Air Taiwan lady forced to wipe Americans ass

>A 31-stone passenger forced flight attendants to strip him in a toilet and wipe his backside as he allegedly 'moaned with pleasure' during a long-haul flight.

>The flight attendant said the large customer, who is thought to be American, made her and her colleagues undress him in a lavatory and clean his rear, asking staff to go 'deeper', during the trip from the United States to Taiwan.

>The incident took place during on a flight from Los Angeles to Taiwan's Taoyuan airport on Saturday, with the passenger - a Caucasian male - yet to be named.

>The stewardess, named only as her last name of Kuo, who was also Chief Purser on the flight, said in a press conference that her crew helped to pull down the passenger's pants and wipe his backside after he finished relieving himself.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The press conference was held by the Taoyuan Flight Attendants Union in a bid to get EVA Air, which currently only employees female cabin crew, to start hiring male air stewards. Kuo said the passenger, who she estimates weighed 440lbs or 31.4st (200 kilogrammes), boarded the plane in a wheelchair and requested he be given three adjoining seats in economy class due to his size.

>As the flight was not full, he was granted his request, which later allegedly escalated to a demand to use the plane's business class lavatory because he would not fit in the economy cubical.

>She says the passenger claimed an injury to his right hand prevented him from fully undressing himself in order to use the lavatory. He therefore asked the cabin crew to pull down his pants in order for him to successfully relieve himself.

>Kuo said: 'I told him we couldn't help him, but he started yelling. He told me to go in there immediately and threatened to relieve himself on the floor.

>'As the passenger's genitals were now exposed, one of my colleagues brought a blanket, which I used to cover his modesty.

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>'But he very angrily slapped my hand away, saying he didn't want it and only wanted me to remove his underwear so he could use the toilet.' After granting the request, they were left further traumatized when the man called them into the cubical again in order to wipe his backside. Kuo's chief attendant reluctantly agreed, explaining that they did not want to leave the lone passenger trapped in the lavatory.

>However, the flight attendants' discomfort then turned to humiliation when he allegedly began moaning in apparent pleasure as the chief attendant wiped his backside while wearing three pairs of latex gloves. Kuo, who was holding onto the passenger to keep in steady, recalled: 'He said: "Oh, mmm, deeper, deeper," and then accused my chief attendant of not properly cleaning his backside, requesting that she do it again.'

What can we do about the threat of weird fat old men forcing cute young Asian stewardess to wipe their crusty assholes?

I wish I was this based.

>The press conference was held by the Taoyuan Flight Attendants Union in a bid to get EVA Air, which currently only employees female cabin crew, to start hiring male air stewards. Kuo said the passenger, who she estimates weighed 440lbs or 31.4st (200 kilogrammes), boarded the plane in a wheelchair and requested he be given three adjoining seats in economy class due to his size.
lol muh stronk wymyn

Once all the boomers die, the world will be much better.

Die boomers die!! Boomers die God laughs!! God hates Boomers!! Die boomers die!!!!

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Just let him shit himself. This is why you don't give into terroristic demands.

Chinks do white women's nails and wash white men's asses. Lmao, yellow slave race.

Madre de Dios...

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> wiped his backside while wearing three pairs of latex gloves.

lol 6 gloves

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Ban disgusting fat fucking mutants from associating with actual humanity

*snaps fingers*

He is American. They should have thanked him for the honor.

Probably a jew. Looks to be a fat, smelly jew. Our morbidly obese goyim don't like to travel.

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I was a homeowner at 23 and am 27 now. Make good decisions, do good in school and it’s not that hard to do

>do good in school
Oh yeah, did you do good in school
Got a nice 30 year mortgage, huh, "homeowner"

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I hate Americans so much.

So you have not borrowed any money whatsoever to buy that home?

same guy ??

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? Is this a bot ?

BASED, he does have to lose atleast 30 pounds for his own good though.

What makes you think that? You seem like someone who can't even write a conditional expression, much less identify a "bot."

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If you weigh over 100kg you should have to buy 2 tickets

imagine someone having that picture on his harddrive, why would you ever save that and even remember it?

>but he started yelling
die amerifats. just die

Yeah, tell him to fuck off.

