Now that Japan is taking in Africans this is the the next human hybrid he are going to see

Now that Japan is taking in Africans this is the the next human hybrid he are going to see.

When high IQ and advanced modernity meets high athleticism and primal-ness.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_freestyle_wrestling#2018

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blacks arent athletic tho. theyre runners

gross. Mixing with niggers is a net loss for the other

Japan = Hope for the white race

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>When high IQ and advanced modernity meets high athleticism and primal-ness.

bucktoothed bonobos more likely

I don't care. I do hope to see an influx of "niggers stink" memes.

>High iq athletes
And dicklet brainlets.

So Klingon's?

We taking over nigga
2 billion Black people by the end of the century
This is the African Century Our Time Our Uprising
Revenge on all the pale colonizers

Gooks and niggers mixing.Great. the shitty materialistic mindset of asians mixing with stupid negroids is just creating monsters

Yet your people will starve afterward cus none of you chimps know how farm food or maintain a civilization. Couple that with your breeding habits, your revenge is only going to end with your people dying from starvation and infighting.

TL;DR - your quest for revenge will end with you destroying yourselves, nigger.

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She is hot


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based burger, I like some of you.

we hate all of you


Revenge for what? Keeping the grim reaper off your ass?

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Pic related, my fiance. She is half black half south korean.

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Half half but fully dysfunctional. Enjoy.

blasians are a better mix up with blacks than white + black or white + asian.

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There have been Africans in Japan certainly since 1991 and probably earlier. Lots of the ones from Africa come from Gambia and Nigeria.
I lived in Japan for nearly 20 years, and there were Africans living there when I arrived in 1991.

Like mixing chocolate and vanilla. Mixed doesn't do the job half as well as one flavor does on its own

The Yakuza wouldn't allow it, pretty sure is a farce to look good to Western eyes.

No there weren't. You probably got lost in Tokyo zoo.

Smart, user. She can't cook your dog if she won't allow it in the house.

Blasian girls with quebecois accents are my weakness

All I can see is a nigger.

I am OK with this.

nig asian hybrids are as dumb as their nigger counterparts.

also japan isnt taking in shit tons of any one. it will still be 97% jap for the next 10 years easily. 165 mil people in japan. a few thousand wont change anything and they have corporal punishment. yea you will be cained for some crimes then imprisoned


>Now that Japan is taking in Africans....


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I love getting nigger prostitutes to lick my anus hopefully I can find a Blasian

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I can finally use the word blackanese appropriately.

Will be eating lil dick chimps

true but if mix, blasian looks more "harmonic".
The manlet micronpenis tinyness often high IQ DNA of the Asian mixed with bulky, athlethic, BBC blacks gives relatively smart, relatively athletic people with neither asian pancake faces nor gorilla faces.

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Every performance sport with the exception of swimming, climbing and barely strongman is dominated by black men. Sprinting any distance, endurance run any distance, highest jump, longest jump, highest raw natural competition squat, fighting at most weight classes. Whites still have deadlift, bench most strongman and swimming, probably climbing for a while. Note i said performance sports, not group organized abstractions of strategy and coordination.

If you want to be a racist you have to accept that arent white athletes like usain bolt, tyson gay, bob beamon, javier sotomayer, ray williams. Even dancing blacks own, see fikshun stegall. Just people born with enough test never to need steroids, the frame and biomechanical leverages to support and utilize mass, the muscle fiber types and virtually non existent bodyfat. Breathing systems that process more oxygen.

There are unreal white athletes that are head and shoulders above all other races but blacks dominate the simplest, raw performance types of sports. In terms of sprinting and jumping, its not even close. Usain is not just a little faster than the fastest white ever, the difference between 9.54 and 10.00 is a fucking huge distance its nuts.

asian IQ is the result of homogeneity
its going to be another america
just with a lot more traps

and they run at the strangest occasions
like "Here is the police" or "You are going to be a father"

>Getting a Blasian wife
It's like buying a computer that doesn't work.

