Serbia isn't in the EU and it's where remove kebab originated, so is it the one European country that can resist the ongoing genocide of the European people through endless Third World migration?
Serbia isn't in the EU and it's where remove kebab originated...
At least they aren't Mongolian.
Serbia is currently heavily demoralized and economically beaten down by the US and NATO for exercising their sovereignty. Globalists wanted to make an example of what happens if you don't play ball, and Serbia was their experiment.
So while Serbia still has its sovereignty, it's precariously balanced on an edge between EU aggression and Russian protectionism. I wouldn't be surprised if another World War is sparked from them again to prevent a global Neo-Feudalistic dystopia.
Thanks for the insightful post.
Please explain, it could save someone's life.
>Serbia accepts EU policies and migrant quotas even though they don't have to.
>Serbia is kebab. Only European country/kingdom to voluntarily join Ottomans against Europe. TO GENOCIDE EUROPE.
Serbians are autistic niggers that suck endless cock. UK, Russia, Jew, gay globohomo, and Turkish cock. Soon 3rd world nigger cock. Enjoy your lesbian PM.
You should stop sucking serbian dick so much, you'll remain severely disappointed.
What about Russia then?
>meme flags
We know you are butthurt cockroaches. Stop hiding roach or imma get the spray.
If you think even for a second Slobo wasn't part of the whole scheme then you need to kill yourself asap. A world war will never come unless the head of a government is killed, be it US, Germany or Russia.
I'm not a memeflag you braindead subhuman, i have a private satellite connection.
This motherfucker too stupid to know what a memeflag is.
Go back to halalalaland
Serbians naturally like to fuck shit up for other countries, and get 7th degree burns in the process, but by this speed dont expect shit to happen in the next 15-20 years. Our newer generations are more and more conservative and are turning to russia, mostly cuz vucic managed to do EVERYTHING to make us hate EU and the west. So yea, im pretty sure balkans is once again a ticking time bomb, but not as big as it used to, since all other countries around serbia are being beaten to submission and forced to play along with the west, with serbia taking many hits aswell, but at least we are still standing.
The good thing is, the older generation is full of radical conservative commies who teach their kids how everything EU and USA do is bad, so our kids wont be subverted, that is if enough of them stay in the country...
That's good news. So overall, do you think the Serbian race has a future?
Serbians LARP as Russian brothers. Russia doesn't give two shits. They are a pawn and too stupid to realise.
Nice meme arguments. Kill yourself susjedu
>it's where remove kebab originated
Nice no comeback Turkroach. Just accept you're black niggers and the ultimate shabbos goy to Jews, British, Russians, Turks, etc.
PM gay. Look at your movies and TV shows. Most popular shows have Gypsies and gay Serbo-niggers.
>t. that larping alboturk in every thread
>oy vey Račak massacre
Nice of you to watch our movies and shows, they're mostly very good, at least older ones
Great cultural experiment. Bozniaks and Albanians are waaaay whiter than SerboTurks. Fucking amazing.
ill bite the bait
what do bosniaks and albanians have in common? islam.
>inb4 implying muslims can't be white
you goatfuckers are living on borrowed time and are too dumb to realise it.
Yugoslavia had its fair share of corruption and nepotism, but the socialist spirit and social awareness held it together. After Tito's death, the massive power vacuum caused the lowest of scum to scour to the top, quickly establishing their dominance. Even the overthrow of Sloba was funded by then-small-fish as a way to consolidate their path to the top. What ensued is this 20 year wild ride of total collapse of people reduced to a mentality of extreme nepotism and general mistrust of the government, leading to a feedback loop of what I can only describe as niggerdom. Even the #1u5miliona protests are planned and paid for by the future regime leaders. We're too busy fighting among ourselves. If there was a way to completely replace the government with foreign nationals (not paid by the jews) for a couple of generations, things would be better.
Dont reply to that albozerg, he spams the same jpgs everytime Serbia is mentioned
Lol gay PM is an absolute puppet to vucic. Dude is playing 3d chess pretending to be a cosmopolitan modern man but to this day he says nothing but negative shit about gay parades. It's always something like "we're a free country, we'll allow THEM to do their thing but I'll be in church with my family away from that". Serbia is NOT a gay welcome nation and it never will be. Definitely more degenerates on the streets these days but gays will never feel safe enough to kiss on the streets, not in belgrade and definitely not in smaller towns
>Dude is playing 3d chess pretending to be a cosmopolitan modern man
Still waiting for this Desu.
STFU Bashibozuk
Slay the Serv
Same guy, different comp
Yea i do, we are fanatically nationalistic, and serbs will exist as long as croats, bosniaks and montenegrins exist, since they only exist by exaggerating our differences. So as long as there is a majority of serbs in any balkan country, we will be able to fight.
>either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself becoming the villain
Tbh i think he just wants money, i personally dont like him because he sucks wests cock so much
So how will you keep out African "migrants" followed by Arab "refugees"?
i'd trade serbia for romania and bulgaria at any time.