting the video.

>Tired kid that doesn't understand the script she's spewing.

We are turning the tide so hard that the next-gen traps will be girls turning into boys.

How old is she now? Shes such pedob8

Isn't it obvious that her dad is a Jow Forumsack using her daughter to bait pedo-orbiters to get sheckles off youtube?

I have ISIS song playing in my head while watching this image.

I told you assholes, Corbis is not for sexual. But no, you had to keep lewding Jow Forums's little sister.

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You're just mad you didnt think of it first

>You have created a monster.

The first woman president it God wills it.

Kid, if you are reading this, you are obviously smart enough to sort through a lot of the bs on here, but I tell you this as your older brother in spirit- you need to recognize that you have too much talent and potential to waste it on meme videos that will ultimately get you blackballed for countless careers when you become an adult. You don't want to be an intellectual who is forced to work at Burger King because she associated with ideas that spell disaster for all but Ma and Pa shops in no where.

Good luck, and try not to take the women hate on here to heart. I think you and I both know most of it comes from men with massive egos who were outsmarted by a less than moral woman in a relationship

kek, this kid is pretty funny

That's... deep? I have questions about that there story.

I just figured that she had a Shadman illustration of her on the wall in her room.


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Shes way smarter than you. Theres 0 chance she wants to work with liberal retards... She is a hero and will always have support and probably fame and fortune for speaking the truth at a young age.

>I think you and I both know most of it comes from men with massive egos who were outsmarted by a less than moral woman in a relationship

I agree. There should be more vids like this, and less of little girls acting slutty.

pretty sure she's mk ultra mind controlled and a deep state plant to bring more and more antisemites and "alt right" out into the open.

Megacringe. This is just pathetic.

>mad that the right is indoctrinating the kids instead of the left

i'm just waiting for the day that video of her with that black man finally leaks

This timeline is technically impossible, enjoy it.

Want to know how I know you are either underage or a NEET who has never worked a day in his life?

Pffft fake. I turned off my light and played the video and she didn't even glow.

i wonder what she thinks of the pics rofl, what a fucked up childhood she's had.


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kekkonen indeed. this shit is awesome. would drink a beer with her pollack dad directing these videos

fucking lol

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You sound like a pedo

This bitch needs to be spanked to get corrected her behavior to be to more like to being a good girl.

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