Please god just end it. Kill us all.

Attached: amber_ready_podesta.jpg (829x831, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Refuge_case

pizzagate was debunked by multiple sources
no delete this thread and take a nap

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What the fuck? This. This right here. This is why when DOTR comes, nobody sane will object. The text of this document is stomach churning.

Nothing to see here. He was just playing sport.

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No it wasn't.

Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times.

Wait huwhat?

Podesta gonna get all the first alerts of "missing" children?!

>pizzagate was debunked
ok shmulie.
>there are no nonces
ok shmulie

good one

Attached: 1509474820824.png (120x123, 34K)

Paid for the the PodestaGroup™

>Those with the highest influence in a cause usually have a hand in what causes it.

Every time.

Buy directly to the factory and get deep discounts

>rothschilds in the podesta group running pr for a missing children app
is this satire

The blackpill is too strong lads

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our current PM only got the position because she "accidentally" deleted all the fucking evidence of all our nonce MP's, whilst she was head of the 'investigation'.
So this is no suprise, sickening though it still is.

They have become incredibly emboldened.

So the Rothschild were well aware of all these pedo things?

It doesn’t surprise me, as for other cults, the jews have a strategy of making the goyim do insane things in front of the jews leader so the leader can ask them other less “insane” things.
Like giving them the control to print their money or passing a law that will give more power to the banks/jews/Rothschild etc.

>abduct the kids and run all the rescue networks thereby ensuring they're never recovered
That sounds exactly like the thinking of a Jew to me.

Attached: morpheus.jpg (595x335, 27K)

Accidentally deleted and there’s no way to recover it? Even if I would be blue pilled I wouldn’t ever believe that.

>have pictures of your kids available
Please make an APP on my phone to help me take and share photos of my children!

James Alefantis clarified himself that it's not true. I think he'd know, right?

> every year 1.3 million children go missing
> 800,000
In 2019, no children went missing, and none were reported missing! Thanks Podesta group!

They invert everything. You've got a protective agency controlled by the abusers. Welcome to their religion: to invert the natural world...

Christ, wtf - how did you find this?
nevertheless unsurprising

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>the virgin blackpill
>the chad vantablack suppository

good call.

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what is dotr? I missed something


Pedophile here, this is a win for all of us out there, rejoice!

Jeezus fucking christ...

>tfw you realise how bad things really are

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No its wasn't liar and discredited shill
>PSYOP HOAX cameras moved, magic server hitting bullet, police tape up, crisis actor fake "gunman"

Podesta the child fucking jew Maddy handoff from paid kidnappers to him and his brither so convicted jewish pedo Freud's son can rape and enjoy.

The police recordings have been released

> Admit to investigation ongoing
> then deny investigation
> then say investigation complete nothing found

Proven pedo code and pedo symbols connections to Silsby go to VOAT were the rela truth was dug up Cafritz etc. its all there

LOLFIELDANDLOVE has done tremendous research into zionist pedo,snuff,child rape blackmail operations

dirty old tape recorder, it's a meme

>no way to recover it?
I'm sure there was in reality, but the government passed a law several years previous, ceasing any & all independent investigations into the government(((democracy!!))) so, seeing as Mrs. treason dismay was the only person with the say-so in the investigation, it meant that there was no follow-up(maybe she too thought a server could be wiped with a cloth?), ergo deleted forever, apparently(where's Anonymous haxxors when we need 'em).
Many many people know all of this, but being 'brits'/humans, they push it to the back of their minds lest they go mad thinking of the implications upon their comfy.

Hey Amber Ready?
Ya think ya hot shit don't ya?


A catalogue with gps


Satans crew are coming out in the open now. Come lord Jesus their end draws near

Based schizo poster


>implications upon their comfy.


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why's that?

This user (you) held me down in a puddle and brutally raped me in 2002 after a Sum 41 concert. You’re free to deny what we both know happened of course but your denial of reality doesn’t constitute a “debunking” of what happened which is in fact the truth

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You got a loicense for that wrongthink?

how are these people not arrested?

They haven't done anything illegal.

if the rothschilds are involved they have infinite money
we are all fucked.

>hmm looks pretty normal I don't see anythi-
What the fuck!?!?!?

>user, I...

Could it be any more obvious that America is a slave state? They put it right in your face and there is nothing you can do about it or else you go to ass rape prison.

I can feel the sun rising
It warms me slowly and its energy begins to wake me
I look around and begin to see what has been illuminated in the time of our awakening
the blood in my veins has reached boiling point as I show others what has been discovered
They to start to boil with fury and suddenly like a clock on it's final tock our blood turns cold and rage takes hold
We are all on autopilot now the images and memories on hold
what shall follow our actions will not be stopped or slowed nor will we ever apologise for our actions
Future generations will ask what happened when the sun rose and we shall tell them absolutely nothing for there innocence will be the reward of our silence.

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It's a fair cop, guv.
Because when it's the ones making the Laws comitting the crimes, the Rule of Law no longer applies by default.

agree 100%. this thread is the most horror show thing on this entire board right now.

