What was it like when 9/11 happened?

What was it like when 9/11 happened?

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the whole country was freaked out about planes.
the planes flew over my school from logan.
then 1-2 hours later they were in the towers.

in the afternoon everyone was freaked,
alot of flags started going up.
non stop media coverage.

people in nyc can tell it best.

What was it like? 2 components spring to mind. 1) There was a metaphysical shift in the ether. People felt spiritual tension building for a long time before this, and it was all released on this day, sort of like tectonic places moving to create an earthquake.
2) Everything beautiful about the 90s and the world before this died in an instant. Overnight, our country went from being a freedom loving, individualistic place, where government and media was considered the enemy, to some fucking collectivist, sheepish nightmare. It was the WORST in the immediate years following the tragedy, but our culture has NEVER recovered, to this day, and I still believe this is a huge part of the reason why we are now teetering on the brink of a socialist revolution.


I was 11 and thought the stock market got hit by a plane

Mossad successfully made us invade Iraq, who had nothing to do with 9/11 and did not have weapons of mass destruction.

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Oh goy, it was glorious. The goyim fell for it so easily. Can't believe it was almost 18 years ago.

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my father saw it happen because he was in the nypd.

Nobody will believe me though.

I was seriously pissed, i just wanted to watch my anime and some fags fuck up my day by ramming into a fucking building.

>Everything beautiful about the 90s and the world before this died in an instant.

You mean the nineties with Bill Clinton as president?

>our culture has NEVER recovered

As opposed tot eh culture that elected Bill Clinton twice.

I saw it from my school that day. We were all sent home and didn't have to pay to ride the subway !
Other than that it was just a general feeling of malaise. After a month of two it was back to business as usual.
The thing I remember vividly was that smell of burning sulfur in the air and dust covering all the cars and windows for a couple weeks.

I was unemployed back then.
Watched whole event in TV, stoned to oblivion.
Good happening, I liked it.

during the school day, they gather everyone together and went classroom to classroom with televisions explaining the USA was under attack
i think we all left school a couple hours early that day too.

on the roads/highways everyone started flying flags within hours.

Was fun listening to my mom shreik as i read each new breaking news headline while she was working from home
>”reports of fire at pentagon”!

I was in the Army, so it was like shit.

I tried to use it as an excuse to not have to go to school that day, but it didn't work.

At school, most kids thought it was funny and I thought it was fucking hilarious.

I still do. Fuck those people in their glass towers, making money by robbing the poor to give to the rich.

They literally really were "Little Eichmans," even if the guy who called them that was an even bigger faggot, he was still right. Nobody in those towers was innocent.

They were all money-people. Fuck 'em. The ones who jumped to avoid burning alive just woke up in Hell five seconds later.

idk i wasnt born :(

Dude you aren't even from America what are you talking about? Lol.
What exactly is it that you think is so uniquely awful about Bill Clinton? He was against illegal immigration, he was pro 2A, he didn't support gay marriage. I mean what are you talking about? Clinton was certainly no worse than Amnesty Reagan or Ultra-Globalist Bush before him.

All of these people were part of the same team, at the end of the day, by the way. They were ALL working towards a globalist agenda. But back then it was known, and that's why people WERE so skeptical of government. That's why there was a huge militia movement here in the 90s, and it was normal for people to believe it was "righteous" to rise up against the government and so forth. 9/11 ended that. OKC bombings put a dent in that thinking too, but not enough to stop it. 9/11 stopped it.

AND not only that, Bill Clinton only got elected because of Ross Perot, who was basically pro-Trump, third party, anti-banker populist guy who very nearly won the 1992 election. BECAUSE it was a 3 way election, Clinton got elected WITHOUT needing a majority.

You just have no idea what you're talking about. You're a fucking German and you should just stick to commenting on Germany politics, because you obviously don't know the first thing about the USA, much less the USA in the 90s.

pretty comfy, actually

watched it go down on tv before school and came home to play some counter-strike. I was 15

what happened to those leaks by thedarkoverlord

I immediately thought it was a false flag and an inside job. It all made no sense. How was it supposed to be possible? And the passports of the hijackers had been found at the same day already?

