How is this still the front page of MSNBC?

How is this still the front page of MSNBC?

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Because the fake news media doesn't care for the truth but pushing their narrative.

They just follow orders, dude

Cant they be sued?
Kids lives are literally being ruined as we speak because of this article still being up

Daily reminder that the media only gives attention to "villains" if the villain is Jewish.

They understand full-well that for a heel any press is good press. Any one of """our guys""" who gets coverage by the mainstream is not to be trusted and should be promptly rejected.

naw these kids are the villain simple because they are standing while white


>How is this still the front page of MSNBC?

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trump is the devil because h

They can but who do you think has better lawyers? I'm not saying they shouldn't be sued for every penny they have but it's unlikely he would win

look, natives are just trying to get their piece of the pie. they aren't to blame. every other race that has jumped on the "white people are evil" bandwagon are to blame for being a poor example to the native americans.

believe me, these kids aren't going to say or do anything too inconvenient without /our/ help.
he wore the kippah and touched the wall. i don't even wanna get into it but since you asked

because if they correct their story they are admitting defamation.

its over
the jews are done
the kikes are fucking finished

considering the president of poland is blastin ass against the retarded media in the US pretty sure they can have any lawyer they want in this case

this news story is a defining truth that the media is biased against white conservatives and will do everything in their power including fuck over kids to see their agenda fulfilled

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Who do we contact about Nathan Phillips's Stolen Valor? The media seems to be dropping the claim that he was a Vietnam veteran (because he couldn't possibly have served in Vietnam) and the dude needs to be held accountable for his claim of being a veteran.

Because it directs web traffic to their site. The same reason OP's keep making threads about it that result in max replies.

Why can't he possibly be a Vietnam vet? I don't know much about the guy other than he looks about the right age and is an American man.

cnn is now reporting on the actual video
fox news never reported on the small video clip
msnbc is still reporting on the small video clip

all 3 sites have this story on their front main pages

Him being a vet is such a useless detail to this story and is only being used to virtue signal. I hope to God he isnt just for the sake that this injun loses all credibility

Just saw the vid. Wtf is the maga kid the bad guy here? Also
>all those frogposters on the back

I don't understand the second part of your comment, and it's made even more confusing by its second clause. You hope he isn't a veteran or you hope he isn't lying?

First thing is first. The statement giving credence to the MSM narrative is still up on the dioceses page
They should correct and apologize to their students immediately. If Francis wasn't an atheistic communist cuck he would have weighed in in favor of the kids already

Well... we don't know his birthday, only that he is 64 years old. We know the last troops withdrew from Vietnam in March of 1973.

We don't know his mos.

At age 18 he claims to have been in both the Marines and Army, and served a tour of duty in Vietnam as a "Marine Recon Ranger" Well in one news article, a Marine, and in a second news article, a "Recon Ranger".

In any case we need to chase down his service record.

If he isnt a vet than hes lying

I want it straight up for a chance to rain hell down on him. It is a way we can "get" him and "ruin" him far beyond this story, because he is cancer and deserves to die alone and in shame.

Because they don't want to cover the shutdown, the shutdown is looking really bad for the dems right now.

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If I understand my reading of defamation law, correcting your story does not un-ring the bell of defamation, and is basically admitting defamation. So for some of these groups, there is no incentive to correct the story, unless they would like to attempt to regain credibility. CNN and NYTimes have changed their story, and admitted the defamation. Those lawsuits and settlements are basically automatic. The plaintiffs are indicating they intend to sue everyone involved. So for some shit tier news station like MSNBC they have nothing to gain by correcting.

Go back to >>Re-ddit

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*ding* *ding* *ding*
We have a winner!

Actually seems like a false flag. Every time dems look bad they try something to target the other side.

The shut down looks extra bad for Democrats at the moment, because a whole bunch of congress men participated in Defamation. I have a slim hope we can shame some of them out of congress, perhaps enough of them to retake congress in advance of the 2020 election.

Oh hi glow in the dark nigger...

No we don't abandon allies petition president trump to use the general attorney to sue on behalf of the kid. Trump gets to go after the media, the kid gets justice, win-win



MSNBC is pure propaganda, while CNN (which has now partially bitched out) is a mere 99.9%.

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no, this thing is solving without Trump's involvement. he getting involved would only make things worse.

