5G Insider pt. 2 AMA

Last thread stopped letting me reply. Here are some ?s I couldn't reply to:

>Cops have had cell tower spoofing MITM gear for years now. Even though it's not even strictly legal. It's not really increasing surveillance any more than it already has been. Encryption is the only protection these days. It's why Govs are getting so butthurt about it and the more retarded ones are demanding back doors or the keys. Or to make encryption illegal.

Yes, stingrays/IMSI catchers/dirtboxes are a thing, and have been for years. It will be kinda hard to make encryption illegal, since that is basically making math illegal.

>It's not a spectrum crunch that prompts the 5G rollout. 5G will support dramatically more bandwidth, therefore it will allow for new applications that previously weren't possible. Telcos all know they will need 5G to compete, so that is what prompts the rush to 5G.

There IS a spectrum crunch. It's pointless to concentrate on existing frequencies since those are really too saturated at this point. You are correct in that the increases in throughput are the main motivating factor right now.

>What’s neat is that 5G kills you and allows ever more intrusive surveillance.

There is no proof that 5G specifically "kills you" any more than existing radio waves, at least not yet. And the surveillance state is already here. They know where you are with GPS accuracy.

>they start erecting black tower poles every few meters in newcastle upon tyne, I suspect this is 5G role out.
Could be 5G, could be an entirely different radio network. There are tons of them.

>They speculate about car to car communication, IoT, blockchain and other shit like that, but no one really knows.
Correct, IoT applications are attractive.

>what you going to do, stay inside your house all day you idiot? While the natural environment is destroyed by harmful background radiation?
I'm just as vulnerable as anyone else to EMF radiation. Cool your jets.

Attached: Tesla_Broadcast_Tower_1904.jpg (472x512, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>He has his phone's GPS services on
>He has devices connected to the internet without a VPN
>He wants his house to be connected to the internet

Zoomers out

>If I just don't own a 5G phone will I be at risk of any potential negative effects the people are talking about in this thread? I just use a 10 dollar flip phone as that is all I need it to do.

As I said previously, "most" of the danger from the radio waves comes from the high-powered transmission radios/towers, not the end user devices. And if you have a tower/radio nearby, you can't stop the waves from hitting you. Whether or not you own a device won't matter, aside from any dangers the devices present.

You don't have any knowledge on what frequencies are actually harmful right? Most radio frequencies do no harm including 5g

>birds dying
Can't say conclusively. The studies I read about European birds dying didn't really correlate with the times that radio towers have gone up. You can't come upon some dead birds, point at a nearby radio tower and call that the reason.

The frequencies including microwaves are low energy non ionising waves so no real damage besides heating you up can be done.

It's not just a matter of frequency, but also a matter of power and proximity of the radio transmitter. Theoretically there are already devices in most people's homes that transmit anywhere from 700mhz to 6 ghz. These devices use unlicensed spectrum and thus are relatively very low power. If science had determined that "certain frequencies" were always harmful and dangerous to humans, then the shit in your house is already killing you.

Radio frequency is literally low energy non ionising and has no harm to people in general

i will build a faraday cage around my house, big deal.

>The frequencies including microwaves are low energy non ionising waves so no real damage besides heating you up can be done.
I tend to agree, but the fact that tissues do heat up means that more studying needs to be done to determine long-term impacts. If the skin is heated, how much are internal organs heating up?

No it just means that non ionising means it's not harmful besides heating things up if at the frequency of microwaves which wifi signals and most radiofrequenties are most definitely not.

The issue isnt so much the health of your body, but your mental health

>Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
no idea if this works, but I just dont believe you can remotecontroll people like that. same for pic related (where i have no idea how legit it is)However this gets me to another bit:

Basically during the MKUltra experiments they were able to put monkey to sleep with RADAR waves, and possibly could alter the state of a mind and did the same stuff with other

>Disabling parts of the brain with magnets can weaken faith in God and change attitudes to immigrants, study finds

I wonder how 5g plays into this...