Buddy I was in NY on West 42nd st. Everyone knew it was the jews

It was all anyone talked about for almost 1 year. You start every conversation with 9/11 shit

>Bill Clinton only got elected because of Ross Perot, who was basically pro-Trump
"Proto-Trump". I meant to say "proto-Trump". That is a typo, sorry.

Other things about Bill Clinton, he didn't get us into ANY major globalist wars during his time in office, and he balanced the budget for the first time ever, AND the economy soared under him.

Bill Clinton was a fine president, frankly, he was massively popular by the end of his term because he did so well. Doesn't mean he wasn't a globalist too, but in principle of what he publicly believed in and certain things he did, that was good.

Now, does that vindicate Democrats today? Certainly not, since almost all of Clinton's positions as a Democrat back THEN would have gotten him firmly labelled a "radical, right-wing republican" by today's standards.

Nonsense. The 90s were already leftist garbage. Nothing good about them. But you did sign the patriot act and went to war for Israel

Vindication for what Ive been telling people my while life

Ive got you beat, had two titty bitches with me and had just graduated

>first planes hits building--wow terrible accident
>second plane hits building--the JEWS did it!!!!

Waking up and feeling a weight hanging in the air. Walking up the stairs to the living room to see a shotgun leaning up against the wall by the front door and my family gathered 'round the TV. The anxiety that took stranglehold of my dad from then on destroyed his health and his ability to manage his marriage and raise his child.

In retrospect, it was feeling what was coming and the clown world that we're in today. Even on the inter-personal/familial level.

Lol i love how you just say "nonsense" and that is your answer. hahahhhaa. Uh, OK dude. You don't even live here, you obviously DIDNT live here. And we signed the patriot act in the 2000s, AFTER 9/11 lol, not in the 90s. Just WTF are you even talking about. My god man, you really don't have ANY clue what you are talking about.

Bill Clinton would be a radical, right-wing Republican by today's standards LMFAO. There was literally nothing wrong with him as a President, frankly. I mean at least not in terms of his platform and the ideas he sold the public. He was talking about some kind of universal healthcare or something for a while, but that fell by the wayside, and other than that he was pretty reasonable.

It was like something out of 1984. People were shocked, then enraged, then jumped onto the government narrative without thought or reason. The speed with which public fury was directed toward Afghanistan and the invasion launched was mind boggling.


I get that you have to be retarded to spend your time on a lefty discord but is Bill "the kids I don't fuck I kill" Clinton really the hill you wanna die on?

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>don't know the first thing about the USA, much less the USA in the 90s.

I know enough to claim, that the USA was a shithole long before 9/11.

comfy. all phones in the office suddenly stood still. we closed shop at 15:00 ... went to the pub then fucked a hooker. 8/10 day

You really sound like a shizo. I also directly implied that you did sign the patriot act after. And yes. "Nonsense" is my answer to your post. We also live in the absolute identitical cultural hemisphere which is determined by your consumer culture, burger

Jews prolly wack off to pics like this every once in a while, intense pride in their doings(genocidal snuff porn).

You want to know what it felt like? You really want to know what it felt like?
Watch this video, you will understand what it felt like:

4 U

Did you watch the footage?

That Christmas in NYC was fucking unreal. Armed NatGuard on almost every corner. There were SAM batteries on the docks. It was the safest I've ever felt in this fucking city.

shut up retard, in what fucking world is the guy who signed the federal assault weapons ban of 1994 pro-2a lol

flying became a hell

lol stfu Bibi, all mossad did was redpill millions about internal corruption and piss off every patriot in the nation. the fact that we're still pissed off because some pasty sand nigger thought he needed to "teach us fear" should fucking terrify you


It was like getting fucked without a rubber

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You’re fucking retarded

thats what girls sound like when they see my dick

My mum woke me up to watch the news. Then I went to school and briefly talked about it with some friends.

first thing that comes to mind is the fact that I was like 10 or 11 years old and during math class we went outside and walked in a straight line on the sidewalk to get a better understanding just how tall them twin towers were and how far some of 'em jumpers fell.
In hindsight it does seem like a rather weird thing to do but I dunno.

