Attached: SmartSelect_20190121-224807_Twitter.jpg (1074x1230, 454K)
Xavier Scott
Hunter Russell
I like Netanyahu
Luis Murphy
Jackson Howard
t. kike
Camden Rodriguez
Dominic Gutierrez
Netanyahu ordered the hoax false flag at the synagogue in Pittsburgh.
Gabriel Bailey
MLK is for black women. Malcolm X is the patrician's black rights leader, and jews murdered him.
Isaiah Morales
Jews frequently change their last name to King. Example: Stephen King, Larry King. Whenever I see King, my mind screams JUDEN.
Xavier Fisher
Netanyahu arms neonazis in Ukraine.
Chase Rodriguez
lol jews stealing MLK from blacks.
Asher Barnes
Christopher Campbell
Based niggers love Israel shalom
Landon Mitchell
He has a cool voice desu
Wyatt Gutierrez
BLM too lmao
They got shut down faster than you can say oy when they came out against apartheid in Israel
Jordan Lopez
Jews are trash
Luke Lee
Malcolm X was right.
MLK was a degenerate homosexual.
Asher Torres
Riots are what gave blacks equal rights in America, not some random nigger they use to make people forget that violence can achieve political means, especially when it happens in every major US city.
Alexander Sanders
The leaked Al Jazeera documentary, The Lobby - US, touches on this. It shows zionist groups discussing their aggressive attempts to regain control of BLM. There are 4 parts and I think this info is in part 3, but not sure.
Evan Reed
Israel literally attacks Jews around the world just to maintain the misconception that Israel represents all jews.
James Turner
Man. I'm torn.
Israel is better than Arabs. But Zionists are literally evil. It's there in the bible. Micah 6.
Zionists are people who take up the mantle of evil to bring about the end times. How have they tricked anybody otherwise?
Ian Gutierrez
>Israel is better than Arabs. But Zionists are literally evil. It's there in the bible. Micah 6.
Fuck off kike. Without Israel the world would have peace.
Nolan Gomez
Kevin Brooks
I'm glad that you don't consider homosexuality and degeneracy to be the same thing, friend. Kudos.
Dylan Long
this is completely unfounded.
Grayson Lopez
Cool, another reason to hate both of them even more.
Jace Long
Jose Kelly
isreal about to blow
Aiden Walker
Joseph Cooper
The Scoffield Bible. That pink italicized zionist text was added in the 1900s, and that's why they give it out for free. Jews have been attempting to remove themselves from Christian memory for centuries.
Eli Bennett
Jews practice extreme racist intolerance and bigotry of their semite cousins the Palestinians. As usual though, all they know how to talk about is how they are permenent helpless victims that require 7 trillion US tax dollars in order to genocide all their neighbors + destroy every single European nation on earth. Death to the terror sponsor state Israel. Justice for zionist treason.
Daniel Turner
I am not a Jew.
But I do dislike just about all brown people. Even the nice ones seem to harbor evil and envy in their souls.
Joshua Peterson
Well deviant sexual physchology. Wildly maladaptive, linked to infectious disease, pedophilia, promiscuity, other mental illness.
Juan Reed
You're a zionist. Zionists aren't jews. The fact you're IMMEDIATELY GOING TO SKIN COLOR IDENTITY POLITICS is because you're a zionist kike.
William Diaz
I am not a zionist. My original post you had a problem with proves that. Zionists are evil.
Israel, however, seems a lot better than the alternatives.
Dylan Scott
Grayson Gutierrez
>I hate Zionism but we should let Israel exist.
Israel is an illegitimate terrorist nation who did 9/11 and a million other false flags. Who do you think you're fooling kike. Thank God Israel will be wiped out this year/
Justin Jackson
David Thompson
I stand with Israel, don't worry, you'll grow up one day, guys.
Luis Gray
I don't have a problem with Israel being wiped out because it means all of the subhuman Arabs get wiped out, too.
You're obviously a deranged sandnigger.
Alexander Lewis
>I don't have a problem with Israel being wiped out because it means all of the subhuman Arabs get wiped out, too.
No it doesn't.
Ayden Adams
Ironically Netanyahu is a nigger and MLK was not.
Juan Sanchez
Not just fuck Israel. But DIE Israel
Blake Cruz
Go back to plebbit you retarded boomer. You are so obvious in every thread i cant imagine how easy it would be to dox you
Brayden Smith
"Today we celebrate Martin Luther King JR by saying that anti-Zionism is AntiSemitism" - The Biggest Kike In Existence.
Jackson Ramirez
martin luther king didn't like jews. neither did malcome x. bibi is a lying kike.
Gabriel Price
Netanyahu is losing his mind so badly every move he makes only serves to drive a wedge between Israel and the diaspora jews every further.