However i believe that like with the ormer stuff it is impossible to remotecontroll. However what it likely does do is put people in a certain state of mind, increasing or decreasing anxiethy, altering ones behaviour towards authority, reducing independent thought and so on, but not outright control people like with MKUltra. This then may play into stuff like pic related (no idea how legit that is, saw it spooking around the web for a while) or the patent mentioned , which I doubt enables you to control someone, but plants a thought, an idea, or oppinion in him, which he can either resist or accept as his own. If you then change the state with the first practice to have less independent or criticle thought it may increase the effect of this patent. If the patent actually works that is. Good chance the brain just wont recognize the voice.

However this wouldnt be MKUltra but some offshoot of it.

Attached: voice to brain.jpg (498x390, 112K)

>Radio frequency is literally low energy non ionising and has no harm to people in general
Not entirely true. Folks who are licensed FCC amateurs or who work in close-proximity to radio gear already know that there ARE health hazards associated with high powered transmitters and antennae, and there are safety protocols and practices in place to deal with them.

Jamming/shielding is a double-edged sword. Your phones won't work inside the house. For most ppl, this would be a deal breaker.

Previous thread for those interested:

Wifi is very low powered, much lower than even tower radios. Wifi is something usually like 15-50mW, a very small fraction of the average 200-400 Watts of a tower radio.

>No it just means that non ionising means it's not harmful

Not "as" harmful as ionizing radiation, but basic training in the amateur radio practice will tell you that you are wrong.

Suggesting that the technical specifics of 5G--frequency, modulation scheme, power output--are designed for mind control and not telecommunications, is a far reach.

5G is designed as a weapon. The beam forming can be used to target undesireables in their beds while they sleep and give them cancer.

fight 5G discord server with a decent pool of resources. Thought I'd share.


hurrr, you cant just put an antenna on top of the cage and run a wire in to the house!!! some insider who cant even figure out a small problem

Or you can ask me a thoughtful question, and I will try to provide a thoughtful answer.

4G user predicted this

> just put an antenna on top of the cage and run a wire in to the house!!! some insider who cant even figure out a small problem

I said in my previous (now archived) post that you could do that with a cantenna for a fixed installation, inside a home for example. But the devices with internal antennae-phones, for example-wouldn't work. You COULD in that scenario, install an internal low power 5G transmitter in your home, something like a microcell, but that would expose you to some level of 5G EMF and defeat the purpose of shielding your home in the first place. It might also turn your house into a microwave oven of sorts.

Why are you letting Chinese 5G overtake you and make you look like a bunch of incompetent buffoons?

Attached: 1548023710058.jpg (1100x619, 136K)

yeah I duno how well that works in the field, I bet they've had some really interesting lab results though. You pic seems to be referring to sound and radio waves, I don't know if the brain can turn radio waves into audible voices in ones head. Do you have any additional info?

you are a shill.. RF from previous generations has already been proven to be dangerous by hundreds of studies. 5G is going to be Radio Frequency radiation on steroids.

"no proof 5G specifically kills you"

it's not 5G that's the issue. It's RF radiation. Which 5G will emit significantly more of.

>5G is designed as a weapon. The beam forming can be used to target undesireables in their beds while they sleep and give them cancer.

I can't dismiss things like this offhand, as I am an FCC license radio amateur and I know the dangers of directional radio waves, given a power and distance. However, why the fuck would anyone go through the trouble to kill someone so slowly and unreliably?

>Why are you letting Chinese 5G overtake you and make you look like a bunch of incompetent buffoons?
They aren't. The US is currently leading the pack in early 5G deployments.

completely false

Attached: 1548016964247.jpg (1422x1020, 507K)

You do realize I have no incentive to believe you, and in fact, all of the pattern recognition skills that have been honed on this cursed website tell me that YOU are an intelligence agent sent here to “craft” the narrative. To take the ray clay (information) that we have, and mold it with your hands, using your easily debunked talking points.
Kill yourself faggot


watch this. ^


>RF from previous generations has already been proven to be dangerous by hundreds of studies
I never said RF in totality wasn't dangerous, and have made several posts detailing that RF can be dangerous in certain situations. Basic radio amateur education reveals this.

