Everyone is expecting Civil War 2 to start with some giant bang. Chimpout. Assassination. No government. Etc etc. Great wars begin with bullshit like this. Some small, seemingly tard-level event where one side simply goes to far. Someone gets hit. Some blood is spilled. The wrong coloured person dies or does the killing. Blowback. Retaliation. Social media coordination. Boom.
We can only hope the libtards pull some stupid shit. Stupider shit, pardon me. These are religious kids in America. The left has no idea the kind of shitstorm with which it's flirting.
This is what they feel when they see our alt-right memes online. They want to kill us. I find it funny that we make them this mad.
For real, in the end for us it is just: funny
Nathaniel Baker
I hope all those protestors get run over by a truck. The "kids" are innocent; the niggers and Natives on the other hand..
This country is completely turned around. It's almost frightening that in America, the America that I was born in, has been totally taken over by communists who refuse to hear the truth. Prove me wrong by counter-protesting.
Angel Moore
Never. Trust. Memeflags.
Joseph Phillips
>Students expected to stay home You now realize this was all a ploy by students for a free vacation.
Its fake, don't worry. Only a matter of time until this legit happens, though.
Camden White
To the average person, they know that these kids did nothing wrong. However, in the eyes of the liberals they committed the biggest sin of all: being white.
Remember, liberalism not a political ideology, but is instead akin to a cult or religion.
I am ready. I have said my grace. These people have went to far and I will smite anyone who harms these children with the wrath of God and allow my life to end.
You don't fuck with children. If this is the hill I die on I'm ready.
Matthew Garcia
we need to make disney the center of this guys. It will be a massive storm of butthurt and a reason to get people to stop watching pozzed disney movies
If this had been true, it might have triggered a happening. Of course I am glad that it's bullshit. For a second I was thinking that's it.
Jacob Gonzalez
Dylan Davis
Not sure if you are a glownigger, I doubt that you are. If this were to happen, I would understand how deeply hurt you would be. Those kids are some of the purest in the land in terms of ideology, faith, etc etc and anyone harming them or their families would be a direct assault on Christians of European descent everywhere.
Sacrificing the rest of your life to take out a few liberal insects, only so they can use it eternally to turn normies away from the movement, wouldn't be a smart play, though. Jesus loves you and your life is worth far more than that, user.
Wyatt Martin
Imagine being a part of humanity in a time where a child smiling would upset so many people
Chase Peterson
Colton Hernandez
The media and personalities that pushed this shit need to face legal consequences.
Ethan Brooks
Should start plastering those stickers all over like the IOTBW flyers. And just mass respond with it to all the unhinged lefties screeching on Twitter. The smiley face as the new hate symbol.
Jose Hughes
First bump in a year or two for you
David Sullivan
reminder that gook moot will doxx all of you conservashits sooner or later. lol. enjoy your last days before prison.
Logan Butler
It's be a shame if a mentally disturbed person burned down some newspapers.
Josiah Ross
>I’m gonna sue you! >stop calling us men toxic! >it’s just a smirk!
Jow Forums has become the new left and it’s pretty sad!
Evan Price
When the Civil war begins the power and comms will be the first thing to go. The revolution will NOT be televised.
Shouldn't there be a counter protest if those Marxist come tomorrow.
Grayson Ortiz
But you know what sucks? They are all focusing on the talking heads. What about the producers and the executives? You know, the people who decide what goes on the air and what edited version of the tape is shown? What are their names? Who are they? Will they ever be held responsible?
Matthew Rodriguez
Nice shop
Nicholas Smith
Protests will increase Refer to lockwood Presidents tower will be crowded
Camden Collins
Please explain how this doxxing occurs? What can you do with an IP number that tells nothing more than what city I live in? Is gook moot gonna file petitions for personal info from my ISP? From the thousands on here at any given time?
Tell me brainlet. How exactly we're all gonna get doxxed? I keep seeing this threat but nothing to back it up.
If they burn that school down and you don't burn every mosque and synagogue down within 100 miles of you I don't ever want to hear shit about a civil war again cowards. Make no mistakes their initial transgressions were serious and they are nearing the point of no return where this can't just be forgiven. I will purge the earth of them and all their allies in the name of christ. Deus vult mother fuckers.
Benjamin King
As far as gook moot is concerned I live in another state.
Bentley Turner
No. When it becomes a rational thought that you should lay down your life for a just cause, one you know in your heart to be right, you do it.
If you would choose to abandon your own decency, and cower in the face of human suffering, that's your own choice. Attempting to convince another that they should allow injustice rather than act in accordance with their inner voice is an affront against God and decency.
David Davis
Raza Aslan, Kathy Griffin, and Jack Morrissey are the big ones. Loads of archives of other literal-who checkmarks spouting incitements of violence against these children, doxxing them, etc. Don't let them get away with firing one or two of the harassers. Bombard their employers with emails and calls. Never let Ben Shapiro or the other faggot "right wing" people try and worm their way back into the movement, as they were so quick to leap in to the public shaming with the rest of the leftists.
Xavier Smith
I guess if the infinity gauntlet was a gun Thanos would do that
Nolan Jones
>everything revolves around racist whites This is why you'll never see the civil war coming and why you'll lose.
Mason Morgan
god I hope if you mutts kick it off it will spread to UK got my assault weapon ready
Let's just hope if this hypothetical scenario were to pop off, everyone at CNN (hypothetically) would be first to succumb to the casualties of war.... hypothetically speaking.
Adam Taylor
Shit that looks like it could take out a whole synagogue
Brody Peterson
No link, so you're bullshitting.
Grayson Peterson
it goes like this: >>years of (((subversion and D&C tactics))) >>Shutdown stops EBT/SNAP >>Chimpouts >>fire dept and police start a sick-out because of riots >>infrastructure begins to fail in cities >>skirmishes between semi-organized groups over resources in cities >>Political assassinations approach 1 per day >>martial law >>Foreign intervention >>WW3
Nothing will come of it. White people will continue to be marginalized and pushed further and further away from relevancy. The fact that Jack Dorsey runs that vile shit heap where they are openly planning your demise, and brags about walking to work every day shows how little fear they have of you
Tyler Richardson
You're so wrong. As I said if the left harm these children it will be a move they can't walk back from. It will be a declaration of war to myself and many other make me. They are walking up to home plate but can still walk away.
Aiden Bennett
The smirk heard round the world.
Jonathan Ward
The left won't do shit either, as far as violence goes. As I said, whites are just gonna be pushed into the background and forgotten.
Benjamin Ramirez
Has anyone watched The standoff at Sparrow creek yet? This is how it could possible go down, and they are actually telling you to your faces in this movie. This is what they have been building up for since the 90's going against the malitia's, returning vets and patriots in general. Get Ready!
Dominic James
Exactly. Your base is old. Declining population and almost half are already nursing home age Dead movement wants to go out shooting. With a bang You won't, you'll just fade
Hunter Green
Double Impact is a better Van Damme movie.
Joshua Price
What's so ironic is that the leftists ensured this entire community and all the graduates of this school will be radical Republicans for the rest of their lives. L O L
I was thinking we can meet up at the dunkin donuts before going at green gate drive. 12 minutes away. I wanna eat some donuts and fill up for the day before protesting.