Feared by whom exactly?
Capitalists who want cheap labor and bleeding heart liberals who need to kill Europe to feel morally superior
Praise Poseidon!
By just about all politicians.
I am in fear of niggers, not them drowning. Niggers bring crime, disease and destruction to white people. They should be shot down, all boats sank and thrown multiple nukes on Africa until they all die.
checked and blackpilled
Is Poseidon, dare I say it, /ourguy/
The Jews.
Feared by soros
Based Poseidon strike again
Tax collectors and landlords.
It's your fault Jow Forums you killed top class nigguh from Congo :(
This is why I only pray to the Sea god, he's the only one protecting Europe right now.
good. Less subhuman trash in the genepool
What is the name of that symbol in the center? I keep seeing it but can't research the history of it because I don't know what it's called
Propaganda bs. Only 54 people made it to Italy this year and 0 dead. Some NGO made up these two boats to make it appear there is a crisis.
Now for Italy!
There must be no doubt in our minds that the weakness of this people lies in their blood, in their race. Italy is a weak ally. There is, after all, no nation which hasn't thrashed the Italians, from whom the Italians haven't taken a beating. The Italians, we can see this right now, will be considered the most contemptible people in the world; no one, no Albanian, no Montenegrin, no Frenchman, no American, no Englishman, no Russian, no German, will have any respect for them, since they have proven themselves everywhere to be cowards, as soldiers, as men. That is the most contemptible judgement that one can hand down against a people and a race. .
?? Italians are the only ones showing a backbone on this. Notice how these ONGs are manned and abetted by germs, the aids dutch and decadent spaniards.
Why can't I post this?
The Black Sun.
Fish, Would you want nasty skinnies stinking up your home?
black sun you shill
by virtue signallers who wouldn't have ever been aware without someone else telling them to be sad.
Fish. Imagine going on about your day munching on plankton and shit and then 170 ooga booga negros rain down on you.
Oh no, how will we ever recover from this.
i think those would be npcs
Jow Forumsing image with gigantic ocean addie tipping over the boat full of refugees
Not shill just ignorant, friend
they misspelled "hoped"
someone should notify the editor
sorry for misjudging you user. be well