Can someone give me a rundown from start to finish

On this entire Trump/Russia thing?

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russia helped trump win the US election because he's a Russian agent

Israel used Russian Jews to try and frame Trump as colluding with Russia as an Insurance policy in case he won the Presidency to derail him since Trump was wanting to work with Russia as he said during his whole campaign. Trump baited the kikes into trying to frame him.

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Trump money launders for Russian oligarchs.
Russians realize that if he is president, they have him over a barrel with that knowledge.
Russia helps a little with internet mischeif.
Trump wins (maybe would have won anyway).
Trump must now play nice with Russia.
Everyone smells a rat but can prove nothing

Sure, it's all bullshit. There you go.

Full Timeline :

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Russians helped him by manipulating the elections but there was no collusion or agreement with the Russians and Trump. Russians just wanted the most retarded candidate that can do the most harm to the west to win.

A massive psy op for spreading division and fear. The end result is a loss of faith in the institutions and democracy. It certinly wasn't Russia who instigated this.

Mueller has the proof.
Republicans are running interference for Trump.

Russians made Shillary think, that we are working with her. She let 7 millions of our agents in and supported their "right" to vote without any documents.

But we played her like a baraban. All our agents voted for our agent Trump instead.

We had prepared our agent Bernie to run with a DNC scandal in case Trump would be exposed.

During the 2016 campaign, after numerous reports from early voters in Texas and other solid repub states that the voting machines were switching all-repub ballots to all-democrat (when viewed on the summary screen), Trump announced he was concerned about election fraud and voting machines being hacked. Democrats howled about how dare he question our democracy, it can't be hacked you're just losing etc. Then he wins the election, and democrats, incredulous and out of touch with reality, couldn't process that Hillary lost because Americans living outside the NY/CA bubbles thought she's a lying, evil piece of shit, so they turned to what in their mind was the only plausible answer: since Hillary was rabidly anti-Russia, it must have been Russia. Yes, evil Russia hacked the election by stealing Hilary's emailed and sending them to wikileaks. It's Russia's fault that she was exposed to be a lying, evil piece of shit and thereby lost the election. Of course, they don't dwell so much on that as equating anything associated with Russia as pure evil, and so if they can link Trump to anything associated with Russia, they think it damages his image irreparably.

The president talked the the leader of another nation, to make sure we don't all nuke each other, as people in power are supposed to do.
But because the left suddenly became very pro-war for some fucking reason, this is seen as "wrongbad" by them.

20 minimum wage hot pocket Russians in an industrial park had a better understanding of Americans than the most sophisticated corporate advertising companies being paid billions of dollars by multinational corporations.

Or so the Democrats want me to believe.

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>the Democratic party has no policy or narrative to offer to the American people
>fuck over Bernie Sanders, the most popular American politician alive
>instead make a fucking lizard woman their presidential candidate, representing everything the people hate about their elected government
>the biggest idiot in the country runs on the right-wing side
>Russia wants to stir shit up in the west, hacks Democrat emails
>literally nothing we didn't already know, Democrats are just overal miserable people. meanwhile Jow Forums creates imaginary pedophilia scandal
>Trump wins because of the electoral college
>Democrats can't comprehend this
>make up dumb neo-McCarthyist Russia collusion story to distract the public
>paid shills go hard on it
>NPC base follows
That's it. There's nothing more to comprehend on the subject.

The left have unironically become bloodthirsty lunatics hellbent on endless genocide. Its best just to distance yourself from them at this point, as a lot in the democrat's voterbase are already trying to do.

don't forget Pissgate and how even the CIA and FBI fell for it, and how it was literally just some shitty fanfic made for teh lulz here on Jow Forums

The Democrats have always been pro-war. Occasionally slightly less pro-war than the Republicans, but still very much pro-war.
You shouldn't imagine Trump to be anti-war though.

Russiagate is just the Democratic Party's lame attempt at trying to slap a treason charge on Trump. It's a conspiracy theory and nothing more.

