Red pilled movie thread. Not over the top but to show a few things.
Red pilled movies
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metropolis, the only german movie im proud of
I’ve been on a secret society occultism kick and I think Kill List And Eyes Wide Shut are pretty good. Wag the Dog is a great example of how the elite rub what they do in our faces and I guess by extension Cabin in the Woods falls into that category as well. Signs is insanely redpilled tale on the fallible nature of man depending upon scientific reasoning to explain the unexplainable if you watch it through the lens of the Aliens actually being Demons.
been watching black pilled’s videos lately eh?
Isn't it odd that predators make up only 10% of the population yet commit almost 90% of the violent crimes? Must be something in their genetics.
Oh wait, it's not their genetics, it was the (((Ewes))) flooding the street with drugs to intentionally incite race wars.
The suspiria remake was accidentally and hilariously redpilled because they intended to make a woman power feminist propaganda film about cool satanic witches but they goofed when they shoehorned a Holocaust bad Jews good angle into it. The message became something like I shit you not demons are deeply sympathetic to the Jews and hate Nazis and the Holocaust..fucking evil ass demon protagonists were pro-jew. It was a great example of hitting the point of diminishing return on your propaganda I lulzed the whole way home
The Sopranos. Yeah, I know, it's a series, but it's worth it. I'm on S03 and liking it very much.
Ive seen it. Great show.
I did see his wag the dog analysis I don’t think he touched on the other ones but I’d never seen wag the dog before so I watched it and I don’t think he’s wrong about it at all.
Wrong person meant for
entertainment can't redpill you
Watch this then.
Arguably the Greatest Film ever made.
Check out the rest of (((Kubrich's) works although Jewish he was an honorary Aryan and was killed for it.
Is it good? I heard mixed things about it but the critics hate Von Trier now because he said he was pro Hitler or something
You need to watch Bladerunner 2049.
It takes too long to get going and it has some really painfully awkward scenes in it, but over all it's worth a watch.
Falling Down
>only german movie im proud of
German Expressionist films were good in general. The sets and visual style, there's really nothing else like it. Do you really not think Nosferatu was good, for it's time? I'll admit it's kind of boring by current standards. And the cabinet of dr caligari.
Has Travis Fimmel the guy that played Ragnar in Vikings. The movie is illegal I think is some places in the world because it exposes the CIA behind 9/11 as well as the jews I'm pretty sure anyway it's in German but there is an English translation it's just really difficult to find.
>Movie about a weak autistic white man having a mid-life crisis, who decides to take out his anger on the world that has "wronged him", primarily minorities and women
Yeah, I can see why Jow Forums likes this.
Not watching that shit.
Unironiccally the only good movie Cruise has been in.
>Cool Hand Luke and Jeremiah Johnson should be on that list.
It has a ton of Jewish Kabbalistic as well as over all occultic symbolism in it. Did you know?
Dope I’m gonna check it out. I’ll watch pretty much anything with Matt Dillon or Eric Bana because they look like actual men and aren’t Jewish
This is the reason Hollywood doesn't want Fimmel in movies because he is too dangerous if he became the next Mel Gibson. He probably isn't willing to have sex with a id and let them film it to become a celebrity.
Brawl in Cell Block 99
end of evangelion
I feel the same about Markie Mark but can't really stand him as a person...
Is a great movie just watch it.
As well as Last Tango in Paris (for acting) but the butter scene, oh the butter scene sure is weird.
>A kids show
The Jungle Book
Nixon (1995). Richard Nixon and H.R. Haldeman (played by based James Woods) are openly redpilled and reference the Jewish menace repeatedly in the film.
They Live-they even murdered its star after he admitted the film was being literal.
They Live
Can't believe none of you faggots posted this one yet
Haha two seconds, fren.
District 9
If you're going to redpill children, it really is best to start young.
Frailty never gets enough love. Bill Paxton knocked it out of the fucking park with this one
I don't remember much of it. All I remember is they related the literal Aliens to illegal aliens and everyone hated them
a kid cant understand eva
If you like crazy surreal edgy artsy movies and dark humor with a misanthropic theme, yes, it's pretty good. I rate this movie 9.3/10.
sure mike douglas overreacts, but its an accurate description of how insufferable modern life has become. someone cant go about their day in a modern american city without beig accosted and harassed by “youths”. its disgusting.
I've seen it, it's quite good. I've also seen Last Tango in Paris and the butter scene is not particularly strong in my opinion, it's just famous because of the alleged assrape. But later scenes in the film are way more powerful.