Isaac Bailey
Im oretty sure it was black muslims who murdered malcolm x. However it turned out to be a good thing because it very well the impossibility of black America ever fixing itself
Asher Taylor
>> israel is better than arabs
1) no its not
2) who the fuck says you have to make a choice between the two? Let them both die
Gavin Wright
>Im oretty sure it was black muslims who murdered malcolm x. However it turned out to be a good thing because it very well the impossibility of black America ever fixing itself
Israel murdered Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr and Tupac and Biggie.
Jose Ross
Bibi is basè et rougepillè
Elijah Garcia
Piss off schizo hail Robert Bowers. Death to all Jews
Luke Lee
>Piss off schizo hail Robert Bowers. Death to all Jews
Jace Jenkins
Jayden Brown
Jews often false flag as Muslim to kill their adversaries and simultaneously tarnish another adversary. Many such cases! Malcolm X named the Jew and that's why they took him out.
Jack Evans
Henry Nguyen
Hunter Campbell
i do, kys
kill yourself even more.
Thomas Ross
Carson Wilson
saving this one because we have an entire month of black history month threads incoming
Landon Watson
know your history, blak kang.
Zachary Flores
Jonathan Torres
Asher Foster
Evan Bennett
Juan Thomas
This tweet by Benji is so demoralizing anons don't even know how to reply
Aiden Diaz
William Clark
>Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism
Diversity for thee but not for me, goyim. HAHAHHAHA
Brody Myers
Once Israel starts feeling the pain the shutdown will end.
Dylan Perry
>Once Israel starts feeling the pain the shutdown will end.
You have no power over America anymore. GET IT THROUGH YOUR INBRED KIKE SKULL.
Nathan Nguyen
Can't stand that abomination. People need to pick up the 1560 Geneva, take a little while to learn how to read it but it's worth it. Can make the process easier by reading a 1611 KJV first.
Ryan Long
Luke Cook
Benjamin Johnson
didnt MLK talk about jews being bad to blacks?
Cooper Smith
fuck this guy and fuck palestine too
Andrew Cooper
>quoting someone with ongoing severe schizophrenia as a good authoritative source
Zachary Hill
>I stand with Israel
Adam Lewis
>anti-zionism is anti-semitism
This fucking line keeps getting repeated. Thanks AIPAC.
Reminder to watch the lobby.
Connor Roberts
>no power over America anymore
Colton Sanders
Of course Jews would LOVE Martin Luther King, because Jews are sand niggers.
Jaxon Evans
If only sucking Trump's cock with billboards and posters actually meant something. You're desperate.
Thomas Morales
>Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend"is an open letter falsely attributed toMartin Luther King Jr.that expressed support forZionismand declared that "anti-Zionist is inherently anti-Semitic, and ever will be so."[1]The letter has been widely quoted on the internet and in a speech of the politicianAriel Sharon. The proclaimed sources of the letter, like an appearance in theSaturday Reviewfrom August 1967, do not exist. The first known reference to the text appeared 1999, over thirty years after King's death.
>"Gas the Kikes, Racial Unity Now!" -MLK
John Anderson
They also do that because they are literally so full of themselves that they believe they are king of all the Goyim.
However, the Goyim know, and we shall kill them all.
Isaiah Perez
MLK was mentored by communist jews, and some black fag commie
Lincoln Jenkins
James Taylor
Are you ready for Israel to go to war without the help of the US?
Cooper Long
>ongoing severe schizophrenia as a good authoritative source
Wow. Jews pathologizing one of their own (arguably the best chess player in history) for calling out their duplicitous behavior. How novel.
Jaxson Martinez
Imagine being this naive. Imagine the mental gymnsatics of trying to justify your hate for Israel while having a president whose top donor is (((Sheldon Adelson))) whose only concern is Israel.
Aiden Jenkins
oh yea I'm ready, I'd love it. But it's not going to happen and you know it.
Alexander Martinez
I know that Israel is going to war ALONE and The United States doesn't give a FUCK what happens to you rats.
Ryan Powell
Me too, I wish there was a Netanyahu but for white people
Grayson Edwards
"Fuck you niggers, people hating Jews is more important to focus on." - President Jew
Aaron Price
Luis Brooks
Daniel Hughes
Samuel Brown
no 1 in this country is concerned with all the horseshit israel tries pulling us into.
why don't they ask the chinese to do it.
or the blacks.
Luis Anderson
I just said that I hate Israel and you're calling me an Israeli shill? Your /ptg/ is showing, faggot. What a disgrace you are.
Michael Robinson
have they ever publicly explained why they changed their names?
James Young
Micah 6 applies to all nations, you know. All those who turn away from God suffer the consequences.
Jason Allen
Fuck the kikes
A Tribute to those who have fallen and a warning of things to come.
Nathan Gomez
Lol that nigger lover's going to burn.