The only "hacking" that happened was the DNC server being hacked because Podesta was a moron and opened a phishing email. What got leaked was the DNC's corruption. Even former DNC chairwoman Donna Braile admitted the Democrats rigged their primary and screwed over Bernie.

They were mad they got caught. The only sort of "collusion" that's been discovered so far is that Trump made business deals with Russians before he was the president and during his campaign. His Trump Tower Moscow deal had nothing to do with the election.

Pic related. Not even the NSA has any evidence of collusion.

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What you think there was no conspiracy? You must be a conspiracy theorist.

Trump’s been working with Russians for decades, they lend him money an duse his properties to launder money and committ crimes.

He’s run for president a number of times but this time he had the full support of the Kremlin, and a sweet Trump Tower deal to go along with it.

He’s compromised, it’s pretty simple.

Or maybe Trump really is corrupt, regardless of whether he committed conspiracy with kikes or Ivans.

After your failed rituals and false flags Trump drops the hammer and you can't stop him.

you leftist faggots really think this shit works? You don't even bother to make an argument, you're not going to convince anyone of anything just squawking everywhere. Kys

Trump and Punic hacked the dnc and then also hacked the election. That is why trump won. The United States is now controlled by Vladimir Putin who controls Dondald trump now.

Nothing happened!!! havent you heard Trump! the DemonKKKrats are the ones who colluded with Russians and rigged the election, Hillary and Obama must be in jail for their crimes, this is a witchhunt. Sage shill.

It never happened. The end

All Trump supporters are scum.

There were corrupt deals with the Clintons involving Russia and uranium one possibly Obama as well.
To deflect this they made up the Trump Russia narrative.

"Russian Collusion" was this generations "Weapons of Mass Destruction"

Two years on and there's still no solid specific accusation or any evidence backing one up. That's the full rundown.

Do you shills ever get tired? I can't wait to see Israel destroyed and your families burned.

nice projection Avi.

You're the one who talked about false flags first, kike. I haven't forgotten the shit you pulled here during the election. I won't only watch the inevitable liveleak videos of your destruction. I'll fap to them with great pleasure.

It's a leaf man, why even acknowledge it? Next you'll be replying to DNC flags, for all the good talking to those "people" does.

FISAgate. An Obama +UK+AU+Israel Operation to frame Trump and spy on him
using the full weight of the intelligence committee and install an insurance policy in case he won. This was to prevent all their crimes from becoming public and maintain control of the presidency. Despite bluepilled idiots it's backfired tremendously. Now we are just waiting for the FISA declassification to factually prove the fraud and scheme. Strzok texts that were deleted by Mueller allude to assassination. That's what Admiral Rogers tried to warn Trump about before he moved to NJ.

Are there any good videos on this?

Pic related

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Here is the only summary of it that really matters user:

Russia meddled in our elections.
However what the media doesn't tell you is that Russia also made fake votes for Hilary.
They did this for the sole reason of casueing discontent and disrupting our national unity.

This nigger probably poisoned Hillary

Donald is Russia's bitch but after all the shit Amerifats pulled they deserve even more mocking

Probably. Just ask yourself what the accusation is, who is making it, what their evidence is, and what their motivation might be.

>a polack trolls liberals by sending his fanfic of trump recieving anime for christmas in russia while wearing a onesie and surrounded by hookers to prominent democrats
>some take it seriously and buzzfeeds reports on it calling it a dossier that links trump to the russian government

That is literally the whole story

jewish oligarchs of Russian origin
anyone saying otherwise is not to be trusted
Trump's been involved with them since the 90s
they helped him out buying casinos and other buildings
its all in record
they're the Russian mafia you see on the talmudvision
they're the ultra orthodox jews dealing diamonds in Anvers
the lubavitch were also behind Chertoff with giuliani too
ask jared he knows about the lubavitch
I already said too much
connect the dots and see if im lying
pro tip : you fucking cant
have a nice fucking evening

>fake news cries wolf
>unsurprisingly its fake news
>repeat about ten thousand times

Once it is proven by detective Robert mueller that Vladimir Putin’s and Donald trump hacked our election together, Hillary Clinton will once again become president of the United States.