>5G is going to be Radio Frequency radiation on steroids
It's going to be radio transmitter density on steroids. Those frequencies are already hitting you with some radiation. See the chart.
>it's not 5G that's the issue. It's RF radiation.

>I know the dangers of directional radio waves

I think we're all falling into the "is bad, is harmless" dialectic here, having a device in your pocket that's operating on x frequencies isn't a great idea.

You obviously don't know this. Websites like this, and reports from "big-5" accounting firms like Deloitte, are industry insider agitprop to try and convince network operators and hardware vendors not only to spend more money on this technology, but to hire their fucking firms as "consultants".

not necessarily true because multiple photons can strike simultaneously allowing an ionization even to occur. It happens rarely but if you were to climb a radio transmitter in the middle of a broadcast you've a good chance of being sterile.

Do you have any proof that the US is ahead in any way?

>You do realize I have no incentive to believe you
Correct, I realize you have no incentive. You will have to take the content and context of my posts as they are.
>all of the pattern recognition skills that have been honed on this cursed website tell me that YOU are an intelligence agent
Another astute observation. I have also learned these patterns, and know what to say/what not to say so as to avoid problems associated with limited hangouts.
>your easily debunked talking points
You haven't debunked a single thing I've said.

>having a device in your pocket that's operating on x frequencies isn't a great idea
Agreed, but it also is NOT conclusively a bad idea.

>He still thinks a VPN will protect him.

Hes more of a slight disinformation agent who is attempting to release real info under the pretense of being a shill.

Saying something is not “conclusively bad“ while trying to convince this board that 5g is totally okay goys cause I’m an insider you can trust me is a prime example of pilpul.
Don’t mind me, I’m just observing what I see. Please continue interacting with anons in this thread, it’s very interesting.

See? Who ever he's with, he's trying to teach. Relax faggot.

Nothing that I can provide on here without likely exposing myself. Sorry if that sounds like a cop out, but privileged info is something I can't divulge. Public availability--the fact that in some areas on some providers, you can now get fixed installation 5G--should be sufficient, given that the standard isn't fully cooked and is basically in alpha.

on this matter not really. just the note that i wouldnt make focus too much onto a directed effort of control. we know electromagnetic radiation can influence ones conciousness and thinking, and we are surrounded by all kinds of frequencies. wifi, 3g, 4g, LTE, edge, the standard radio and mobile network etc. which probably all effect us on some level beyond our notice, and we know introduce even more of these frequencies to be all around us. at this point it very well may be that even (((they))) have no idea how the random mix influences us.

read what i just wrote in this very post

That's the thing. You can't scream from the hilltops "5G Kills you" without taking into consideration the fact that the transmitters in the rest of the whole friggin spectrum, in addition to things like cosmic rays and solar radiation, play a part. There have been numerous, yet inconclusive studies on all kinds of radio wave effects, many involving mobile phones. I'm not saying 5G definitely is or isn't dangerous. I'm saying as of right now, we don't know. That's where we're at.

I agree it's all a bit weird..

what's the typical range of a 5g tower, and how many high speed data connections are they expected to carry?

>we don’t know
“We” know everything glowboy.
Jow Forums has uncovered every ancient secret, hence why we are the harbingers of the “apocalypse”, the unveilers of the hidden.