High-IQ blacks mating with athletic Japs. Hmmm.

did you really write this wall just to acknowledge what he said
yes nigger have a lot of stamina by trade, at least unless they get Americanized
yet, most sports aren't just about one discipline, like football isn't just about chasing a ball

Japan will be America's slave race.

So what you're saying is running and jumping, correct? Because in addition to swimming and powerlifting, you forgot basically anything cold (skiing etc),or endurance related that does not make use of specific morphological traits of a very small subset of africans (cycling for example, compared to marathon running)

i mean real football
not hand egg

Nope. Niggers only produce more niggers.

One triggered white boy lol.

Entirely defeats the purpose:
>Quite and demur vs. Loud and Obnoxious
>Tight and slim vs. "tha booty" and huge pussy which makes my dick feel small

at least i am not a nigger

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Rule of thumb: if your only argument in support of niggers is sports, you need to think it over again, because basically you're claiming your circus would be better with monkeys rather than acrobats.

Doing shit in the cold has nothing to do with quantifiable athletic performance (force output per unit of muscle, biomechanics to leverage force generated, oxygen efficiency) whites do have dean karnasziz i guess but the rest of those things are dominated by blacks. Read my post, im referring to non intellectual sports or games that involve coordination cooperation and strat.

Look at simone biles, her triple flip is like usians 9.54 something a white athlete has not even approximated its so far ahead. The highest jump ever is by a 6 foot three black athlete who was a notorious lazy coke fiend. Blacks simply have superior genetics for sports performance in the best case among all races.

>that dont involve


At least i made you acquiesce to my point as you cant contend with it.

white boy, even triggered, over nigger
seven days of the week

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It would though. Imagine gorillaz deadlifting 2000 lbs, throwing smart cars and fighting each other in armor and 100lb metals swords and axes. Imagine a gorilla with knucklebusters punching a tiger to death. Imagine 30 spider monkeys doing aerial acrobatics and chimps in a battle arena. Would all be way more entertaining than watching people do those things.

Not an argument, enjoy your update in opinion i have provided for you.

>Japan is taking in Africans

wasn't supposed to be an argument but mere a fact
silly nigger

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yuch...and doubtful.

I'm saying you're deciding the fate of the world over a fucking sideshow. When niggers come in my NT I stop watching, because if you can't be a tough team on your own ethnic merits, you don't deserve it. I was fine with not being in the world cup, and I'm sorry for France using their negros to make it.

Superior genetics my ass, go suck Black Cock somewhere else and, choke and die while you're at it.

They might actually be worth something because in Japan they don't fuck around with nig nog games.

>black nipples
>turn literally black in the sun
>smoke weed immediately in the absence of social shame
>highest adultery rate in developed world
>ubiquitous lying is taking for granted
>cheating is only wrong if you tell your partner and hurt their feelings
>violent, bizarre, savage killing from time to time
>only see what's in front of their face, never looks left or right or asks if there's more to life
>outside of tokyo, largely boisterous, loud, shrill
>behave like monkeys when you go to rural areas and villages, mob mentality
>Ugly gorilla noses
>barely have souls, don't know Christ or God, superstitious animists

Implying that Nips aren't already Nigs.

Well you refuted none of the scientific relationships that define sports performance nor any of the numerous examples (named blacks dominating performance sports) and are a buttmad whitey with no arguments, just vitriol and hate speech.

And your fact was thoroughly refuted, as i said so enjoy your updated fact.

Youre as bad as the feminazis ignoring objective facts about biology and anthropology and statistics because it doesnt fit your sheltered agenda.

You take ANY race and add nigger...pic related, man.

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>Japan is taking in Africans

first of all checked. This sounds pretty amazing and hope that these digits mean that I will able to witness said events in the near future.

Assuming an average IQ of 105 for the Japanese and 80 for the Africans, the mix will be around 92.5. Good luck with that.

Only niggers say my bad, found the nigger!

