British women are the most beautiful creatures on this Earth
British women are the most beautiful creatures on this Earth
You're such a fuckin' ho, I love it
yea well, if the decent from viking rapebabies they are definitively up there
Fucked that bitch up out in London
How can you tell?
that’s a dude, man.
I'm a sick fuck I like the quick fuck
Foreigners are insecure that their trash sluts will never be able to compete with superior Anglo women.
She's goddamn beautiful indeed...
Bratanek, you are joking, right? I'm not even sure anymore.
You have appallingly shit taste.
bestgirl coming through
Shut the fuck up, you'll summon the typemoon fag.
What's with women and perpetual fish mouth?
I wanna lick her forehead during sexual intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
>Islaam honours women
They really do just want to be dominated
How do first world british people have worse teeth than people in the third world who eat garbage and never brush? Is it a genetic thing? Is it on purpose? Do brits take pride in being snaggletoothed monsters?
Reminder that the poms that are left over are the weak and sickly that couldn't make it to the colonies. Basically the worst and weakest filth that couldn't survive the trip to the colonies!
you can see the celtic admixture
Even these uggers that you are cherry picking are very fuckable
If you like inbred snaggletooth bitches
your country is america if you had only our ugliest and sluttiest girls.
Whats going on in this threaD? Why are mutts and slavniggers collaborating all of a sudden?
Well yeah, they're Hungarian slags. The top one was the English slag.
I like women with Welsh accents, I never actually met one but I watched freshmeat on hulu and josie is adorable.
We're untied by our spite towards the bongs.
I remember watching that lady on YouTube, didn't they end up fixing her teeth?
Because they wish they had the good fortune to be born pure Anglo-Saxon and not classless sharting mutts and turnip picking slavniggers.
> lives in hungary, home of the most beautiful women in europe
> likes the ugliest white women in europe
The plebs don’t clean their teeth, smoke a lot and have a high-sugar diet. Add the tea and coffee consumption to that and their teeth get fucked quick.
It’s stupid really, we get free dental but roughly 1/3rd of the population never bother using it.
T. Upper middle class lad with a fantastic white smile.
Yes she is.
>American girls aren’t slutty
Goblino, I...
post your teeth
isnt she jewish?
>struggling this hard to comprehend a one line sentence.
Amen brother
Stop it mate. As soon as they bring up our women they win. I know it stings but it's best to just laugh along with it.
>Reminder that the poms that are left over are the weak and sickly that couldn't make it to the colonies.
Really? When was the last time an Aussie won worlds strongest man?
Liar, it's the toffs that have spread this bad teeth meme, you all have horrendous yellow sheepsteeth. Working class are just the same as anywhere else in the world.
>those shoulders
Fucking hell.
there actually are tons of hot british girls, at the end of the day they are white girls and also have money
This is what Emma Watson will look like in 20 years.
She can already look like that just fine, all she needs to do is put on a few kilos.
>We wuz celtic
>we wuz germans
>we wuz normans
>we wuz Nordics
>we wuz romans
stfu amerimutt we are pure anglos
The most quintessentially british broad ive ever seen
That's a deformed Jew though!
>Ernst Lissauer (16 December 1882 in Berlin – 10 December 1937 in Vienna) was a German-Jewish poet and dramatist remembered for the phrase Gott strafe England ("May God punish England"). He also created the Hassgesang gegen England, or "Song of Hate against England".[1]
Good goy, keep up the anglophobia
Hey Darko, don't rape ok!
they are, but she is a bad example.
No one has ever claimed that.
I love Daisy.
She’s probably one of those girls who brags about her “self-cleaning oven.” I want her to stop using shampoo and body wash for a couple of weeks, though still showering with warm water, so she smells clean but natural. Also, no shaving of the body hair. Then I want her to sit on my face. I want to feel her hairy folds grind over my face until her scent overcomes me as I pass out with a smelly, shiny snail trail from my chin to my forehead. I want her extra, extra smelly but in a clean and natural way. I’ll bet her guts smell terrific.
I'll hate whoever I want.
>>We wuz celtic
>>we wuz germans
>>we wuz normans
>>we wuz Nordics
>>we wuz romans
You don’t even have an argument, do you :^)
what do you call a thigh gap which starts at the knee?
>Good goy, keep up the anglophobia
Americans are the Goode’s goys
Again, cherry-picked uggos but I would take any one of these over an American girl picked at random, fuck knows what it could be but the odds aren't good
Anglo women belong to Romanian men
>Smell like dried shit, sweat and puke
Those poor Anglo bastards have it really hard man, all the women are trash there.
Don't you sell your women to eastern european brothels?