>“Same bull. Same bully. Same delusion,” Zarif wrote.
>“Same bull. Same bully. Same delusion,” Zarif wrote.
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Yea cause of Syria pull out, Labrador boy was trying to flex nuts.
Now ask him to do a 10 year challenge for their airforce
I really don't understand how the retarded Republican voters still love John Bolton. He literally robbed the US of trillions of dollars and thousands of lives just so he could make himself and his friends richer and Israel happy. Now he's trying to the the same thing again and the Republican voters are sitting at home watching football and drinking beer instead of being out in the streets demonstrating against letting it happen. I guess there is some truth to the saying "Only rural and suburban retards vote Republican."
>s-stop bullying us!!
lol Iran bitches like a bunch of whiny kikes like Israel
you realize Bolton isn't an elected official elected right? no one voted for Bolton
So why aren't you fat cucks doing anything about it?
Trump hasn't started any wars and is trying to pulls out of the places we are in, fuck off you dumb fucking eurotard, pay attention. You living under a rock like a braindead retard is not an argument.
He's pulling out of Syria (supposedly) over a long period of time.
The 8 other conflicts are still ongoing, troops are still in Afghanistan for example.
Meanwhile John Bolton is talking about wanting to start wars in South America now.
>Trump hasn't started any wars and is trying to pulls out of the places we are in
Replacing the current soldiers with private military contractors that are going to cost the US public 4 dollars for every 1 dollar a US marine costs isn't "pulling out". Funny how you think I'm the one living under a rock when your rotted obese brain is too dumb to even know about your own country's geopolitics.
that's actually pretty good
Bolton is a living slide thread, takes NOTHING he says or does seriously.
>He's pulling out
this method almost never works, they still end up pregnant
Just dont actually fuck with our country, like please dont fucking even go there, but clean the (((deep state))) if you must
based Jesse
Beautiful mustache!
>he's not even officially elected this time around, why would I care?
peak mutt post
I despise Bolton. I bet his mustache tickles Bibi's schmeckle
>He literally robbed the US of trillions of dollars and thousands of lives just so he could make himself and his friends richer and Israel happy
I believe Bolton thinks what he is doing is good for the world. He views Iran has evil goatfuckers that hate America. He views israel as a democracy, aligned with western values and interests. If he was just in it for the money he would've retired by now
>Muh didn't want to die in an east asian paddy field so avoided draft and boasted one day he'll be highest powered non-elected official
Ibrahimovic user, based
Based Guardiola
Of which he has boasted
Twat face he is
You're wasted on here user
Too much relevant points
Aquafresh, you underestimate the corrupting nature of power
I don't believe his intentions are pure; just routinely retarded in slowing the advancement of mankind and sowing hate and blood
What the fuck are they doing? He's the one guy that would use the entire might of the US military to level a nation.
Come join the globalists, Jow Forums.
Friendly reminder Bolton wasn't elected but put into power by (((Trump))) himself.
it is inevitable that eventually countries will continue to condense until only one global government exists
at which time instead of countries, arbitrary chunks of land on earth, we will have entire planets
Well....youre not wrong. Bolton is the biggest zog cocksucker ever and Trump appointed him.....trumptards are stupid asf.