AOC comes out as a gamer-american

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Other urls found in this thread:

"N64 best system" Never thought I'd agree with something she'd say. Still ..l., her

>Kikes scared of AOC spam her all over Jow Forums.
>hope that Jow Forumsacks will attack her since she's a threat to the dems
>Jow Forumsacks realize that her becoming the new face of the Dems means the zionists lose influence
>Jow Forums starts boosting AOC to further popularity because fuck the ZOG.
This is the stupidity of the kike shill.

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>best console

Is she saving her nudes for the elections?

wonder if boomer politicians ever got any shit for liking Grateful Dead and going to shitty music festivals

to be fair surely that is useful - you'll actually have a left wing party and Republicans can shift a bit more towards the centre, become more electable with dem voters that are fed up with SJW bullshit

I would

>n64 is the best console
jesus christ how horrifying

So she's just trying to be relateable and not do anything in congress?

How long till Beto and Pocahontas start streaming fortnite?

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>I want free money so I can sit around playing vidya
She really does connect with her base.

The country is controlled and run by the shadow government comprised of corporations, lobyists, money, and media.

The “elected official” are literally halfwitted retards. And I say that in the nicest way possible. Half of them at least should be legally barred from holding office.

I had one and loved it but it wasn't.

>pokemon snap

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This is pandering to literally the lowest common denominator; the soi vote.


Yikes this is pathetic.

Did she age better than N64 games?
That video of her chancing on a roof is old.

Heh, Looks like she has good taste.

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I hate AOCs cohort

N64 had some great games, but the vast majority of them were mediocre or worse.

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I wouldn't mind a Donkey Kong 64 remake.

Who do you think controls social media and public opinion? Soibois

SNES or PS2 is the best Console. Take your pic; both have a fantastic library. N64's controller alone makes it the meme console.


PS Triple is the best system with the best games

Get dunked on grandpa.


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I want to see her milkers

Is that the console on which her first boyfriend played that game while she was sucking him dry in between breaks?

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i could care less what her views are, imma just be here jacking off to her

>n64 best
Shit opinion.

This is clearly a mockingbird
She will soon start "leaking" edgy memes she has made, I guarantee it.
Only they're memes from 10 years ago because her handlers are that age

You can just fuck right off shill

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> N64 is the best console
> gamer
/v/ and nerds in general are eating her if she ever becomes relevant past the current astroturfing

Cortez needs to be thrown out of a helicopter at 3000 feet with no parachute over pavement

>n64 best console
fucking lel

Make an /aocg/ and stop shitting up the board with these threads.

More like a try hard
N64 was food when it came out surebut compared to what we have no it's a fucking piece of crap. And donkey kong was good on the super Nintendo. Nah, she's trying too hard at this point. She can't take criticism it seems

Her ideas are juvenile and she’s blue pilled as well as ill informed. She has crazy eyes that scare me. But otherwise she’s not unlikable.

N64 had *maybe* 4-5 games worth a shit, and a whole boatload of crap. In terms of sheer volume of great games, PS1 is hands-down the best console.


Hello, fellow gamers.

Still waiting for nudes.

Ps1 was best, but i was an idort and loved pokemon snap.

I don't even have to go to reddit to know they are jizzing in their pants over this

>pokemon-go to the polls!
>she pours (plays) beer (vidya) just like you
And people will fall for it this time because she isn't 70 and is offering you the hip new democratic platform of "free shit"

And I repeat, further proof she's retarded.
>Pokemon Snap
Oh lord, it's terminal. The poor thing.

this is actually good
she's now branded herself as a GAYMER and most of them are vicious, horrible incels
so she either has to deep dive and switch brands to appeal to them or face their wrath when they realize she's a fraud

This dumb nigger never owned a PS2... not even a gamecube? Fuck the N64 was so "meh" outside of like 2 games.

>N64 was food when it came out surebut compared to what we have no it's a fucking piece of crap.
thats not the point dude
youre the type to say graphics are everything
graphics will make a good game better
but a shit game with 10/10 graphics is still shit

definitely the inferior video game dunkey

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PS2 was best console. Backwards compatibility and sleek design

>talked about Pokemon Snap



Smash and mario kart?

>Sorkin was born in Manhattan, New York City, to a Jewish family

NES, Super Nintendo, and Genesis were all better

Yeah, you'd like to smash her.

I was referring to that generation. Goat is actually neo geo pocket. Played that to death. Still cant play magic drop as fast on arcade as i can on that. Something about clicky joy d pad was insane.

Goldeneye and Perfect Dark

>Rogue Squadron
>Mario 64
Other than those three, didn’t spend much time on any the games. Essentially no good RPGs other than Paper Mario.

>n64 best console
Fucking console peasantry. No wonder she's a fucking commie.

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Also jrpgwise ps2 never came up with anything better than suikoden 2.

*and bitch lasagna

N64 was pretty great, but the PlayStation 2 is the best console ever.

I wonder what the correlation is between favorite system and political leaning is.

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Better have played Global Assault as well

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Underaged banned

Fuck you, do not use Jeanne Alter for your shit opinion.


Best use of her political capital is raising 30K for some specialty niche charity. Not passing new laws, not changing the nature of washington, not starting some sort of grass roots movement, not ANYTHING else. Either this person has an even lower opinion of her than the average Jow Forumsliard or they're shamefully dumb.

Plebian choice

The real patrician choice is the Dreamcast

Main thing I learned is that leftists have really shitty lighting in their homes.

NeoGeo was king

Pelosi is a Deadhead

Shenmue sucked

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Is that the WoW expansion that comes out after Burning Crusade?

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Stop shilling discord, we know you are having a fake PMS over your hormones.

You brainlet, we are talking about the best console, not the PC. Fags like you saying how the PC is so much better is the equivalent of shilling a gun in a discussion of what the best sword is.

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GameCube you goof

Everyone knows SNES was the best console.

What kind of gamer am I if I like this game?

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jet set radio is where it was at my dude

She may be a greater danger to the elites than Trump. Imagine if the progressive “base” actually elects their own candidates like her rather than the DNC selected establishment.

>implying implications

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>pokemon snap
that is the worst fucking game..

It'd be like bernie. They leave her be to energize base and the second she crosses the line/becomes a problem every little thing she's ever done comes out and she gets blacked balled by the party. In other words, they give her enough rope to hang herself and then use the corps as bait for the fools that bite. If there's one thing the old dogs in the legislature know, it's how to manipulate and use people for their own benefit.


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bought a SNES and NES classic. that is all i will ever need

>Fuck the N64 was so "meh" outside of like 2 games.
the N64 was nothing short of revolutionary.
there were at least a dozen titles which were instant classics.

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N64 was shit. Pc was where it was at at this time.

>Pokémon Snap
>not Pokémon Stadium
Snap was a horribly overrated game made to capitalize on how successful Pokémon was in the late 90s, Stadium was fantastic.

yep - the N64
Now THAT was a console

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Consoles dominiated the 90s; Windows 98 had some decent games but they couldn't compete with the Playstation or N64

If you say so.

i doubt aoc actually played too much vidya. she's from the last generation of girls that actively avoided video games. this seems like more focus group garbage.

I do say so because I owned all three. I played the shit out of The Sims, Sim Theme Park, H.E.D.Z., Diablo and plenty of other games, but console game was much more mainstream back then