There are really no words to describe it. The world changed in an instant, and everyone knew things would never be the same. And everyone was glued to their TVs for like a month afterwards

there was an accident and some buildings got killed and i was sad because they looked nice

supremely based. american was absolutely BTFO and listening to them whine for many months was glorious

great because we got the day off school but also shitty because thats all anyone talked about for the next 10 years. Every where you go-9/11- I bust out into cold sweat and start vomiting every time I hear 9/11 or even 911 because ive heard it said someny FUCKING TIMES.

>But back then it was known, and that's why people WERE so skeptical of government.
People forget that back then even the left was fighting against the globalists. Don't believe me? Look up all the protests against the WTO in 99. People were fucking PISSED, and it all took place in Seatle of all fucking places. Leftists hated the globalists because they were railing against corporatism. Its a far cry from modern leftists that revel in it.

Its like everything after 9/11 just flipped on its fucking head. Everything. The world has never felt the same since that day and I feel terrible we have people posting on this site right now who never knew what it felt like to be alive pre-9/11. They'll never know what they missed.

This. The world since 9/11 has just been one crisis and cultural nightmare after another. The relative peace and prosperity of the '90s now seems so alien. I will always be nostalgic for that time. It was pretty much the perfect time to be alive.

Very fucking hungover.
>mfw I am probably the oldestfag in this thread

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How old, user? Don't worry you're anonymous

>tfw you just took out a massive insurance policy

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There were multiple crises during that period. The US fought the gulf wars in the early nineties and the Serbian war in the mid-90s. Grunge and the phenomenon of both the Matrix and American Beauty were showing how people were disillusioned by the fake happiness of the 80s and were more and more unhappy with their situation in life. However, it's always been like this. Just look at the lyrics from Genesis, written in 1986 to see how people always felt like their times were the times when everything went to shit:
Oh superman where are you now
When everything's gone wrong somehow
The men of steel, the men of power
Are losing control by the hour.

All of it small-time stuff compared to the permanent crusade, terror watchlists, terror everything.
We live in the age of terror, and the source is the US and Israeli government.

yeah im sure hes terrified of being found out by his age you retard

>and the source is the US and Israeli government.
Why did you feel like you had to add this opinion to your otherwise fitting response?

43. I was managing a music store in GA between tours on the road being a band loser. I pounded around a liter of bourbon the night prior and watched the towers fall at the laundromat next door. Everyone was in shock, but I immediately locked the shop, which was owned by (((important))) local businessmen, and went across the street to the grocery and liquor store. I maxed my cards out on weeks of food and liquor, went home and cleaned my guns and proceeded to get shit faced. It was a hell of a day.

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The difference is the Gulf War was a blowout, we got in, kicked ass, and got out. Compared to Afghanistan and Iraq, which we STILL aren't totally out of, it was nothing. America has literally been in an almost two decade long crisis since 9/11.

Got a day off school it was fucking lit, thanks George

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I was 8 when 9/11 happened, but it basically ended my family as I knew it.

>Dad worked 2 blocks from WTC
>Hears first plane go in, doesn't evacuate because Jew boss says to stay in office.
>Looks out window for a moment and sees second plane hit
>office hit by debris
>Runs outside to find a way out of there
>Sees person turn into mush from plane part killing him
>Sees pieces of human remains on the street
>Runs like hell to the ferry which the PAPD took over at that point
>watches towers collapse from the Hudson, knowing he just lost most of his friends
>Dad becomes an alcoholic shortly after 9/11

My entire family hated him for it and my mom left him, but I understand why it drove him to drink.

I still wonder who thought
>Hmm Afghanistan, nicknamed the graveyard of empires...we should definitely invade and occupy this country

>"brown alert" came on during school
>i made a poop joke
>i got a talking to from more than one teacher
thats about it for me

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oldfag here. Jow Forums was going fucking crazy for a year after it happened, thats when the "happening" meme was born but nothing ever topped it since then

Because that's what I believe. If you believe something else, suit yourself.


