Your first natural reaction?

I've seen slot of comments on this, people saying that the white guy has a very 'punchable' face. Though my natura instinct tells me to protect this young lad and punch the old Indian. What is your first natural reaction?

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The kid is a yid, does that make your decision esier ?

If your natural reaction is to punch them then you might be a nigger.

Clock that nigga in the face

I laughed, the noble savage meme is such a boomer thing

>The kid is a yid,
No he isn't. Kid is highschooler with a stupid smile. On the other hand, you smell like a ((rat)).


Well he is more white that the other man? One could even say that the kid is, dare I say it, a fellow white? Is he dare I say it, one of us?

to gas the kikes

The Indian was exposed as a lying sack of shit. Lying and playing victim comes so naturally to them.

White kid seems like the reasonable one. If we have a disagreement we can agree to disagree. He may look a bit smug in that pic but he doesn't look crazy or dangerous.

The Indian seems like a typical low IQ that refuses to come out of his world view. I can see him pulling a knife over a perceived slight.

My reaction is to deport these subhumans back to Mongolia

Has any one really looked into Nathan Phillips military records, his claim is he was a Vietnam War Veteran. He would have been 19 when most of the ground troops were removed in 1973 and 22 when the last troops were removed with the fall of the embassy. Why wold the military send new recruits in country to remove them a few months later in 1973 and only the best were kept on until 1975 and if he was exceptional enough to be a a military advisor or in the security in the last week of the embassy he would brag about it .

He has a history of making stuff up, this week when he harassed the kid and said he was a victom, in 1975 he walked by a costume party and said the the high school kids were specifically harassing him. Does he has a gayon for white HS boys

A lot of them have that same (((look))).

Ahem, THIS is what an actual white high school class looks like.

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Kill them both, claim the land, build better community.

they weren't lying when they said Gen Z would be based

I'd make the same face if some old guy got in my face banging a drum going "Hya-Whya-Hya-Whya-Hya-Whya"

doh 2015 was with the HS kids at a costume party


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10/10 for effort, but there is an obvious lack of leadership when they can't get their arms all on the same angle, height and direction.

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First reaction was 'look at that smug face, that smug faggot expression.' Upon further review I realize that this is a literal child who was confronted by a very strange old man and didn't know how to react. If he had held a straight face and just stared him down this wouldn't have turned into such a shitshow.

But the video evidence makes it clear that he dindu nuffin. Remaining silent was the right choice.

Dunno, I see plenty of faggots who unquestionably can't think for themselves.

I wonder if MAGAtards realize that literally zero people look at these little rallies and think "gee I want to join that group."
LOL, it is the opposite.

I was on the kid's side before I even read the story because Jews and their pets forced me to choose a side years ago.

This whole thing is because some kid smiled? What is going on over there? Its like everyone is boiling over.

Kathy Griffin has a “punchable face” - and personality.

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Why the lil drummer man is getting ever so close to the evil white boy

Lmfao, this should red-pill a lot of people on blue checkmarks.

>its worse than we thought.

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Just looks like a nervous kid with an awkward closed mouth smile because he is insecure about his fucked up teeth. The (((media))) just picked the worst frame they could and decided to bullshit and frame him as a bad kid.

If you watch the vids you will notice this old redskin guy walked up with two very obvious SJW types. There was an obese emo SJW woman and hipster mustachio fag guy with him.

They cut the footage to make it look as bad as possible and posted it to the twitter SJWs. Lazy news room retards just spend all day surfing twitter for "news". And twitter having banned anyone who's not a leftist scumbag makes it look like the most popular opinion is whatever bullshit is posted there.

The mainstream media is so behind they still think anything on twitter is a reflection of what normal people think.


>Your first natural reaction?

This thread again?


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>Though my natura instinct tells me to protect this young lad and punch the old Indian.

Thats because you have a tranny fetish and want to fuck the boy.

Australians make me sick.

He looks just like the average pseudo intellectual Trump supporter. Everyone is typically under 25, white, smug smile and think they're in the right without know anything about any policy or history.

Yeah that's what (((they))) are doing, but why? And what effect is this having on how the general public view white people, especially young white males? There is a serious campaign to demonise young white males and it is terrible and pathetic.
It's making young white males an easy target, it's becoming okay to shame, harrass and assault people because they are white and therefore evil.

