Our state has sent out this notice to ration food stamps

They have even given lists and suggestions for long term planning but, it has fallen on deaf ears.
All I am seeing is people spending money on fresh ribs, chicken, steaks, seafood, and cheese wheels for the past week. I estimate they won't make it past what they have bought on the 1st, I have seen already that no one has saved a dime either and even if they reopen the government today there will be a 15-30 day period without food stamps, and there will be hell to pay. I shall post webms if I can although my safety come first since I live in a 49% state.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Its rediculous that welfare faggots eat like kings

I'm not saying every SNAP recipient is this way, but they're not exactly the demographic that's known for long term planning. I think it's kind of fucked we gave them money 2 weeks early. Yeah, there's a good portion that are niggers. But there's also a good portion that are whites born with mental handicaps just getting by. Not everyone on SNAP is some lazy fuck.

Knowing their impulsivity and inability to think 3 hours into the future, niggers will think the system messed up and gave them extra good boy points and spend it all the same day. I hope they all starve or riot.

I firsthand have witnessed welfare niggers blowing their food stamps and gibs on lobster and ribs as soon as they get them whilst slinging drugs on the side for more fun money in their pockets. They will literally never learn or aspire to anything more until they’re made extremely uncomfortable in their poverty.

I see now why all the scum of the earth wants to penetrate our borders.

What's wrong with this? It encourages long term planning and thinking.

Nogs can't into long term planning and thinking.

Yeah except niggers on welfare are incapable of planning for the longterm. They get the money early and never even comprehend that it means they wont be getting that money next month. They simply just expect the government to step in and give them more free shit or else they start rioting.

We are going to see widespread looting next month, get your shopping done early because when their gibs run out, they will simply steal.

Good it’ll wake people up about niggers and make them sick of their shit that’s very important people need to face reality and if it’s at the school of hard knocks then so be it

Who has actually shut the government down?

Well thats all they have ever known, such a sad life. Never earned anything, no wonder the current nig rappers sound like angsty teens.

Aren’t you glad your equals breed and can vote?

Thanks drumpf
I hope he enjoys his two scoops

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Even then they will prefer prison with its free "3 hots and a cot" to actually being a working contributing member of society

I know you’re fucking lying you faggot
They spend food stamps on carts full of snack cakes, chips, pop tarts, gstotade, and ice cream. Not an ounce of real food. And that’s if they didn’t trade the food stamps for beer and cigarettes in the first place

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Niggers are really stupid.
They will blow it all.
Let them starve

Is rather pay for them to live in prison than subsidized housing like they are now desu

They'll blow it all. Then they'll starve. Then they'll beg for more gibs. Then they'll riot and steal. Then they'll get more gibs.

It's no secret that minorities in the US are kept in check by their gibsmedats from the government. They don't get this shit because we're trying to help them, it's literally white people paying minorities to not destroy everything.

I'm glad they will still be giving white people food stamps

At least in a prison they won't breed nor commit crimes against the public. We ALREADY subsidize their existence through gibsmedats programs.

Honestly, the nogs need to get a job.

How many niggers do you think will use ALL of their foodstamps buying Doritios, cookies and sodas and then come February begin crying on the local news because they had no idea this was happening.

>$3k in food stamps

> Get twice the normal amount of food dollars
> advised to ration carefully

Do you as a nog:
A) Ration responsibly to stretch funds through to March
B) Spend it immediately on arizona tea and skittles

how many of you have 3grand for food and 8 grand for whatever right now, and work?

its unlikely anyone will starve they just wont pay certain bills until the shutdown ends or some other form of gibs becomes available. Honestly when people receive snap they should be given a pamphlet on how to get their most bang for their buck.

Poor Balitmore fag here, how fucked am I? What do I do? I'm not going outside in Feburary.

C) Let my cousin DeShawn hold my card for a few weeks for weed

We're going to be okay, brother. Just keep your shotgun at your side come February and have your food shopping done ahead of time.

fuck this pisses me off

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Exactly not much would change other than we’d all be safer and happier

Do you expect me to believe that an entire demographic of people could be so collectively stupid that they would trade away their food source for drugs?

