Here’s the problem with our situation, the progressives will take political power eventually, and they will push to oppress white people, and the republicans are too scared to challenge it. Also, we are ruled by a managerial global elite who do not let us defend ourselves, the second they see us fighting back they crack down and repremand us. We’re living in something like a totalitarian USSR situation, but it’s just a little more subtle.
But, once the managerial global elite’s power weakens, we will be free to start defending ourselves without state intervention. There may even come a day when the state completely loses it’s grip and we can perform another conquest to drive out the unwashed Marxist hordes from the country.
But for now we have to keep playing with electoral politics, spreading information/propaganda, and focus on creating chaos/instability for the current system. That is our battle at the moment, because we’re not able to do a physical battle right now. But it feels like progressives are accelerating us towards a major shift. Their hostility and violence is becoming more emboldened every day, and it is going to force us to react somehow. Maybe that’s through electoral politics or maybe it’s through an upcoming physical conflict, both of which we should prepare for.
I should also mention that partially the reason they are so triggered over this kid is because he is a young white kid wearing a MAGA hat. He shows that the young population is not indoctrinated by leftism; and he represents young vitality. Young men contain the radical energy for war and revolution. They see this as a major danger
David Nelson
The best thing for most whites would be a labor movement and a winding down of imperialism/globalism.
Gabriel Smith
Africans are zombi hordes they can’t even govern themselves. Forget governing a slave class
Bentley Wood
Eh, not sure about that
A “labor movement” will become a socialist movement which parasites will still feed off of. We need a separation from the state and a removal of Marxists and Marxist controlled institutions
We can work on this now by creating chaos with propaganda and chipping away incrementally against these institutions.
When the day comes where we are free, we will reign pure conquest against our enemies
Samuel Cook
Lies. They were fine before we came. They weren't as advanced as us, but they weren't as bad as they are now.
Jonathan Nelson
> accelerating You’ve noticed it haven’t you?
I believe the shills fear Trumps presidency could slow or unravel much of their social efforts under Obama. So they are doubling down on the rate of acceleration in all categories.
Isaiah Watson
The smirk heard round the world.
Charles James
Whites had it best in the 50s when unionized labor was strong, and finance capital was weak. Most could afford a 25% down payment and mortgages were paid off in 7 years. Car loans were non-existent, because a worker could afford to pay the full price of a car in cash. One income was enough to support a family.
Luke Lee
They live under a matriarchy, they are a spiritually lunar culture.
Meaning, they’re degenerate. They are a subhuman slave race. There are some Africans who rise above their race so they deserve respect. But the idea that Africans will ever enslaved Europeans, or anyone for that matter is hilarious.
We have a higher chance of being ruled by Asians
Charles Edwards
Right, but we have a gigantic parasite class who hate us and want to kill us now.
Justin Jackson
Jack Thomas
I can’t imagine an America in even 10 years that is still intact w/ its current borders. Things are so unstable and they have been for awhile. I live in New York, and everyone on the streets is tense and energized. You can sense the unsettled nerves in the way people carry themselves. All it takes is one little thing and these people are going to chimp HARD.
Michael Butler
Charles Mitchell
I'll give you another tip: when Jews were poor and had no capital, they formed unions. When they became wealthy, they started busting them. The one thing that parasitic class doesn't want working class white people to do is organize and start issuing demands. You see a Mexican and a brown Indian, but I see scabs and cheap labor - and that's what the parasitic class sees as well.
Adam Russell
im waiting for the datacentre staff to get their shit together
Caleb Roberts
Retard here.
I keep seeing his face everywhere, quick rundown plss