No he's not, lmao. Keep shilling tho, leftypol

Video evidence of the indian approaching the kids, and the Rastas calling them faggots

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>The kid is a yid

That's the start of a disney song if I've ever heard one

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The moment before Squanto got up in the child's face.

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I don't trust Jake Tapper. But when it supports my agenda, I fucking love it.

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That the kid is confused and it looks like the old guy is lost.

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Why is that fucker holding that drum into his face?

That was MY first reaction.

Punch the kid, but that's why you reserve judgement until the facts are in. Now that it's a fucking fact he's totally innocent, then that's that.

Im a white italian male. My first reaction to everything is dont trust non whites.

Didn't like the kid based on the smirk alone but also bought into the narrative a lot faster than I should have. I fell for it hook line and sinker, honestly, and I've been race woke for years.

My natural instict would be to walk away, because fuck Indians. They're a conquered, miserable group of people.

>goes to Catholic school
>Is a yid
If a Jew forsakes his own people in favor of universal principles (even something as ghey as Catholicism), he's barely even a Jew anymore.

Thats mine as well. That old guy is harassing a kid

You answered your own question. They want to exterminate white males. They systematically turn white women against them, they mobilise all non-whites against them with their racism myths, and they encourage individualism and in fighting between white men to destroy any sense of unity.

This particular attack is about fear of white male unity. They saw a relatively large group of young white men unified, all getting along, happy, believing in the same values. That's a trend they want to remove immediately because they know if white men unite they will become an unbeatable force.

Their tactic is to break down the group into individuals and publicly shame them to discourage white male unity. They aren't trying to "prevent racism", racism isn't their crime, their crime is their comradery.

That's pretty retarded. I knew immediately that kikery was afoot. In fact, I was prepared to defend him, even if he did start it all.

Daily reminder that you're not pro-white unless the tribe is placed above all others

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People obviously have been psychologically programmed to hate unapologetic white people.

Underrated post

It makes no difference if he's white, yid, or greek when the result is the same whichever way, with the MSM and their retard battalions pushing yet more anti-white sentiment. He did absolutely nothing and the event should have remained a non-issue.

This. The minute a white doesn't back down in the face of "muh noble savage" bullshit is the minute they unleash all t hat ZOG programming on them.

Reminder to be prepared to defend your people with force against these "people."

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Because he was a young white guy and didn't immediately show deference to someone higher on the progressive stack than him (and boomers worship native Americans). Also the MSM cherry picked a clip and claimed that the kids were mocking the old guy.

Fuck that old muskrat, the muskrat shit people, death to all their boomer supporters, we're going to finish the job.

hello kiwiposter


>first natural reaction
White is always right.

Who gives a shit. Non issue

That there’s spiritual warfare happening in this clip and the Indian is attempting to place a curse on him.

The "punchable face" bar has been set fairly high already.

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Drums are loud that close and it's rude to do what the Indian is doing.

That's my first reaction.

>Your first natural reaction?
staged. false flag

Children have no place in political activism.

>I was prepared to defend him, even if he did start it all.
That's fucking retarded, dude. Seriously no better than project nogs making up excuses for themselves.

>Daily reminder that you're not pro-white unless the tribe is placed above all others
That's kike shit. Only retards who rely upon nationalist symbolism to give their lives meaning make the tribe predominant. The tribe is subservient to the cult that sustains it. I have inclinations towards particular aesthetics that I want to see come to fruition. Now, because those aesthetics are informed by what I am (i.e. my "tribe" - British English), the "tribe" is obviously going to line up with my values, but placing all white people on a pedestal based on a tenuous meme-word that you most likely can't even actually define beyond "I know it when I see it" is a recipe for African dysgenics - "Take care of everyone and communalize everything, even if some people are fucking useless."

look at those smug, self-satisfies, rich kids from wealthy American suburbia. those smirks on their faces... this are the fools that imagine themselves "Alpha Males" while they "ironically" lock their fathers car doors as they pass through a black ghetto slum...And actually they lock their doors in the poor white neighborhoods too. Conservatism is the new counterculture, they say, vaping in their mom’s house. Really they just want the doors to be locked all the time. They just want to stay in the car, okay?

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My first reaction was to have sympathy for the Indian, but then I was like, nah, fuck leftists civil war now

>Kill people for being brainwashed by ZOG
People like you are so tiresome.

The mantra of a nigger written in the white man's script.