Fat people are as bad as black people
change my mind

fucking eh
I knew the colonel was a badass
Kentucky FTW

But, why not?

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What about fat black people though

Jannies BTFO....

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Not even once

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Bingo. You never negotiate with terrorists.

I'm 6'4" and 223lbs. I'm in amazing shape. Lmao @ manlets.

what the fuck is wrong with Americans

Fat dude in a wheelchair asked me to help wipe his ass in the bathroom at the movie theater

I just kept walking

Didn't want to miss the beginning of Timecop

They smell slightly better

You should have just handed him the toilet brush and put on your thin supremacist smirk.

? Is this a schizo ?

>2% of the population is doing ok therefore everything is ok

You have the "I got mine" mentality and refuse to see anything out of it.

i think people who aren't ok should care about rich people more than the other way around, since the rich people are the only ones who could help them out.

>weird fat old men

He looks like a rabbi

That's like 76% of our (((country))) though.

>Kuo said: 'I told him we couldn't help him, but he started yelling. He told me to go in there immediately and threatened to relieve himself on the floor.



Looks like an standard American tourist

why even state his country of origin? as if it needs to be said? obviously this scooter shitter is a mutt

>who is thought to be American
fake news

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>forced flight attendants
>forced He's an old fat fuck, did he have blackmail on them or something?

t. scooter shitter

I've never been so proud of my countrymen

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what were they gonna do, leave the fat, shitty mutt in there? i would have let the old retard scream hoarse. then asked the captain to encounter some turbulence

t. seething chinkoid shitwiper

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>requesting that she do it again

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What the fuck happened here?

>What the fuck happened here?
A standard-capacity American asserted his freedom of navigation in the lavatory, and then three tiny little pixie people helped him clean up

I meant in that post's image.


Only an Asian woman would do this.

Dumb Saudi kids huffing butane in a car set themselves alight by accident.

This is what I love about Jow Forums.

>>However, the flight attendants' discomfort then turned to humiliation when he allegedly began moaning in apparent pleasure as the chief attendant wiped his backside while wearing three pairs of latex gloves. Kuo, who was holding onto the passenger to keep in steady, recalled: 'He said: "Oh, mmm, deeper, deeper," and then accused my chief attendant of not properly cleaning his backside, requesting that she do it again.'
>requesting that she do it again

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Just yell at Asian chicks and they will do anything I guess.

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Absolute UNIT

>'I told him we couldn't help him, but he started yelling. He told me to go in there immediately and threatened to relieve himself on the floor.
Art of the deal. Based boomer

That's nothing, kid

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Does it really cost more to hire a Thai hooker to wipe your shitty as than an Air Taiwan plane ticket to the US? Or maybe this passenger was in it for the humiliation aspect.

As a WHITE American. I'm all for these countries holding these pathetic excuses of flesh captive in labor camps or just out right executing them. I went to the Philippines before and the only tourist I saw were OLD American men with questionably aged girls. Mostly white. One black. It's depressing to see because half of the people looked at me like I was following in their footsteps. I mean, I did fuck a chick at a club in Manila but definitely didn't pay for it or marry her. I should've said no but fuckin A man


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fakkin based cunt

most of our country is a waste

>tfw island chinks wipe our asses for us
>tfw island chinks don't even have guns
>tfw island chinks will act outraged then go back to wiping our asses again

Day of the Mutt

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>and threatened to relieve himself on the floor.

your nose is showing, kike

this post keeps making me laugh
great post

nah i have worst

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>it's fucking real

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Imagine taking a shit so epic a press conference needed to be held. And imagine the smell.

Those people probably got traumatized

wtf is happening. im actually confused.

No nigger. It's not. What's wrong with sticking with white women?

Don't worry eventually you get used to news like that.

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How exactly did he force them?
I would have thrown him out of the door.

You do not own shit unless you have an inheritance. Also you did not put down 20% at 23, while doing good in school to earn money for it at a 15 dollar an hour job.


W-what the fuck, granny?

they were huffing gas or glue in a closed car, dude in the back went to light a cig or a joint

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is that her? she is extremely attractive.

la luz extinguido....

Is that the Mexican gas line?


>What would have been done with that fat fuck if he tried that shit on Japan Air Lines

Based & gilfpilled