>You have a differing opinon, suit yourself
You are a rarity on this board and I salute your for that

It was a pretty chill day. First I laughed because I thought the ragheads had finally hit us back for all the shit we've done in the Mideast, including supporting the Kikes, but eventually all the crazy details came out and it became more and more obvious that our government was lying about it. It was pretty clear then, as now, that Saudi Arabia was heavily involved and as we now know Saudis and Jews are extremely close... which explains why the Kikes had agents there to watch it from the top of a building. I'm still not 100% convinced our government was complicit in the attacks, but I am 100% convinced that our government covered up who was really to blame and instead used the attacks as an excuse to attack Iraq. One question I'm left with is WHY Saudi Arabia and Israel would have conspired to attack us if our government weren't complicit in the plot. It's hard to imagine a reason, certainly the notion that "rogue members of the Saudi family" were entirely to blame doesn't hold water. It was clearly a planned assault that both of our "allies" were confident they wouldn't be held accountable for. That in itself just screams that the US government was okay with foreign nationals launching a terror attack against us.

And the idiotic instructions from the US government to its citizens to stock up on duct tape and plastic sheeting to protect their homes from chemical attack (which caused a run on both items at hardware stores) after 9-11 just shows you how little the government cares about its people. All efforts at pretending the US government would protect any of us in the event of a terrorist attack or war are just propaganda, they'd let us all die.

He's right, but he forgot to add the Saudis, our conduit for Islamic terrorism of choice.

I just wanted an excuse to do nothing, but it seemed like the rest of the country was acting like it was a big deal. Why is the WTC(previous terrorist target from 1993) and the Pentagon(obvious major military target) getting attacked a shocking thing? I liked how mean and hawkish the public got, but they blew their hawkism load on the wrong countries and then got dove-ish again.

Jow Forums was made in 2003, 9/11 happened in 2001.

I'm older than probably 95% of the posters here. But thanks, and same to you.

I was in Albany (2.5 hours north of NYC), immediately looked out the window next to my desk and saw how remarkably clear the blue sky was. Severe clear pilots would say.
It doesn't matter for anything, but I knew with the first plane it was no accident. Everyone says we all knew at the second plane, but no, there was no way.
Perfect sky, perfect weather, rivers to emergency land into on both sides of the south tip of Manhattan, and a plane smashes into the exact same building terrorists tried to blow up once before with a truck in the parking garage?
Anyway, yeah, it pretty much sucked after that.

It was wonderful, goy. We filmed the whole thing and danced our asses off, laughing and high fiving each other.

I made an inappropriate joke in the middle of class about how the sound of thunder outside was a plane coming to crash into the building. The teacher very sternly said “that’s not funny” as the class fell silent. It was very somber that day, most kids didn’t know what was going on (we saw it on TVs that were rolled into classrooms but still) and the teachers looked very grim.

>What was it like when 9/11 happened?

Well let's see....America was attacked by Saudi Arabia and our response was to attack Afghanistan and Iraq....with our attacker, Saudi Arabia, as our 'ally'.
Yep...that about covers it....

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Nice try troll

Class was cancelled for a week because my school was being used as a shelter for stranded American travelers

>What was it like when 9/11 happened?
Let the games begin.

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Im from the immediate NYC area.
By far, the most surreal thing was this:
All the morgues in the area, were ready to accept the 1000's of bodies the rescue workers would definitely find. In fact, the ice-rink in my town was set up to serve as a morgue. The ex-military base in my town was set up to be the main triage center. 1000's of military and rescue workers standing by.

But after 2 days, it was apparent that there were no survivors and there were no bodies to find.

My family was drinking the gatorade and powerbars (for years afterwards) that was meant for the workers working overtime that all went home after day 3.

Wait......did you just try to claim Milton Friedman's economics are left-wing? WTF LMFAO WOW!
IDK dude, ask Ronald Reagan about FOPA maybe. I guess you could say that whatever left-wing action you want to cherry-pick from Clinton's administration, it's hard to call him "left-wing" by today's standards when you match him up with the Republican party of the time, which by the way was pro-immigration, pro-amnesty and against freedom of speech and the 4A.

