America needs at least 8 parties to accurately represent its people

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needs an Anarcho-Nationalist party

it is there, but it has no seats cause no one votes for it

I don't see "Right Wing Death squads" as a political party

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>not Anarcho-Fascist

because the media gives it 0 publicity
tl;dr the media is the root cause of all problems in the US


Anyone on the left is not American and is not our people they simply live here.

The USA is not a collectivist nation.

in no country would an anarcho-nationalist country be big desu
well they can still vote and are still brainwashing the youth

>Sees Italian and Greek govts.
Nope. All that means is an increased political graft and pull and a decreasing of political responsibility.

>wanting to give the retard brigades of both parties structural power

It only barely works in Europe because landed elites are a very real thing over there. Over here, it'd be a fucking disaster.

but the least corrupt countries on earth, the nordic ones, all have 6 parties or more
they already have power, it's just no transparent
the freedom caucus blocks shit up all the time

Actually America would do well to follow the USSR model of a single party system; you're either dedicated to the principles of your nation's constitution or you're not.

which party tho?



And? The freedom caucus blocking shit would be worse if they had structural backing for their nonsense. And corruption has nothing to do with the number of parties; Brazil and Argentina both have like sixteen and are corrupt shitholes.


Why does the US have two parties to begin with? I never understood this.

american party here, whats up lads?

America's two parties can't even agree on the most basic things like keeping the government running.
How would they ever get things done when they'd need 3 or more to get a majority.

Where is "primitive anarchism"

Where is "national anarchism"


And then the government becomes even more of a worthless clusterfuck.

This is stupid and divides America more. Look at the state of Europe. One party rule is the only way forward.

America already has this. It's called a caucus.

Unlike Eurofags who invent some new party every 5 seconds, America has two parties with Caucuses inside them.

The whole party doesnt do shit unless all the Caucuses in the party agree. Thus the overall party gets what they want.

you said the number of parties was connected to corruption tho, which is nonsense
and the freedom caucus should block shit, or do you prefer the permanent bureaucracy and the establishment elites doing what they want without votes mattering at all?
these parties are already factions of the current parties, if anything it'd be easier to govern since coalitions would be more flexible

>you said the number of parties was connected to corruption tho, which is nonsense

I said no such thing, retard.

FPTP voting makes two party system inevitable.

alright, you decided to reply to the reply to the leaf because you're a fucking retard
wrong, the electoral college and ballot access rules does this
several countries have FPTP and more than 2 parties

>Represent anyone but the Jews
pick one.

That's right you gullible goyim. Keep thinking you can save the White race and White civilization by voting.

yea and then they have to form coalitions to form government. It makes no difference.
In the US the voters decides which coalition to vote for with no surprises and the candidate decides which coalition he is apart of at the get go.

Many small parties allows the media to completely alienate any party they do not like and the population to agree. When there are 2 parties it is far harder to convince the whole populace that one of them is bad.

What like the Lib-Dems in the UK? They're practically useless and will never be able to form a government on their own.

not if regional differences are great enough.

Larp elsewhere

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the libdems, the NDP in Canada, India's fuckload of parties, which unite in coalitions, etc
the libdems used to be the major party when they were the liberals, then labour became bigger
pakistan also is multiparty with FPTP, and these are parliamentary countries

since the US is presidential, if it had runoffs for presidential elections, you could have candidates from eight parties and then a runoff between the progressive and american party for ex, and whoever won would govern in coalition with other parties

but this is hard because there's no instantaneous ballot access for third parties and since the electoral college has no possibility of a runoff, votes in third parties are spoiled votes


no we need the American party (as you depicted it) and the Degenerate Globalist party (whatever it chooses to call itself)

half these parties fit the description you gave