>what's the typical range of a 5g tower
Depending on the area/configuration/tower/etc, less than 1/4 mile radial distance
>how many high speed data connections are they expected to carry?
Depends on the backhaul and the willingness of the network operator to oversubscribe. If backhaul was unlimited and the carrier didn't give a flying fuck about oversubscribing more than 10/1, and the radio in question has full use of licensed/unlicensed spectrum, a single radio could carry 100s if not eventually 1000's of "retail gigabit" connections at one time. Of course for practical purposes, backhaul is not unlimited. A more realistic scenario would be something like 10gbps total backhaul throughput (e.g. 10 gig-ethernet connections) and an oversubscription ratio of 8:1, which means roughly 80 concurrent "retail gigabit" connections. I should add that these calculations are difficult to make with wireless connections because they are not static, devices obviously move from radio to radio, but usage trends are available historically and are used to plan netowrks.

We don't know, hopefully we WILL know. Future tense.

Why bother designing 5G radios to directly influence your mind, when its obvious in today's society that we simply "build the road" and let the plethora of web services/digital apps do the mind controlling? This method is more subtle and effective.

What benefits can we see as people, with 5G comms?

The answer is really speculation at this point, but obviously the higher throughputs and spectrum headroom have the potential to proliferate 5G access to all kinds of things...cars, home appliances, medical gear, IoT devices, wristwatches, you name it. As far as a greater societal benefit, that question is complicated. One could argue that interconnecting vast reaches of society so quickly and absolutely may actually be a detriment, but on a positive outlook I see 5G as the wireless final frontier. It is likely to dominate telecommunications access for the next decade.

our mind is attacked in every way imaginable. media propaganda abusing our social behavior, fear propaganda, drugs (including those in our foods), electromagnetic radiation, the very speech/language we use, including the original MKUltra in "some" cases.
They are all more or less subtle nudges towards a pacified state where you are too enduldged in hedonism and apathy to ever become a thread to the powersystem, and every additional nudge is a welcoming gift for (((them))).

in case you are interested, all i have on different mindcontrol techniques.

you're a industry faggot shill

maybe it is possible to crank them up and use as area denial pain rays?


Appreciate the answer
Any further prescient analysis on it's impact both positive and negative to us as individuals and society as a whole?
Any concerns? Sleepwalking into something?

What do you work as?

Attached: bart Listen.jpg (106x125, 2K)

>you're a industry faggot shill
Yes, I'm in the industry. But I have not shilled for anyone or anything.

Highly unlikely. The power required would be too large. Military weapons on the other hand...

OP, post this thread on Jow Forums as well!

>Any further prescient analysis on it's impact both positive and negative to us as individuals and society as a whole?
Any concerns? Sleepwalking into something?

Unfortunately our society and our industry has incomplete information, so theoretically we could be sleepwalking into anything. My biggest concern is that there is such a focus on building the thing, that little details and public concerns aren't getting enough attention. But that isn't an isolated 5G concern, that is really technology as a whole.
>What do you work as?
Can't give away too much info, but obviously I hold a technical position. I certainly don't work at one of those booths in your local mall.

Mistyped, your reply is here

cant they just draw more power from the grid?
we wont know unless we can see how the circuits are designed though

in theory it should be possible

>There is no proof that 5G specifically "kills you" any more than existing radio waves, at least not yet

My hot pocket begs to differ.

handheld pain ray soon??

the power needed can't be that high

The radios have a limit to their power draw. And due to the way radio waves and spectrum assignments work, you can only pump so much power before you are causing unlawful interference. In short, it won't work.

Fair enough, thanks

Which companies are involved in 5g infrastructure?

With your technical expertise and ignoring the fact that this is /pol, how do you see individuals best using this new technology to help build a better world? Is that too naive?
What motivates you to post here?
Do you know many technical people that post on Jow Forums?
We desperately need more people to anonymously reveal things that are in the public interest otherwise it's an echo of shitters

Because your Hot Pocket was zapped by a 1000-watt microwave. Even if you stood right next to a 5G radio, you are highly unlikely to get anywhere near that power exposure.

There are several apps available that will record the serial numbers of the local cell towers, i.e., near your home, work .. if there's a stingray nearby that your service is being redirected through, you'll know.