So, you know, if you consider the full context then things are just different. It's like I said, both were globalists, but back then Democrats were actually the more sensible and more ultimately "right-wing" party. It stayed that way all the way up until Obama when the tea party movement started gaining ground under him. And now we have the Trump populism, which I think is a good thing. But if you believe all of the things that make you a Trump or Tea Party Republican today, you would have been a Democrat in the 90s and under W Bush in the 2000s too.

I had family members that went to ground zero the night of 9/11 to work as rescue workers. They said it was hot, too hot to work for more than a few minutes.

They found a woman, a large woman, pinned between a few steel beams. They thought she might be alive. When they tried to get her out, she fell apart: she was cooking for a few hours and her flesh disintegrated off her bones when they went to grab her.

You need to get in your family's faces and force them to accept their guilt, or beat the ones that don't comply

1) Everyone became very afraid. City-slickers that deal with murder, rape, and muggings on a daily basis suddenly felt very vulnerable and weak.

2) Everyone fucking hated Muslims, it was awesome. If ever there was a chance for us to get rid of them from our country once and forever, it was right after 9/11. Even the biggest New York liberal fucks were calling for Iraqis and Yemenis and shit to be thrown out of a helicopter back onto their patch of sand they came from

>"Don't open that door!"
>“There’s something in the air.”
>“3 numbers to save your life, 911”
>"just to see the U.S. Capitol. Soon you won’t have to.”
>Watch it flying out here on American Airlines.”

This shit is eerie.

I'm surprised that most people did not get PTSD after what they saw during the recovery effort.

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It was really bad. My dad worked downtown and we didn't hear from him until many hours later.

All local Wal-Marts, K-Marts, etc., were sold out of American flags. Everyone got along of all races for a good six months afterward. U-S-A chants would break out in random places. It was an awful time in American history but it was also a good time to be alive.

Also, I remember one of the people I spent the day with constantly asking "where the hell is the President?" because George W Bush totally ducked out. Couldn't even bother to address the nation from one of his bunkers. That left Rudy Giuliani to provide leadership. Rudy stepped in and became a "national hero" for a while afterward, until everyone got sick of him because he's a scumbag.

I've always wondered if Rudy knew it was going to happen in advance. I'd love for him to cop to it on his deathbed. I'd love it even more if he copped to it before then.

Also interesting, I frequency walk to the WTC path station for work. If you look at the most popular pictures of ground zero, the building that much of the rubble was piled against is the post office that was across the street from the north tower.
There are still gashes in the side of the building. Some are repaired, others Im assuming were left for posterity.
Similarly, the small greek orthodox church had rubble fall onto it and it's cemetery( yes there is a cemetery). A few of the headstones were broken, a few had names worn off.

I mean understand that back in the 80s and 90s if you were voting for Republicans, you were voting for a party that OPENLY wanted to give amnesty to illegals and shit. It wasn't even a secret, shady plan like it was in our time with Democrats. It was RIGHT out in the open and it was the Dems who were opposed because they recognized that would drive down wages for the workers and displace true American values.

Case and point, Reagan Bush debate, 1980:

I mean, that's just how different the parties are today from what they were. And that's why today the Bush's are anti-Trump, and basically in the camp of the modern day Democrats (which is a party that does not in any way resemble what they used to be).

>They found a woman, a large woman, pinned between a few steel beams. They thought she might be alive. When they tried to get her out, she fell apart: she was cooking for a few hours and her flesh disintegrated off her bones when they went to grab her.

DESU, I don't think they saw much.

Probably everything else has been said, but for about three weeks at the local gas stations, it was awfully quit, the lines orderly, and you knew what people were thinking about. somewhere on the basic spectrum of feelings of 9/11. Shock, dismay, anger, rage, mourning, scared, and a lot of trepidation about what we ere going to do. Afganistan wasn't enough. We need that bat cave sandnigger and his frens, and apparently Iraq was the answer to many problems, and an alter place to satisfy all those emotions on.

Its unusual, 9/11 threads typically attract the japanbro who posts about the israelis in weehawken NJ that seem to have known something was about to happen. Where is he?


dancing israelis