Then you're an utter pleb. It's the finest TV series ever made.
Always defer to your Jewish masters!
>avoid hungry niggers in space
Pretty based but I wouldn’t blame anyone for not watching it because of Alec Baldwin
Death Becomes Her
Master and Commander
LOTR Trilogy
Good choice.
>pumping iron
Super gay tbqh
>0 results found
Pic related
Matrix is overrated now. Used to be casual but niche now it's casual and normie
Redpill about hatred. Also, the first Danny Trejo movie, he's gettinh his ass kicked in prison. 10/10 movie.
Angry Birds is a perfect redpill for children on immigrants.
>hey, there's two of them
>hey, there's more
>hey, they are everywhere now
>oh, they destroyed our society
Just because it got popular doesn't mean it isn't redpilled. The term redpill literally came from this movie. Our goal should be to redpill as many people as possible, not hoard the redpills out of spite.
Indeed and it is a good kids show but I don't know how adults watch it sure the subtle references actually no not so subtle references to kikes and religious ideas and imagery is interesting but most of the time done in a shitty Japanese way.
Indeed certain ideas were interesting but done in a crappy Japanese way and the idea is made to be planted into kids heads it is not made for an adult, it's interesting some ideas but you soon realise the creator just didn't really understand what was necessary to the hidden aspect other than "I want to include a hidden religious aspect that calls out the kikes"
Over the top
>not knowing about Sophia Stewart
The most redpilled movie to ever exist
Midnight express. The one where the dude gets caught smuggling drugs in Turkey.
110% accurate list
Insanely redpilled about fake fucking news and it’s also worth mentioning this lying and disgraced kike still occasionally pops up on CNN or NPR even though he’s literally only famous for getting caught fabricating virtually every story he wrote for Vanity Fair
Too much pic related
You guys do realize he was just having one last blast because the only way he could provide for his family was the life insurance?
Aw man, always this movie. If you can't see the propaganda in this movie you're a lost cause.
Also (((schumacher))).
Der Golem. It's like if the Protestants turned against Israel.
Maybe you should try getting a job
Lots of good memes from that game.
New Republic
The Witches. Why? Roald Dahl hated Jews. Think about what the movie/story is about..
>A seven-year-old British boy goes to live with his Norwegian grandmother after his parents are killed in a car accident. The boy loves all his grandmother's stories, but he is especially enthralled by the one about witches, which she says are horrific creatures who seek to kill human children. She tells him how to recognize them, and that she's a retired witch hunter.
>The boy is training his pet mice in the hotel ballroom when the "Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children" show up for their annual meeting. The boy realizes that this is the yearly gathering of England's witches when one of them reaches underneath her hair to scratch at her scalp with a gloved hand, but is trapped in the room.
>A young woman goes on stage and removes her entire face, which is a mask, revealing herself to be the Grand High Witch herself. She expresses displeasure at the English witches' failure to eliminate enough children and demands that they exterminate the lot of them before the next meeting.
The Greatest Story Never Told
It's blackpilled on gender relations
>men prefer young women
>young women like older men
>women like badass psychopath men
And redpilled in general
>strong community unites to take down the rouge badass who steals women
>based 1950's America aesthetic
It's like a microcosm of civilization, men must use violence and law to supress the psycho alpha chad or all the young attractive women will have sex with him, VERY blackpilled movie
someone finally said it.
Come and see.
They live
Can't believe I forgot about that one. Watching this movie with little to no knowledge of the overall plot makes for the best experience.
I don't know why but as a kid I just felt like something was based about it but could never put my finger on it.
"The City Without Jews" goyim.
yea I am thinking of watching it for the 3rd time today.
>The Grand High Witch unveils her master plan: all of England's witches are to purchase sweet shops (with money printed from her magical money-making machine) and give away free sweets and chocolates laced with her latest creation, "Formula 86 delayed-action mouse-maker", a magic potion which, with a single drop, turns the consumer into a mouse at a specified time. The intent is that the children's teachers and parents can kill the transformed children.
Fast forward to the end
>Using the Grand High Witch's money-making machine and information on witches in various countries, they will try to eradicate them everywhere.
And you motherfuckers know you immediately thought of Ruth Bader Ginsburg when you saw gif related
most red pilled film for 100 reasons
>Come and see.
Come and see was straight up communist propaganda. The germans were fucking based and treated ukrainians and belarussians better than the reds.
Fuck off, dipshit.