>desperate shills trying to shut this down
it's not going away

The US does not have any criminal defamation laws because first amendment. AG has nothing to do with this... Civil courts only. Otherwise a good idea. IANAL get a second opinion.

Also fuck Trump, he hasn't done a single thing to protect activists.

>inpeach blumpf
>nigger says words
>drumpf RUSSIA
>pence bad white man
>mexicoons good brown man
>twilight fanfic super werewolf moon

Who in the actual fuck is reading this shit. WHO?

>that Rudy
Does Trump really think he's helping?

Pence is based. He is helping us out right now. He wrote about this media hit job today... lemme try and find the link.

No really, Trump is a shit show. The best thing a Trump supporter can do now, is let the left and media continue to attack him, and he resigns in advance of 2020 and Pence runs for the job. In any case, we will have an extreme uphill battle going into 2020.

who do you think has the Supreme Court?

The last of US troops were withdrawn from Saigon in 1975. If he was drafted in 1973 or enlisted from 1971 onwards, he could have served all the way untill '75

Oh I Forgot how much this made me laugh. Pence compared Trump to MLK. Savage.

>the shutdown is looking really bad for the dems right now.

this is looking worse tho...

Why do you think Pelosi was trying to leave the Country?

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It was only "civilian contractors" in Vietnam from March of 73 till the fall of saigon. There were no official "troops" Just mercs.

they should sue twitter as twitter is a publisher and not a platform. so twitter is liable for everything that their users post.

Because she can, because the country is in a state of civil conflict, and she doesn't want to be here when the fighting starts. Im staying away from large crowds... But im paranoid. Ymmv.

There were no Rangers in Vietnam and if he was in the equivalent, which was a LRRP company, he wouldn't call himself a Ranger.
He would be in the Ranger societies. AFAIK he is not.

I think that has to be done later on because there is no existing law like that. (again IANAL) and suing facebook and twitter for the posting of their users is going to be a very long and complex lawsuit.

A lot of people here are doomers for a reason. Normies don't do enough research to disprove propaganda, so why would they take the article down?

Because people are only talking about 2 things right now, this and the fact that the blog site popular amongst liberals known as buzzfeed literally committed treason. This story is less damning to the left.

Kek, you really think so?
Are you really this stupid?
This looks bad for Dems/Libtards primarily because Mr. Phillip is about to get his ass sued strait into hell.
The video that the black Jews took shows it all, as well as video from the boys themselves.
So much pain is coming for dems it is going to be Beautiful.

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Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act immunizes online platforms for their users’ defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise unlawful content, provided those platforms are not publishers. Thus twitter can be sued for defamation on what twitter users post if they are considered publishers.

I am not saying you are wrong, and their are obvious T-word crimes going on. But saying the word t-word makes us look like infowars... and we really need people to take us seriously right now...

"Lieu is incorrect. While the First Amendment generally does not apply to private companies, the Supreme Court has held it “does not disable the government from taking steps to ensure that private interests not restrict . . . the free flow of information and ideas.” But as Senator Ted Cruz points out, Congress actually has the power to deter political censorship by social media companies without using government coercion or taking action that would violate the First Amendment, in letter or spirit. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act immunizes online platforms for their users’ defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise unlawful content. Congress granted this extraordinary benefit to facilitate “forum[s] for a true diversity of political discourse.” This exemption from standard libel law is extremely valuable to the companies that enjoy its protection, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, but they only got it because it was assumed that they would operate as impartial, open channels of communication—not curators of acceptable opinion.
When questioning Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg earlier this month, and in a subsequent op-ed, Cruz reasoned that “in order to be protected by Section 230, companies like Facebook should be ‘neutral public forums.’ On the flip side, they should be considered to be a ‘publisher or speaker’ of user content if they pick and choose what gets published or spoken.” Tech-advocacy organizations and academics cried foul. University of Maryland law professor Danielle Citron argued that Cruz “flips [the] reasoning” of the law by demanding neutral forums. Elliot Harmon of the Electronic Freedom Foundation responded that “one of the reasons why Congress first passed Section 230 was to enable online platforms to engage in good-faith community moderation without fear of taking on undue liability for their users’ posts.”"

screw your optics, im going in

You are factually incorrect about no US troops in Saigon come 1975. Regardless the youngest of Vietnam vets are 64 atm so even if we disregard post 1973, that's still anywhere between 3 and 15 months of potential active duty as part of the *proper* US force

>They can but who do you think has better lawyers? I'm not saying they shouldn't be sued for every penny they have but it's unlikely he would win
The diocese is considering legal action.

