they won't
they don't have a case
Thanks for sharing your expertise on American statutory law.
They actually might
you know they don't have a case too
freedom of speech
freedom of the press
I could have swore they were going to expel the students?
this here is american law aussie and we ALWAYS have a case
>calling for violence is free speech
shut up straya you dont know shit
get Donahue on the case
That was a fake fb page, school and diocese have not retracted their cuck statement
they absolutely surely might maybe will do it
Nice source.
kneejerk reaction before looking at any of the evidence
No one will forget their initial response or the billions of dollars paid out by the Vatican to shut-up kids with colostomy bags from talking about being ass raped by the clergy.
yes defamation.
a good 80% of twitter posts users can be sued for under this alone in theory.
Lol they'd even have a case if this was done in Australia, fuck off
No false they have a huge case the videos prove their destory and debunk Chief Shitting Bullshit and the Negro crew of talmudics
> No one said build the wall
> They walked up to them and threw racial slurs at children along with all kinds of dumb insults
>They lied about the school chant which the kids responded with is their documented chant
>They were there for a pro life rally the March For Life
>They were hired larping indian and black marxoid goons with low IQs and Zinn tier shit fake history attacking whitey who was peaceful and not involved with their bullshit.
They will win for the lawsuit for slander, defamation, and abuse.
You know you democrap satanic ZOG shills its a crime to bully children?
HAHAHAHA! Oh man you think this is going to do jack shit? They'll bend over backwards and say they love non-whites. Fuck its hilarious how deluded you are.
shut the fuck up li chen
Sorry cunt, but you're wrong. Go drink a Fosters.
I expect better from an Australian. You're posting like some kind of pozzed out leaf nigger! If you want to know how bad of a case can be for these media outlets. Just look at what happened to the now extinct Gawker. Hulk Hogan destroyed them completely and utterly.
dont reply to me christnigger
I'll reply to you as much as I want kike.
dont you fucking jew lover
idea for hash tag:
this post is defective cus it's wrong and furthermore incorrect
a media conglomerate can. and will be.
The school literally has no choice but to launch their own defamation lawsuits or else the students are going to sue them. Lol.
US has harsh libel laws
That video that YT kept on trying to delete (along with the mods here), finally got traction.
Nice link