The winners write the history: BRAINSTORM EDITION

The events of the last week have illustrated the fact that the right is losing the culture war because the left owns the institutions that write the history. In the last week, literally no events of historical significance have happened, yet 100 years from now, historians looking back on this weekend’s timeline using “credible sources” will believe the following fabricated lies:

A group rascist white Christian teen assaulted a native American elder. Look at this photo to see the face of racism
> Reality - A group of Christian school kids waiting for the bus are heckled by Israelite Jews, then approached by a Native American political activist banging a drums. The kid does nothing but stand there and smile, resulting in the media and celebs to dox the kid and attempt to ruin his life.

Trump ordered his attorney to commit perjury in regards to a meeting with Vladimir Putin, causing the entire media apparatus to call for impeachment of both the president and his Vice President inserting Nancy Pelosi as defacto leader of the “free” world.

> Reality = Buzzfeed wrote a story based on anonymous sources to smear the president and the media ran with it. Story was debunked within a day.

Given the opportunity, Conserva-jew Ben Shapiro would not kill Baby Hitler, causing an outrage mob which cost him corporate sponsors.
> At a pro-life March, which itself was misrepresented in media, Ben explained that he is not in support of killing babies.

The Womans March pushes for equality in a massive march on the nations capital.
> A group of feminists, led by anti-western Pro-Palestinian radicals, continued their assault on masculinity, backed by politicians and corporations.

Actual events in the last week that the mainstream media glossed over:
> A Muslim man was arrested in a plot to blow up the whitehouse
> Damaging Bruce Ohr testimony implicating the highest levels of government of the Obama administration.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The answer is simple and illegal

Sure, everyone knows that the media lies. But truth doesn’t matter as it will be forgotten as soon as the next manufactured outrage is manufactured. Entire timelines are erased every time an opposing voice is kicked off the internet. Any pushback to the narrative is censored or written off as fringe conspiracy theory, and the Marxist narrative that is being pushed becomes the history that is written.
TL:DR - I have come before the hive mind of pol to channel it’s autism to organize, record, expose, and combat the obvious Marxist cancer that is killing the West.

How does it feel that magafags are soo powerless and pathetic that you let an injun get under your skin for 2 days straight.

The damage control is hilarious.

WEAK IMPOTENT RAGE, every trademark of the trumplet personality. lmao.

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Threadly reminder that a discord exists solely for the purpose of shitposting on Jow Forums, with specific targeting towards /ptg/ and /sg/. There exists a group of people who's life choices have led them to a point where shitposting on Jow Forums has become the highlight of their day, indeed their very reason for not just suckstarting the first shotgun they can find.

They are responsible for ---ALL--- AOC and Tulsi Gabbard threads. They create porn threads. They are responsible for the BLACKED spam. They are the ones creating the "Honest thoughts on X" threads, the "how do we solve the X problem" threads, the "What did X mean by this" thread. The "are X white" threads. The blackpill threads, the consensus-breaking threads. The fake tweet threads. The Gillette spam threads. The Jow Forums threads. The "redpill me on X" threads. The off-topic horseshit. The disgustingly bad shitposts. The Smug White MAGA teen threads. The 'alt right e-celeb' faggotry. When confronted, they'll deny a discord exists despite the screencaps that exist of it.

This is your reminder that each (You) you give them gives them a tiny bit of hope that their shitposting will change your mind, will affect your thinking. They cherish each (You) you give them so dearly that those (You)s are, in fact, the only thing keeping them alive at this point. They see you as easy marks because you've proven in the past you simply cannot help but shitpost when someone else shitposts.

user.. their existence is suffering. Pure, unfiltered, endless suffering. Haven't they suffered enough? Don't be selfish and give them (You)s to prolong their suffering for your enjoyment.

Withhold the (You)s. Don't reply to AOC or Tulsi Gabbard threads. Don't reply to shitposters. Let them finally realize the only way out is death. Let them find peace.

Show some restraint, faggots. They literally organized on a Discord, tried to go full OPSEC and FAILED.


You know your movement is dead when you're defending some zoomer shit who knows nothing about the world.

Make Newfaggotry Great Again, I guess.

Yes, because it's the Right that has been freaking out and demanding violent retribution all over social media. Totally not the Left. The same people who oppose the death penalty and claim to be pacifists. While agitating for lynchings and war.

You know your movement is dead when you're attacking some zoomer shit who knows nothing about the world.

>The events of the last week have illustrated the fact that the right is losing the culture war

Stopped reading

Apparently, the shills are against us organizing.

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Imagine living in a country where guns are legal and easy to come by, hmmm... I wonder where the solutions to your problems may be found?

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Without organization, even that solution is futile. History would record the event as a lone psychopath going off the the deep end to commit terrorism.

I'm more against knowing who's good for your cause and who's not.

"Fuck optics" crowd can go make an embarrassment of themselves elsewhere. Thanks.

If liberals win like you say there wont be any future, the countries would not be able to function without white people.

Your cause and my cause are quite different, shareblue faggot.

What is the full story of this kid and injun? All I've seen is an asshole smirking highschool in some savages face, I know there has to be more.

Literally, read the first post. The entire narrative is a manufactured lie.

ITT we will discuss how to organize to record the actual history of our times.

people of Jow Forums. the commiefucks want harm to this kid. TELL THEM every bit of harm he whitness we will get another helicopter with a nice wide open door just for those rats who dare attacking a kid for their politics.

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Holy shit CNN just retracted their story to a large degree. They said the black Israelites were the one “spreading hate”

Your cause is to suck jewish cock as much as possible. We know that already. I am more than happy and proud to not be in your sick camp.

>Yes, because it's the Right that has been freaking out and demanding violent retribution all over social media.
Yes. The right does. Matter of fact so does the Left, but the right has the slightly higher historical tendency to make sure their threats are acted upon.

Hey buddy, how do I get in on those shitpost shekels?

looks like the MAGA kid is just politely "enjoying" the Indian's performance, since being a MAGA guy he was taught to "respect elders", and of course that goes triple for mentally, morally and/or physically "challenged" types.

Kid MAGA is the same guy who listens to door-to-door Mormons for 10 minutes.

it will be like ancient history where it was said that 1000000 soldiers were killed in battle when the reality was 500.

Get fucked nigger. You got buzzfeed again.

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>"What the young man was doing was blocking my escape. I wanted to leave. I was thinking, 'How do I get myself out of this? I want to get away from it,'" Phillips said.

Jesus Christ, the video literally shows him walking up into the group and getting in the kids face
American news are a total disgrace

Of course they're losing the culture war plus we actually look good.

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I really want to rub his smirk with a fucking cheesegrater until he's dead, that passive-agressive little cunt.
And no, I don't give a fuck who anyone is or what they're doing.
He could just have saved childens for all I care. He looks like a proper cunt.

Yet here you are, shilling my thread about organizing to combat the (((narrative))).

The camp that you are in now, is not the same camp that (((you))) will end up

ITT we will discuss how to organize to record modern history so that the remaining white population can learn how to best combat (((you))) and your shapeshifter lies.




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this was good optics. bad optics is bowing your head.

I bet he would whoop you ass.

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