Funny how Chuck and Nancy have a historical double standard when it comes to border security.
But thanks to youtube you won't be able to find it on their site, you will have to go to and then search it.
Because Google is shit.
Or if you are afraid of Ducks you can always dig through Trumps Tweets to find Chuck and his forked tongue.

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Because they won't be called out on it.

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>How is this still the front page of MSNBC?
They're secretly trying to proliferate racism since this makes the Indian look like a real asshole.

Why don't you dumb fucks get that it's MLK weekend and they are trying their hardest to whip up antiwhite sentiment?
This was perfect for them.


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Ok, Ill accept that. How do we find his service record? Or alternatively how do we contact one of those Stolen Valor groups to check it out?

The best lawyers in the world can't save you when you blatantly break the law.

Clowns clowns clowns everywhere.

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im a civilian, I never served, can I just go down to va and find an officer and ask if they can look it up?

I really want to fuck some shit up. Im trying to stay focused on actionable things right now. We can discuss general politics like things later on. Im done shit posting for the minute, we have to strike while the iron is hot. Find the info, get the info to the people who can use it. Do the research where we can ourselves.

Ok here come the share blue shills to disrupt the thread, see you guys in next thread.

If it was only that simple...
Good bad.
Right left.
Up Down.
To be, not to be.
Why do we let such things weigh us down?
In 1000 years what will all this be?
I have my guns, and my storage of food.
If I see some libtard trying to break into my food stockpile I will just kill him and use him as dog food.
There is really nothing we can do now, at least I can't.
The city dwellers will have to figure out how they will handle the Deep State.
I will figure out how to handle the Deep State where I live (We do have [DS] out here, but the black Op military kind).
I am working on something that if it works should give me a ticket to anywhere in the Multiverse, don't let the Cabal tell you what science is btw.
Also eat foods that are green and clean, they will help you keep a clear mind.

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If there are any Draco lurking, respond.

>Don't say a word

same reason its almost a 1/4th of the threads on this baord: jews.

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This dude is actually shutting down Jow Forums and it's hilarious. The blind impotent rage toward a people that most have never even met is AMAZING. The immense triggering factor is almost weaponized at this point.

Injuns 1/ Maga larpers 0

Stay mad 4cucks

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>first video surfaces
>front page news in less than an hour, narrative already prepped and shilled
>new video surfaces
>24 hours later and still highly unreported

That native american looks man like a white kid


They are reporting but still fucking up little obvious but defining details to try and mitigate how fucking wrong they were. May be a big mistake come court time.

Not to mention twitter made zero moves to ban all the hate and violence directed towards the kids

all this is doing is exposing he true racism of the leftist useful idiot. They all assume to know the plight of the redskin.

social media corps have hundreds of lawyers who would drown any litigant in discovery costs but it wouldn't never go to trial. kid's family will quietly take a settlement offer.

This dude is actually shutting down Jow Forums and it's hilarious. The blind impotent rage toward a people that most have never even met is AMAZING. The immense triggering factor is almost weaponized at this point.

Injuns 1/ Maga larpers 0

Stay mad LARPING 4cucks

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there were no crimes committed here, kike, no matter how much you'd like there to have been.

I already wrote him. The gay Jew hero we need.

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Shut the fuck up, jew.

>Covington Catholic High School students wearing MAGA hats surrounded and taunted a Native American man as he performed the "American Indian Movement" song about strength and courage. The man, Nathan Phillips, shares his story.
Still lying when there have been videos out for days proving the entire article false.

Celebrities are calling for doxing the kids, the media is riling millions of people up to send the teenagers death threats, people have posted their full names and addresses, people are emailing their schools to get them kicked out and trying to deny them from getting a college education in the future.
List goes on and on, i've never seen so much ridiculous shit in my entire life.

The full video shows the teenagers being the victim of racism for 30 minutes while just standing there. They never said anything political, they never retaliated to the racist shouting, they never gave off an aggressive vibe, they literally didn't do shit, and now their lives are ruined while the liberals ignores the racist shouting from the black israelites and natives. This better turn into a lawsuit.

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idk user you tell me?

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>Cant they be sued?
>Kids lives are literally being ruined as we speak because of this article still being up

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