It Happened! They are covering it up!

It Happened! They are covering it up!

Attached: It Happened.jpg (393x279, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

America needs proof of life NOW.

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damn this really makes me think asuka is the best girl

Attached: shrug.png (1026x770, 1.56M)

they'll play everyone an audio of Ruth
>I am still alive & well.

just like they did Osama Bin Laden

nobody will accept that.

>noses are here

son, her life or death has nothing to do with what you post on the internet.

That's right! Asuka fucks all the refugees that Ginsburg let in!

Even in death I still serve

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If they're trying to cover it up, Trump should make a meeting with all the federal judges for a photo just to confirm

If she was dead, then the conservatives on the court would have said something.

not necessarily but good point nonetheless


Last night I had a dream an old woman from the 1930s died in 2019. Not saying it means anything but.

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>Not staying quiet just so the left can look around nervous with no updates

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How did we miss this, Jow Forums?

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Youre both dumb as shit. Which "conservatives" wiuld say something? The guy that wrote the Patriot Act, the one who passed Obama care, or the nigger?

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Where's Ruth?

>They are covering it up!
One shovelful of dirt at a time?

Attached: ginsburg_the_witch_is_dead.jpg (1016x580, 141K)

They need to wheel her out and have her
at least wave Hello.
This bullshit of she isn't dead but you can't see her is tiresome.
It's all so tiresome.

I don't get how a coverup is supposed to work. if they're trying to hide it because they don't want trump to pick a new justice why doesn't trump just claim that he wants to visit her to wish her a fast recovery or something and expose it? the only way it could work is if trump is in on it and in that case there wouldn't be a need for it because he would nominate whoever (((they))) want.

>They need to wheel her out and have her
>at least wave Hello.
Can't. Her carcass cannot handle being moved without extremities falling off. That's one entire month of decomposition at minimum.

confirms dead

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-21-14-27-17-1.png (796x157, 58K)


She died last december so anyone pretending she died in the year 2019 is a liar.


The nigger

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Attached: Happening.jpg (250x140, 8K)


If this is Ruthys granddaughter, I’d be willing to goy that.

/ptg/ is cancer.

Attached: rthedonald.png (487x487, 698K)

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Imma get the rake

They wanted to hold off long enough to enact a coup and install President Pelosi. See last week news re: muzzie terror attack on white house while Pelosi snuck out oversees.
The plan was to announce RGB's death shortly afterward and nominate another member of the coven to the bench.



The Dems are probably just stalling for time for the taxadermist to stuff her corpse with anamatronics.


i really really like this meimei

You fuckers actually made me think it happened. I was all fucking ready for this battle that will ensue when it actually happens

Be patient. There's no way we have to wait more than a year.