
>Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for standing up for the self-evident truth Americans hold so dear, that no matter what the color of our skin or the place of our birth, we are all created equal by God.

I can't take this cuck seriously anymore. All he does is pander to niggers and non-whites.

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Cry more kike

What do you expect him to say you fucking idiot?

It's not like that's his actual opinion.
It's just a tweet shit out by his aides.

How about nothing at all? Fuck Martin Luther King and fuck niggers, too. The comments section is full of liberals calling him a racist anyway, so why even both trying to appease them? Trump has yet to even acknowledge the existence of White Americans.

The fuck you want kike?
>Never have an uppity nigger learn to read guys. Sad! I want them all building the wall!

Trump could just say nothing about MLK.

That's because, although is probably racist to some degree in the way old white conservative boomers are, he is not a nazi or white nationalist. People ( morons ) who expect him to act like a nazi will be disappointed. .

Why didn't you write-in patrick little then if you have such a problem with it?

Go back to your Discord, shill.

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I don't think Trump would approve of your anti-Semitism

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Equal in status, not in ability.

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Almost like making peace with our brothers from other regions of the world is an important aspect of american exceptionalism. Aint another nation on earth that has been formed by slaves amd exiles of european roman empires turned todays greek fraternal democracy

>poses with Jews
>poses with Blacks

Isn't it strange how he's never posed with Whites? You can't find a single tweet or speech of his wherein he directly acknowledges White Americans.

Trump is anti-White.

Amerimutt, Amerimutt,
Larps whatever a larper can
Sees his wife, with many guys,
Calls her bitch then he cries
Look Out!
Here comes the amerimutt

Cool story bro. Trump is for the well-being of all Americans.

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how about you go back to your discord shill. You T_D faggots shill the most on this board.
>we are all created equal by God.
Hey what discord do you come from?

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Trump is not racist, just racially ignorant.

I don't even have a Reddit account. Maybe you should go to Stormfront instead.

> Maybe you should go to Stormfront instead.
oh yes we get to the bottom of this leftypol faggot.

I'm not leftist, but I'm not a crazy radical either. Leave your mom's basement once in a while.

Except Whites, whom he refuses to even mention.
He's talked about African-Americans, he's talked about Hispanics, he's talked about Asians, he's talked about Jews. Not once has he talked about Whites.

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sure thing leftypol keep trying to pretend you arent projecting.