Kid is fighting back

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Report any leftist bullying here:

begone faggot

no way im clicking that shit nigga

the based zoomer memes were true

thats not him

based zoomies

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> leftists are pussy cucks

> im going to sue you for making fun of me

Leftists are lucky they arent being murdered in the streets you whiny bitch


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honest question, do you shills really think anyone is going to fall for this shit tier shilling?

>liberals love speech being free but not protected from consequences
>sperg out and cry like a bitch when the right holds you to your standards
hahaahahaha faggot

this kid is going hard, meanwhile you can’t complain about pakis raping your daughters

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>he needs to photoshop it to prove his point

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fuck off moarpenis, take your fucking meds

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I hear the jews(black israelites) were behind this shit?

Bring me up to speed. Those guys just stand there, when some old shitskin faggot came to them and start hitting drums right before kids face? That's all or am I missing something? I would push him away.

Why do all Russian-made memes look the same?

>have you ever seen a more punchable face?
Yes I have. Shaun King, Steve Shives, and Richard Spencer.


Baste and magapilled

You afraid of a Google doc lol?


>twitter account made January 2019

Seems legit...

yes, the kid didn't know what to do and smiled awkwardly and leftards lost their shit screeching it was a white privilege neo-nazi racist smirk

its a fake account retard

Google is owned by glow niggers.

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>Want to dox people on Jow Forums.
>Set up google docs link that you're only giving out on Jow Forums.
>Snare lots of people who forgot to sign out of google before clicking the link.

You should fear the left. It might keep you in line.

Fake and gay

>american internet education these days

Russian? Oh you're way off.

we aint even mad nigga.

you'll know when the right wing is mad when you're sitting in a federal building and you see a Ryder truck pull up when it isn't moving day

I'm certain nobody on Earth fears this twig.

I would sue them for fake news if I was this kid.

shut your filthy subhuman brown goblino mouth spic

Fucking retard aussie shill
Many people are logged into their Google account perpetually on their browser without realizing it. If they click that, you know two things: 1. Their email address which is generally easy to associate with an actual human and 2. That they browse Jow Forums, on Jow Forums no less. So you'd just dox yourself.

For all you retarted newfags out there who aren't concerned with cybersecurity or privacy DON'T CLICK ON STUPID SHIT. Oh and DISCORD IS ALWAYS A HONEYPOT.

Stay safe frens

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If making fun of him was the only thing, okay, but people were actually asking for his adress so they could start shit with the family, hundreds of people posted shit about him saying how they wanted him to die or suffer, you cant really pull the "it was just a prank, bro" card when so many people in the media acted with malicious intent.

And now that they were proven wrong, the butthurt and self delusion from the left is astronomical.

I'm really conflicted now.
If the Injuns had protested the kid because he's a kike, I'd totally be on team wigwam.

Whether you like him or not, the guy that took over for drudge on Sundays radio talk show is from that area and knows the school well and has discussed this and still is for the last three hrs. We need to stop the fake media bullshit trying to ruin innocent people’s lives! This is war!!!!

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Will there be justice?

>Protect OUR Nation, not anyone else's
Kikes BTFO! Each day we get closer to the race war and Holocaust 1.0. The stage is set so perfectly for the incoming welfare chimpout to be the start of the fireworks. SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE!

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This board is garbage

You're not the Dixie flagger in the RT flag talking about how it's a legitimate news source? My mistake. That does look like a Russian meme, though (bland visual design, kinda-sorta funny).

I don't fear schizo clowns like leftards.

fuck off laura

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i'm not sying he's totally in the wrong, but he sounds like a fucking douche to me, one has to wond-

nevermind, don't have to wonder about shit.

Is this really him?
>tfw you wish you had balls like that but know deep down you'd immediately cuck if you were in his shoes

jews have minority control
no race war will ever happen
holocaust 1.0 happened
welfare won't go
chimpout is a racist term
japanese people do not respect you

Destroy them all

burn the school down is funny to you?

I have been browsing Jow Forums in incognito since 2009 because of this

some juicy screens from the REEEsist ‘journalist’ discord are going to drop shortly too... I hope he follows through, could end up as RICO

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What are they gonna do, fly to Japan? Hunt down an Argentinian based white man? You give them too much credit. Besides, if they haven't shut this place down yet, then they're still afraid of organizing.

>No meetups ever
This is why you lose. Not saying you should cast a wide net, but as the old saying goes "It's not what you know, but who you know." Friends should know each other.

Hourly reminder that anything happens to these kids some journoshits will face consequences.

>having a google account in 2019

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brb following this outstanding young lad

>ridicule the opposition when they defend themselves

Alinsky is smiling in his ash tray.

>1 post by this oven dodger

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>That does look like a Russian meme
Not really.

Can someone please explain Hebrew Israelites to me? Is it literally a fucking WE WUZ meme made real?

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This, but unironically.

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Media lied and said the kids surrounded the indigenous guy and laughed at him while he drum pounded, but really he and a bunch of rowdy indigenous people/black hebrew people walked up to the high school kids and started harrassing them. The kids first thought they came to join in and have fun, but then it got awkward and the kids didn't know how to respond besides stand there and wait for them to leave.


This is the best way to fuck over the mentally disabled blue checkmarks, why would they take this opportunity?

Except for Wayne Lambright the autist.

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Well according to the video its 3-4 black dudes that just bother tourists in our capital.

fuck off sheklestine

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Yes brothers! We must go 120% Hulk Hogan on the media.

Only then will they really know their place!

Be a real American!

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Neck yourself, Boehlert.

It's a Roman Nose and his last name is German
You discordniggers really are on your last leg, aren't you?

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you fuckers were calling to have the school set on fire.

Damage control right here boys

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I've got like 8 of those mother fuckers. I always forget the password to my throwaways and just make a new one. Who doesn't have a Google account for trolling?

both Kid and Injun look and ACT very Jewish.

IMO this has nothing to do with Whites.

>ever signing into google without a sock account
Boomer detected

It only takes one proud man to ignite a revolution

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Holy fuck someone didn't cuck out for once and bow down to the retarded left? It's a damn miracle

This is an anonymous imageboard for a good reason, nippanon. If you want to meet people go to /soc/ or reddit.
And they might not fly to Japan, but maybe you didn't read what I posted. They can dox you, which has been a hell of a lot of trouble for a hell of a lot of people.
Tbh not sure if you're shilling, cocky, or just bad at critical thinking. Any way, you're a retard

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It's a fake account. If there really was a lawyer advising him he wouldn't be going around telegraphing his plans and engaging people on twitter.


>Americans have no problem with underage kids protesting against abortion
>Americans have problem some underage kid standing infront of middle aged man

I know this is bait but if I don't respond calling you retarded the Jow Forums hivemind will eventually believe you. So you're retarded.

>Fear my generation

I came.

Clearly not him. If it is, he is just another spook shill selling us a narrative. Just a less jewish one this time.

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Holy shit Generation Zyklon is coming through.

The retards gushing over this fake tweet shit are on the same level as wakanda larpers.