Day of the rope. DOTR is a serf fantasy, similar to all baseless fantasies, centered around the idea that one day, all the powerful pedos that run the world will be rounded up by the people and hung. Of course there is no reason to believe that this will ever happen. The powerful do what they want, and the serfs pay the price. It is the way it has always been and always will be. DOTR is similar to religious delusions such as the doctrine of hell, and other apocalyptic scenarios, the common theme being that revenge will ultimately be in reach. It helps the serfs get through the day with hope for the future. Of course, it is all just wishful thinking of the powerless. The Darwinian hierarchy is an immutable feature of biology. Sometimes those on the top of the pyramid like to demonstrate, test, and play with their power by doing unspeakable things to those below them. It has always been thus.

How wrong you are.

1. May the Road You Choose Be the Right Road. 2. Where We Go One We Go All. 3. Further Beyond.

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Pretty sure Alefantis is a Rothschild.

I just wish they would tell us where Madeline is.

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>Pretending to be intelligent without actually having an in depth knowledge of history

>Where we go one, we go all

Thats what the best of the best, creme of the top Germans did, lead straight into slaughter by rothchild sponsored hitler.

Hitler gave the germans a few quick victories, blitzkreig, make them feel invincible, like God given. "If we do not win the war we dont deserve to exist as a race". So the germans pushed really hard but was led to impossible odds and slaughtered (like animals.)

Trump is hyping up the last true men and women, Kek Given victories, and we are being led to slaughter right now so they can finally get rid of the last resistance and turn the world into a mutt race with jews ontop.

Boy, sure am getting sleepy. Up early, long day. Time to crawl into my warm, soft, comfy sheets and get some shut eye.
Nothings happening on Jow Forums tonight anyway, sleepy sleepy sleepy, my eyes are getting heavy and watery, time for nappy sleepy time

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So u be sayin that they're just preemptively gonna make a database of kids to protect them... seems legit

No one got more whites killed than Hitler. Imagine what the white population today would be if all those whites didn't die in WW2 and had kids, and their kids had kids, and their kids had kids, etc, etc.

the blatant absurdity lol


What did they mean by that?

Use google translate on:
>James Alefantis
>J'aimes la enfants

this post is literally what this whole thread is about.

>excellent use of the morpheus meme with this one

Fuck. Sorry lad, but if this is new to'd better sit the fuck down and take a deep breath.
You may not believe in a big scary monster under your bed, but some in positions of power feverently do, and they worship it through acts most deviant.
You see, wealth and elitist status has a big downside - crushing boredom. These people need more and more extreme things to occupy their vast amounts of free time, so are easily led to the outermost edges of hedonism. Moloch is the ideal role model for those such inclined.

I feel like this press release simply HAS to be fake.

I mean... it has to be fake.... right?

They can run on for a long time...

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Illuminati and their word games.

Too bad their reject low IQ children give them away.

Attached: JamesAlefantis.png (1258x334, 27K)


Ah ffs



Well friend, this thread is about the rothschilds. For hundreds of years, their family has weathered and engineered world wars, famines, depressions, ect, and their wealth is only grown. And they probably aren’t even the true top dogs. There are likely others in the shadows, even more powerful than they. The middle managers often suffer turnover when the people chimp out, the the top of the hierarchy always remains untouched. Sure, they could fall, but no reason to think it would happen any time soon. And even if they do, others will take their place. You discount my knowledge of history, but history is on my side. I wish it wasn’t, but it is what is is.

You just know thats what their end of the app will look like probably with Google levels telling you when the best time to grab them is as well.

Proving a point that if you’re accused of something and you deny it and have your friends deny it that its not “debunked” it’s just a denial of whatever it is you’re being accused of

Cops only exist to protect people like them from people like you.

How do the children go missing?

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Civil war now

Yes. At a certain level the purpose of the law is simply to protect the powerful from upstart competition.

watch Alex Jones videos on the Bohemian Grove - its a place out in california that the rich politically elite and those fags sacrifice children to an ancient pagan god called Moloch

>child sacrifice has never ended
in america alone - we have become the capital of the world for missing children
ask yourself why you think that is.

get back to Hell demon

Isn't it obvious by now? You can't win against these people. Just give up.

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This is pretty fucking sick.
Pedo daywalkers are getting way too smug.

History, unfortunately for us,backs you up.
Although one should never lose hope, you included. History is potmarked by the few times when the position of power has changed hands for the better.

hey faggots i left an important cum stained pizza map in your kids asshole can i get that back with a side of uranium tacos?

captcha wants me to click the bikes but the fuckin nigger stole them

what are they gonna say when they get caught? will they jew there way out of it? "we had to do it, aliens would blow up the world if we didnt kidnap and rape children. In fact, you owe us!"

spoken like a true pussy

You can win, keep pushing out the truth, you chip away little by little.

captcha is set on hard mode right now. I had to find 50 chimneys last post.

You'll be the first for sudden drop and quick stop


I feel sorry for you user

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Nines of the predator