Everyone is expecting Civil War 2 to start with some giant bang. Chimpout. Assassination. No government. Etc etc. Great wars begin with bullshit like this. Some small, seemingly tard-level event where one side simply goes to far. Someone gets hit. Some blood is spilled. The wrong coloured person dies or does the killing. Blowback. Retaliation. Social media coordination. Boom.
We can only hope the libtards pull some stupid shit. Stupider shit, pardon me. These are religious kids in America. The left has no idea the kind of shitstorm with which it's flirting.
This is what they feel when they see our alt-right memes online. They want to kill us. I find it funny that we make them this mad.
For real, in the end for us it is just: funny
Nathaniel Baker
I hope all those protestors get run over by a truck. The "kids" are innocent; the niggers and Natives on the other hand..
This country is completely turned around. It's almost frightening that in America, the America that I was born in, has been totally taken over by communists who refuse to hear the truth. Prove me wrong by counter-protesting.