>olympic lifting
>high jump
>shot put
>hammer throw

Just kys you nigger leaf

No, I'm saying we have bigger things at stake than apes chasing after a ball. If anything, your theory is debunked by the fact niggers couldn't do shit at soccer until a. the level dropped dramatically (all the legendary NT have died) and b. they were disciplined by white slavers. How come Nigeria never won the WC? Racism? Nah, they're just stupid monkeys.

Greco roman is one narrow discipline of combat, blacks dominate boxing and have plenty of mma weightclass titles

Best ratio of bodyweight to deadlift ever? Lamar gant, a black with scoliosis

Throwing is white and i never said it wasnt but that will change imo

Highest jump ever is black, idiot. Longest jump ever is black.

Swimming will probably stay white

Im a 30yo white athlete. Ive competed and beaten many blacks at running and fighting as ive wrestled, sprinted and jumped competitively. But at the top echelon of purely athletic activity blacks dominate for many reasons that are objective and genetic as their lower iqs but you cant accept one without the other, its just silly.

Oly lifting i deliberatly left out, its so varied among many ethnic and racial backgrounds. One of the best medium weight oly lifters from usa is black btw. Heaviest clean and jerk is iranian. Many asians and even some latinos and randoms in the best weightclasses for oly lifting.

Japanese people are white, retard. Have fun creating your own people's demise if you get the chance

Spoken like a true whitey with experience in the subject

There is a lot of Nippon brazilians in Japan, we got over a million nippon immigrants descendent and they always call some of them back to do cheap labour

Doesnt change the fact that if you do watch sports you watch it to see what the highest degree of primality expressable and usable is and blacks dominate that. Gorillas chimps and spider monkeys are to blacks what blacks are to most whites and other races so whether or not its degenerate, useful, important doesnt matter. For what performance sports are blacks dominate because of their genetics.

Idk why nigerian hasnt won world cup i dont watch the fake injury olympics that pro soccer is.

>blacks dominate boxing
Klitchkos dominated HW boxing until recently, nigger idiot.

Both Greco Roman and Freestyle:'s_freestyle_wrestling#2018

>Best ratio of bodyweight to deadlift ever? Lamar gant, a black with scoliosis
The highests deadlifts are all done by White men, you dumb nigger idiot. Who gives a fuck about manlet records.

>High jump
What is your point, nigger idiot? Most champions are White.

>Im a 30yo white athlete
You are a pea-brained nigger and fooling nobody.

Boxing, basketball, track field, and, football all require athleticism.

Retarded post is fucking retarded

>Japan is taking in Africans

They will learn to regret this is a deep way. Just give it time.

There are so many intelligent, talented, and beautiful people out there. I have no idea why Japan would wish to import the lowest of the low.

Also you dumbfuck a nigger is top 3 in the world is top 3 at spearchucking in rio olympics and his technique is so bad he falls down. Imagine having athleticism such that you can fall down like a retard but youre so explosive you beat people probably twice as smart as you. Thats nignetix 4 u

Do you only have screenshots from your fiances social media account or are you just shitposting?

Can't create a good society, can only live off of others hardwork and this is how the nigger rationalizes his inferiority.


Niggers only dominate braindead sports where raw power and raw jumping power are important. Basket and football are braindead-tier compared to soccer.

Still didn't win, nigger idiot.

I'd hit that and mine some new hybrids

>Basket and football are braindead-tier compared to soccer.
Kill yourself. Anything that wasnt considered aristocratic and healthy in the XIX century is still shit now.

Agreed. Their features blend more nicely.


>blacks arent athletic tho. theyre runners
maybe you should google "athletics" and go to images

Dude... they were talking about soccer (football) alle the time. In what universe do you think france would've won the murrican football world cup?

Yep thats what i said in my first fucking post


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Still ugly

a fact implies the assertion made is true
if it could be refuted it would be an argument
as you previously assumed i made one i get you are confused
you are welcome

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>High IQ and high athleticism
Or Low IQ and permavirgin herbavorism

Japan isnt "taking in blacks" retard. The labor will mostly be Chinese, vietnamese and other Asians and by the time even they make a measurable difference to the demography automation will be long established.