>niggers are capable of long term planning, let alone thinking

If that were true they probably wouldn’t be on welfare.

that’s literally all they have. there’s no inheritance, no retirement, nothing else. these people live in filth and squalor fuck em

Which is why it’s a failed system that needs to be ended

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Well, let’s look at the facts

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Niggers are a failed species that need to be ended.

I can’t refute


vid 1: removed
vid 2: nigger ghetto safari
vid 3: nigger gas station safari
vid 4: removed
vid 5: run of the mill corner store chimpout

pls explain these 'facts' to me as they relate to my comment. It must not be soaking in.

Chicken and cheese are cheap staples. You've got so much cheese stockpiled that Bannon's Tortilla Curtain could be turned into a Quesadilla Curtain with only minimal effort.

>they're not exactly the demographic that's known for long term planning.

The American welfare system deliberately discourages long-term planning and attempts to get off it. Have you successfully saved up any money? Ineligible for benefits. Somehow manage to save up money while on benefits? Guess you don't need them anymore, let's turn them off. Make more than $60 a MONTH on disability? The extra comes out of your gibs check, and it'll also be taken as a sign that you're capable of working so maybe you don't need disability anymore. Good luck finding an apartment in California for $180/month! Maybe someone in Fresno will rent you the room under the meth lab for that?

Then, too, 'being too stupid to plan ahead' is part of a lot of severe mental disabilities.

So? These darkies literally only get that much for their skin. Mexicans and blacks will get money like in pic but whites only get a few hundred. Whites still have to work for pretty much everything but food, even disabled veterans.

t. grew up in AZ

Falling for this bait. Most likely the screenshot's fake; it's also possible that she hasn't been USING the food stamps for anything and that's, like, a year's supply. (In which case, I think at some point the government's going to want it back or shut it down - which may be why she hasn't been using them, if it's some sort of weird error in their system she needs to hang on until they can unfuck it.)

You seem to have very limited experience with niggers. I applaud your sheltered life, you’re lucky.

Update: Reverse search suggests it was created just for this thread, and I can't help but notice the amount is suspiciously similar to 234567...

How else are dems supposed to buy votes?

Nope, you don't get larger welfare payments for being Black or Mexican. Actual Mexican Mexicans are generally not eligible for bennies.

Don't forget they get housing vouchers too, it's called section 8.

based fake news noticer

Both Trump and the Dems. They haven't passed an actual budget in what a decade or something retarded which is why we keep having these shut downs and bs. We've basically maxed out our credit cards and every time they need to get another credit card from China they have to do a continuing resolution instead of a budget and when they can't agree on the spending the "shutdown happens" which is actually just a partial shutdown 80% of the government is still going that's the part we can afford without having to borrow $ so if people understood that I think more people would be pro shut down but the media is complicit in the looting of the country so here we are. It is 100% acceptable for Trump to try and get something out of the resolution though that's how these things work but the Dems will never ever give him his wall because they hate him.

Section 8 contracts are funded in batches, so they won't all expire at once, but the first set of contracts expire on the 30th.

That being said, it doesn't mean people get kicked out for not paying rent, it means landlords don't get the government's share of the rent, so they have to subsidize section 8 renters out of their own pockets. It probably means landlords are going to start looking for reasons to kick people out.

Nobody seems to notice the
>Pennsylvania recently passed a new law and you might be eligible for additional benefits if you fit the requirements.
>you might be eligible for additional benefits
>eligible for additional benefits
>additional benefits
They just throw $ at the niggers

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>Actual Mexican Mexicans are generally not eligible for bennies.
That's just wrong user they give them everything to women that can't even speak 1 word of English I've seen it with my own eyes.

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>long-term planning


>food money
Imagine being spoken to like a child your entire life

>it was created just for this thread
It was posted earlier today.
>Nope, you don't get larger welfare payments for being Black or Mexican.
LOL. I'll let you in on a secret... Who you talk to at the welfare office, and if they are the same race, will absolutely determine how much you can get or whether you "qualify" at all.

>Can't buy a hot piece of chicken or pizza
>Can buy a cold lobster or a 24 pack of Coca Cola
It's kind of a shitty system what happened to Trumps Americas Food Basket thing he gave up?

