In my humble opinion, Martin Luther King Jr. was a good man

In my humble opinion, Martin Luther King Jr. was a good man

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nigger faggot

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He was a total fraud and heretic

Ma asked me what I did today to celebrate MLK day.
Told her I was lazy and did nothing.
We all started laughing.

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Sure your a nigger, maybe even a house nigger, but until you have taken the Garvey Pill.. you will always be a nigger. Take the Garvey pill, and get off the gibs plantation.

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Too bad his “content of character “ idea didn’t take root among those who admire him.

Of course he was. He just wanted his folk to be treated fairly.

Big difference between wanting equal rights under the law and demanding special rights and privileges.

He was a Communist agitator like Rosa Parks and many other "heroes" of the Civil Rights movement.


Based and Kingpilled

Who? That wasnt his real name user, MLK was just his kike title

Even if you take him at face value, he still did more damage to the black family and employment structure than any slave owner or white politician ever did.

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>do drugs
>bang prosts, male and female
>get blackmailed by the FBI
>meanwhile hold yourself out as a paragon of morality as an advocate of equality.

I ain't even racist but this guy is the most misrememberd character in US history.

This. His words and "dream" was sound, but the follow through only came from whites. Blacks haven't done shit.

But I still judge a man by the content of his character. It's the right thing to do.

Fuck you nigger lover

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HAHAHAHA, good one, I'm stealing that user

Glow Niggers liked him:

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He was a communist and a degenerate and a manipulator and a faggot user. He was not a good man. History is a lie. He dragged niggers from relative stability and wholesome families to the absolute chimps they are today with bullshit speechifying. The guy was evil.

you posted that yesterday starting a pro-communism thread, why you pretending to be someone else now?

fucking rat

>implying his intentions werent 100% anto white

Everyone has flaws, but his message was sound and well received.

Stfu and leave newfag, kys

this, now worship him goy

starving african kids know that.. what a fucking useless person you are

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The funniest part of that whole news article is the "death camp" part. It should have called," History buff's show what life in the camps was like." Masturbation machine costs extra work tokens.

Was he good when he was cheating on his wife? Or how about when he plagiarized 2/3rds of his doctoral thesis?

ate kfc for him

The government killed him.