What's the point of pushing pro-European "whites-let's-unite" kind of agenda?

We've been fingting among each other for like forever, might as well accept that at this point. Let the fires burn through out Europe, let the stronger country win so it can inherit the whole continent and truly unite it under one nation. I really think that's the best solution. I guess you can prove me wrong if you have a good arguments but that's just unlikely.
>inb4 muh common enemy, Israel, China
Not an argument.

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Quite so. Whites are the greatest extant warrior race, rivaled only by the Japanese. Because nothing else on the planet can threaten us, whites will never unite, white will always be wolf to white.

There is always fighting amongst wolves.

That's what I'm talking about. There would always be fighting among Europeans. I'm starting to think that the world would be a better place without Europeans.

>yes goyim, don't notice us, keep fighting each other, don't unite against us, everything will be fine, goyim.

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>war is bad

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Unity is an illusion and will not lasts forever. One day we'll start to kill each other under any pretext.

how the fuck do you think innovation occurs? Europeans aren't afraid to step on peoples' toes to push their ideas, meaning the most powerful ideals become the norm.

> birthrates of 1.1
> hey goyim why dont you kill each other?

>Europeans aren't afraid to step on peoples' toes to push their ideas, meaning the most powerful ideals become the norm
We've been slaughtering inferior races since before writing was invented. Nothing to do with ideals.

We don't need it to last forever, only long enough to defeat the Jews.

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no the whites are the greatest warriors. get it right. Also i hope you are not affected by the genocide, mate

>supremacy isn't an ideal

Cape Town anglo here, nicest place left in Africa. Still quite 1st world even. We only hear stories from the interior - I have a farmer uncle, the neighboring farm to him was attacked and the farmer seriously injured.

The Aryan conquest of Europe was carried out by a thousand tribes, each pursuing its own individual tribal self interest, and fighting with other Aryan tribes as often as they clashed with the dark haired brown eyed native Europeans they conquered. No such ideal of overarching racial supremacy existed, except in the sense of warriors saying "we are tougher than you, we will burn your huts, kill your men, and take your land and women", and warriors of all peoples, not just whites, say that. We did not and still do not have superior ideals, we are just flat out biologically superior.

good to hear mate. fight those floppies

>china not an argument
Ahh, an import to south east siberia I see.

Fuck off, kike.
Fuck off, nigger.

Because right now we're better united. Also brother wars have historically let shitskins predate on us

We fought wars back when our countries were homogenous. Now it is about the survival of the white race. We can't afford to fight among us when in 50 years we won't be a majority in our own continent.

Universal, Eternal Peace is an illusion, sure. But I'd rather have interstellar wars between all-white colonies being autistic about their new rocks, than seeing the world get blacked. Get your head out of your ass, Jesus. This is nothing complicated.

You are quite correct that the presence of an overwhelming external threat can temporarily and locally induce whites of different nations and tribes to band together, such as when the forces of Charles the Hammer halted the incursion of Islam, and in the Crusades. However, notice that this unity requires a religion, such as Christianity. Whites do not naturally have blood loyalty to whites of other nations, but we can have creed loyalty. The events of the Dark Ages show that "let us unite, fellow European" doesn't work, but "let us unite, fellow Christian" does.

We are now facing two overwhelming threats, Islam and the anti-white left. Notice that though one is brown and one is white, both are religions. Bring a gun to a gunfight, and a religion to a holy war. So we will need our own religion to crusade against them. Maybe Christianity can be brought back from the dead to serve this purpose. Bishops in plate armour!

Exactly so.

>Greatest Country should wipe out the others
>war is bad
This is how you spot a DnC thread. OP can't even hold his own position for 5 seconds.

Well spotted. OP's glow-in-the-dark halo notwithstanding, the point he raises is an important one.

I get what you're on. We'll all just unite in the stronger country. It's basically what ethnic germans did during ww2.

you're not European so kill yourself

Note that he said Nation, not race. I'm not sure why we have to be united through war if we already are.

The idea that white people have a single united culture or self interest is disgusting American propaganda. They want us to "unify" so they can rule the anglosphere, like they have already been doing homogenizing the world with their media imperialism. Same with Russia and pan-Slavism.
This isn't to say western nations shouldn't cooperate. We should. But political realism trumps any lofty ideals of a caucasian star trek.

The fact is europe isn't in any condition to be fighting. Before you can conquer the world, you must conquer yourself. Most of europes nations have demographic problems that will not be helped by throwing men into the grinder.