>mother jones

yeah thats a pass for me

>12 year old chimping out dressed like regilar sheboon. Rushing to punch a man
>man punches her
>don’t punch children!
>17 yr old did nothing violent, we should murder him for being white and smiling

>heh, my natural instinct was to attack him cause FUCK WHITE people not bowing down to natives amirite?
>lol bro that's "kike shit," I'm sure that everyone else would have the white kids back cause thats the rational thing to do
Yeah yeah whatever you say, beta male

Honestly seeing those smug pieces of white shit makes me wish for a civil war. This back and forth social media shit is tiring. We need to decide the future of this country once again. You're not going to learn by any other means.

>nogs are outnumbered like 5 to 1 by whites
>whites are in better shape and own way more guns
>whites have far more military experience accumulated among them
>nogs think that white people don't hit back because they are scared and not because nogs mob on anyone who resists them
>nogs think they would win a race war
What personally motivates you to post here, Anog?

Looks like typical high school boys to me. The "new counterculture" thing seems to be more boomers/Gen Xers commenting on these people than rich Zoomers talking about themselves.

I can't wait to see you on the battlefield, faggot

Try something, those whites did nothing wrong bitch

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My first reaction was 'stop banging that fucking drum you dumb mexican hippie!"

I honestly never watched the video. I assumed based on context that the Indian dude was really being harassed.

When I learned the kid literally just stood there with a smirk on his face, and that's what caused all the outrage, I was aghast. I couldn't believe it... but then again, I could.

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Probably trying to bait. There's also a really old idea circulating about black nationalists that whites are actually inferior and that's why they use any means necessary to keep the black man down. The great black dick hoax partly originates from this kind of crap.

This is all blown out of proportion. Both sides were relatively peaceful. No wrong done by either side. Then the media grabs it and hyper inflates a fixed narrative, and people who weren't there get involved.

the niggerkikes and the abbonigger are disgusting lecherous predatory niggers that are attacking these children
punch the niggers in the throat and enjoy their confused gurgles as they die
scalp the fucking abbonigger

or a true human

>heh, my natural instinct was to attack him cause FUCK WHITE people not bowing down to natives amirite?
No, you fucking idiot, I made the mistake of trusting the initial reports.

>lol bro that's "kike shit," I'm sure that everyone else would have the white kids back cause thats the rational thing to do
What the fuck are you even trying to say here? If a white person does something bad, I don't prioritize them over others. That is literally the origin of Jewish ethnocentrism - everything we do is justified, everything anyone does to us is unjustified. Read Bardeche. Your soul is already functionally Jewish. You have no conception of what is good and aspirational. You are the incarnation of the boomer mentality that made the Iraq War possible.

>Yeah yeah whatever you say, beta male
I could sodomize you without expending much effort. Post physique phaggot.

My first natural reaction was that he looked Jewish; I didn't have any kind of natural "who's the good guy/bad guy" reaction without looking further into it.

T R A I L O F T E A R S 2

How many injuns did you beat up today?

For (you)r boomers. Also purge the muskrats from leafland. Thanks.

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One of the funny ones that I realized over time was that all the negative stereotypes of southerners as fat and stupid are majorly driven by the presence of blacks. It tracks to the northern states quite well, too, as I recall. The healthiest / smartest states are always the whitest.

Anyhow, I'm not into race war or anything, like I'd prefer a political solution (though in our case that likely isn't happening), but I've never understood why any black nationalist could delude themselves into thinking they could win. Whites are a majority in America and Canada and proper white nationalism is a long shot even here.

Yep the media are the real bad guys in all this for false reporting. Neither the white students or the Mexican fraud were even the actual instigators of the situation. But the media is ignoring the black Israelites who are notorious for purposely saying offensive shit to people for attention. They are calling them "young black bible preachers" and other nonsense and saying the boys were mocking them. They are provocateurs the proper response is to mock them when they yell outrageous things at you. Your not going to get anywhere getting offended or arguing with them.

The mainstream media should be showing a few clips of what those black Israelites were saying to people if they are real news.

stop me if I get it wrong:
>over the age of 40 or under the age of 25
>live in a flyover state or in the deep south
>no kids, family tolerates you but doesn't really like you
>constant frustrations due to low IQ and inability to defer gratification contributes to a sense of rage that you direct at anyone who isn't perfect like you are
>few friends, if under 25 plays multiplayer video games but no one likes you there either
>buy into fringe conspiracies rather than cogent analysis because the conspiracy theories are more simplistic and you have a low capacity for understanding nuance

Help him beat the wood gook till it settles down.