>Which companies are involved in 5g infrastructure?
Basically most of the same ones involved in 4G infrastructure. The network operators and hardware vendors are more or less the same. Right now in the US, the govt is pressing hard to never use Chinese gear for 5G. Thats the main difference.

>With your technical expertise and ignoring the fact that this is /pol, how do you see individuals best using this new technology to help build a better world?
I am loathe to make comparisons to tech use with respect to what we have now. I would say the surest speculation is that the use of 5G will be similar to the use of 4G, with far more discrete use cases. Its also likely that there will be far more appliances connected to the network than there are on 4G.
>What motivates you to post here?
I've been seeing a fuck ton of shill posts about 5G lately. It's really started to stick in my craw. Also alot of disinformation like "5G means 5 gigabits or 5 gigahertz." Completely false.
>Do you know many technical people that post on Jow Forums?
No idea.

Yes, I too have the Cell Spy Catcher app.

can you tell someone in your industry to do health tests on bees and other nature?

just using random frequencies could really stuff them up and they've already been dying off for years

the frequencies interfere with their buzzing, they get lost and can't find their way home

I also wonder if celltowers can interfere with plant blossom/produce cycles, if we're going to start putting 5G everywhere, more tests need to be done

I'd like to see tests done, yes.
>bees already been dying off for years
Correct, so 5G is not likely to affect bees. Everything I've seen indicates they are dying off from bacteria/virii/fungus/climate change or a combination thereof. Also possibly pesticides.
>I also wonder if celltowers can interfere with plant blossom/produce cycles
I have heard nothing of this nature. Speculation. There are already plenty of other radio sources and have been for years. If plants were that sensitive to radio waves, I think there would have been some research by now.

yes I know about the neonicotinoids, it's not a single thing affecting them

however there's this

just adding more stress to them cant be good, we need them for food, and that's more important than people being able to watch 8K cat videos to me

>There are already plenty of other radio sources and have been for years. If plants were that sensitive to radio waves, I think there would have been some research by now.
Depends on what frequencies are used and how much exposure, it could potentially interfere with plant biology

Excellent, thanks
>Shill posts
Well, the board ignores lots of things to push cetrain agendas but what benefit would anyone have in shilling AGAINST 5G?
Also well done lad.

Bees are based

>he thinks you can turn GPS off

How powerful is the 5G transmitter inside the new cellphones? My current 4G iphone6 emits 100uW

>However, why the fuck would anyone go through the trouble to kill someone so slowly and unreliably?
because then people would catch on that they're trying to cripple and cull the population and then they would rebel, causing sterility is all they need

some phones are designed that you can physically disconnect the gps circuitry

I have no idea yet. There is not a single 5G phone on the market. I haven't seen the specs on fixed cantenna radios, but I expect they would be roughly similar to what is out there now.

Attached: DxT9GhoX4AEAdAJ.jpg (610x865, 173K)

Motorola will be the first with a Moto Mod attachment for their Z3 phone.

Stop sending your garbage to Jow Forums, you fucking retards.

Lying fucking rat nigger

No lie. And you have not refuted what I said.

I knew a few Chinese just recently at school working on 5G antennae for phones

I don't doubt it. And I know more than 10 folks working on all kinds of 5G stuff. China isn't far behind, but the reality is the US market is the most lucrative wireless market in the world and that is what is pushing 5G deployments here.


5g will allow IoT botnet to run wild.

I hope you enjoy your mandatory Alexa microwaves.

>I hope you enjoy your mandatory Alexa microwaves.

Alexa is already spying. This is happening NOW.

Why did Israel ban 5G from their "country"?

A good question. I have no idea. But its very suspicious.

It might have something to do with the concerns over backdoors in the vendor gear. They possibly want to hold off until they can source infrastructure THEY KNOW has no backdoors out of their control Ask yourself, if you were Ericsson or Huawei, would you want to spy on Israel?