My next phone will be Huawei

Sorry Trump, not going to let the NSA into my phone anymore

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Enjoy your shitty phone

So you prefer MIIT being in your phone? Cool story bro.

GL nigga

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i don't care if ayy lmao is in my phone since i'm not in china

I trust NSA over Chinese Government any day of the week. At least NSA likes to fuck everyone over, not just their enemies.

>giving all of your data to China directly instead of waiting for the next time the NSA gets hacked
Based and efficiencypilled

They're all made in china anyway.

No, it's Brits who most likely to harm you, not NSA unless they are fucking idiots.

>so he lets the chinese government spy on him instead.
you went full retard

>The Canadians arrested the CFO
>Somehow Trump controls Canada
>Apple btfo as a result.
I see nothing but winning.

meh, I'd rather buy gook or nip.

>I'll let the Chicoms in, instead!
There's a reason Huawei isn't used in anything critical in the US, user.

Xiaomi is the way nowadays

Not just the US, quite a number of other countries like Bongland and Shitpostland won't use them in any infrastructure either.


Why can't America manufacture electronics? What the fuck happens when there's a serious conflict and China decides to cut us off?

ok so apple just orders the chinese to make less phones and now the chinese companies loose just as much money

>letting the Chinese Communist Party into your phone instead

costs more

US have most of intel fabs in it still. One in israel, one in ireland, and all other(around 10) in us. Thats quite serious electronics manufacturing.

You don't live in China though. Who gives a shit if officer Ching Chang knows that you post literally Hitler opinions online? The same reason I use Google instead of Yandex.

>Doing harm to anyone
Not since the Colonies revolted, lad.

arguably less of a threat, they're thousands of miles away. local glowing niggers on the other hand...

>that feeling when apple brings all the Chinese jobs back to America
4th dimensional chess

Didn't Apple just move a lot of production to India?

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Maybe, but the CCP is far worse than anything else out there. I guess if you're not saying anything negative about that authoritarian shithole of a country, then you'll probably be alright.
I wonder.. you could imagine the sudden pushback against Huawei not being because they're enabling the Chinese government to spy on everyone, but because it prevents our governments from doing so.

You smartphone is literally driving you psychotic like too much methamphetamine.
If you were on the ball you'd give it up for you sanity.

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just get a walkie talkie and build your own radio tower

>the sudden pushback against Huawei not being because they're enabling the Chinese government to spy on everyone, but because it prevents our governments from doing so.
of course, it's quite obvious

Does Jow Forums have any opinions on Oppo phones?
Can they work in the U.S.?

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Almost every consumer electronic device in the world uses some kind of ARM tech, which is developed in britain. Even said huawei purchases core design licenses from it.

Huawei Is a shit brand.
Wtf is emui? It's just a shitty custom rom iOS Wannabe. Their phone are just overpriced and their clients are just some retarded iOS haters cuz they have no money.
Xiaomi Is a good brand, 3 devices with Android one and a value-price rateo ok. the MIUI it's overall decent.

Just make your own Android OS from scratch
t. Jow Forums

Using Mate 20 Pro... Will never go back to Samsung or Apple now. The battery alone is absolutely insane.

I'd much rather be spied on by the Chinese gov than the Canadian gov. I'm not in the jurisdiction of the Chinese. They can't touch me. How is this not a widespread sentiment?

just build your search engine

good point, no 5 ayys

Same parent company that does oneplus. Oneplus are decent phones, but oppo is a low-end brand, that has either mediatek phones - which is underwhelming; or snapdragon ones which are overprised compared to competition.
You wont get trash that collapses in your hands and explodes, it will work, but there are better deals.

listen brainlets made in china just means they assemble it in china. Most of the components in your phones are not made in china, cause those components are trash, the rest of the world make them, they ship em to china and get it assembled and packaged.

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>prefers to have the Chinese government spy on him instead



>fuck the NSA
>literal communists that want to subvert our government are ok though
are you fucking retarded?

Based poland, kurwaaaaaaaaaa

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China gets revenge against Trump by attacking Trump's enemy. Good. China should attack all the anti-American tech megacorporations. That will show Trump.

Now now Dear, Jow Forums says that the UK doesn't actually produce anything, you're just imagining things.

Hush now.

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I don't think anybody cares if Tim Cook sheds a few tears over people not buying his shitty iPhones

>not going to shenzhen to get your own custom phone built

>not using the Koryolink Arirang AS1201


America founded modern electrical engineering? You don’t think we know how to manufacture it? Nigger, we fucking INVENTED the shit

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China leading the way to an isolationist world. Absolutely based chinks.

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lets say china did not have us or eu anymore, my guess is they would stagnate in tech horribly. tech is not really intelligence as much as some crazy fucker with a new idea, you only get that with u.s living condiitons and family

good, fine by me.