So is it happening or not? I'm lowkey hoping we get a societal shitstorm.

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Why does it matter if they get free shit?

>Who you talk to at the welfare office, and if they are the same race
The white women are even more hateful to me then the beaner women who actually sort of pity me as a white dude but the white women have 0 mercy.

Would you want to employ a nigger?

Is this bait? Because it's not really free fren. The government doesn't create wealth they just take it from the people they don't like (the producers) and give it to the people they do like (the useless eaters).

what do you expect in mini havana?

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Well obviously somebody pays for it, but it's not them.

Africans never had to plan long term. While Europians had to build houses and store grain for the winter, Africans lived in a warm sunny climate where you can sleep outside. It's why their IQ is so low.

I never really realized just reading a word could make you smell nigger

Chimp out incoming.
Be safe out there, user.

It is depending on the diversity of your state

Business owner here. Started selling top quality king crab and 2 pound lobster tails a while back because we had a connection in the seafood business. Niggers using their SNAP cards to buy it pissed me off so bad I decided it wasn’t worth it. The king crab was around $100 a bag. “No problem gibsmedat”.

Background checks man. They committed crimes in the past, they won't work. Never done crime, they can work.

>The American welfare system deliberately discourages long-term planning and attempts to get off it. Have you successfully saved up any money? Ineligible for benefits. Somehow manage to save up money while on benefits? Guess you don't need them anymore, let's turn them off. Make more than $60 a MONTH on disability? The extra comes out of your gibs check, and it'll also be taken as a sign that you're capable of working so maybe you don't need disability anymore. Good luck finding an apartment in California for $180/month! Maybe someone in Fresno will rent you the room under the meth lab for that?

Brutal if true. Encourages illegal income to escape.

Time to start leaving the crab out of refrigeration... Just pick them up out of a trashcan in the back that's in direct sunlight

Gibs are theft. If you're in the store and you see someone paying for shit with gibs, it is your right as a taxpayer to help them take those groceries to your car.

They were always trying to return it too. After they ate it. Fuck them, SNAP is abused bullshit program.

There's a way to get around that. Some fast food places allow them to use EBT cards to purchase ingredients and then charge them $1 or $2 as a "frying fee". Also in some states they can apply to the govt to be allowed to purchase hot food using EBT cards.


cmon' they couldn't even domesticate an animal or create a ship worthy of traveling the seas
even with thousands of years as a head start and they still can't do it

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If these people (and I use that term loosely) were able to ration/plan ahead/budget they wouldn't be on fucking food stamps. They've created a problem where none would have existed by giving them an advance. Fucking retarded.

Hadjimarts down south give them cash back, they charge nigroes for a food charge (say $13) and give them back a $10

My guess is the cuckservatives like Rubio, Tim Scott, Mitt Romney, Lankford, and the rest of the faggot RINOs will tell Trump that they'll vote for the Democrats' plan if niggers start chimping out. Fuck them, if we get riots we'll need to go to DC to help Trump keep these faggots in line.

I thought about it, but would be hard to do. Can’t tell employees “this pile is for the niggers”.

Put a sign that says "snap recipients"

Man if i was ever in detriot spend my free time throwing firecrackers at groups of niggers shouting out "watch out he has a gun"

That's fucking capitulation!

Are whites being held hostage in their own country by minorities!?

Why would you ever "spend your time in Detroit"? rodney rude

The strongest indicator for racism against blacks is contact with blacks.

MN with high somali population in the city. I just want some upheaval and violence.

To visit the zoo of course

Just look down a port-a-loo, you'll get the same view and smell

This isn't the only place "muh fud muneyz" being announced

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Explain how exactly it’s free and how you managed to make it through school without one economics class where you learn mind blowing concepts such as “there’s no such thing as a free lunch.”

That’s the problem.


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Yeah except blacks will just think
>aww shieeet got paid extra gonna git me sum of dose steak and lobsters
>da fuck u mean I dont gots no money on my card?! It the new month. New month more money. Dats how it twerks. U make it twerk whitey cause I knows the money be on there
t. former long time cashier