Could you imagine? I mean for fuck sake, this is a very bold comment to make. I think Trump knows that the Dems are willing to allow him to use just enough "force" to launch a coup or some kind of civil disruption.

Start prepping your family and stock up on supplies.

Personally, I suggest spices as a form of bartering. Stockpile rare spices and save them. 10 years after the great implosion of America, you can use them for barter.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Big if True.

This is officially where I draw the line, he is implying the forceful removal of 11,000,000 people isn't out of the question. Ill See you dudes in the streets if he ever comes close to doing this.

Why would you "draw the line" over this? It is what should happen.

it's not a part of his offer now... because that is his leverage...

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>there will be no big push to remove the 11,000,000 plus people
UM WHAT? how is this /ourguy/, exactly??

Learn to read, nigger.

Pronouns.... pronouns everywhere.

What in the fuck are you actually saying??

>be here illegally
>get physically removed
>cry foul and revolt

Get fucked

Trump's gambit is a good one

>a 3 year extension of DACA
>Amnesty will be used
>there will be no big push to remove the 11,000,000 plus people who are here illegally
What did you elect him for again?

You could tell that Trump was never going to fix anything because of how cozy he was with the Jews. The Jews are a crime family, not truly a race or religion, and Trump's in with them. When the West Christianized (and you have to understand this as a process of reforming the extreme decadence for the Roman Empire), the usurers and panderers of the Roman Empire worked out a scam with corrupt Christian leaders, whereby they'd have special exemptions and be allowed to continue to their highly profitable criminal activities. The key was to have an excuse to tell the common Christian: that these were Jews, followers of the religion that Jesus was raised in, and therefore should neither be forcibly converted nor held to Christian moral standards. They weren't, of course, but they could pretend to be, and they could remake the religion as whatever was convenient for their criminal ways.

Do you remember that Trump was a lifelong Democrat up until a few years before he ran for president as a Republican? Then his family got really tight with the Jews. His daughter even married one. He's on their team now.

He's not there to save you, he's there to pacify you, to keep you from saving yourselves. This conflict is all theater. He didn't prosecute Hillary. He's not "draining the swamp". He didn't build the wall or repeal Obamacare, with both houses in Republican hands. Do something real about your situation.

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The Jew fears the Leaf.

No one fears the leaf. You and I both know this.

>see you dudes in the streets
Yeah, i'll see you after you get run over by the military in one of their tanks.
Forceful removal of 11 million citizens is a problem.
Forceful removal of 11 million illegal invaders isn't.

so if there is no deal, then we wipe the slate clean from shitskins and start fresh

Can 11,000,000 people be removed from a nation?

That's a lotta burritos

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i wonder what his plan will be to create 11 million jobs for those people? Oh right. They will just be thrown into the existing job market for us to compete with except they will win due to affirmative action.

sorry but my kids future and the future of my country should not be used as bargaining chips. They all need to go, amnesty was tried before.

The Nazis did not forcefully remove illegals. You have symptoms of the virus.

and This problem???

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Better stay outta my crosshairs.

Yeah, and the condition for the previous amnesty was that the border would be enforced, and they would never allow a large population of illegal aliens to build up again.

What Republicans should be talking about is not putting another amnesty on the negotiating table, but how to reverse the last amnesty, and remove the citizenship of and eject not only everyone who ever was or is descended from an illegal alien, but also reverse the immigration policy starting in the 1960s and remove those people as well.

Western countries are for white people. This has to be the standard once again. People of other races might visit or reside in these countries, but only if it clearly benefits the general population of white people in that particular country, and they may not vote, or receive anything like welfare payments, or hold any influential positions, or own any key properties.

We can't have these ratchet conservatives weakly resisting the push leftward, then strongly resisting the push back to what's right. We need reactionaries who will actually reverse the gains the left made.

>The Nazis did not forcefully remove illegals.
That's basically what they were really doing. The Jews (a crime family, don't let anyone tell you different) had taken advantage of their weakness in losing WWI to flood into Germany through Poland.

To the Germans, Poland was where Jews came from, so it made perfect sense that the way to deal with them was to deport them all to Poland. That's what they were really doing in "the holocaust". Deportation. If you think about it for even a minute, does it make any sense to ship millions of people to another country so you can kill them in cartoonishly sadistic murder factories? Or does it make more sense that when you deport millions of people who resent it and hate you during a war, especially ones who had lived among you and speak your language, you need holding camps at the destination area to make sure they don't run off and join the enemy. The encouragement of Jews to self-deport was replaced with this prison camp strategy after so many Jews, once they were outside of Germany, had promptly started working with its enemies to destroy it.

>be spic
>instead of fixing your own country you flee to the white man's land
>do it illegally
>spit in whiteys face when you finally get there
>go on welfare stealing money from tax payers
>make loads of money selling hardcore drugs to a bunch of dipshits effectively killing the native population
>do this for decades
>whitey finally gets sick of it and votes to have you thrown out
>call them racist for not tolerating your parasitic behavior
Yeah nah those cunts need to go

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Actual white lurker here btfo 0 illegals I know make loads from drugs youre tripping

Not saying it's great but literally 99% are trying to do better for themselves or their family so quit shilling and go read a book


he's priming you to accept something bad pol

Another dumb nigger who doesn't know how to read words.

its NLP dimwit, take him literally and youre as wise as CNN

Can you elaborate? Someone who is informed on such topics such as NLP should be better at communicating than you are...


6 billion dirt poor third worlders are just trying to better themselves and their family. They can all move into your house and eat your food, right?

>Start prepping your family and stock up on supplies

El oh fucking el. Like most of us haven’t been ready to go since 2016.
Thank fuck Trump won and ammo prices began to normalize- we’re set.

>I'm actually white you guys
>please let Paco and his entire extended family to stay here and steal from you
You're not very smart are you? Why the fuck are Latin Americans so damn desperate to shoulder shove their way into a white country? It's almost like you admit that where you come from is a shithole and you're desperate to bring your cursed existence onto others

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>I-I'm w-white
And you expect anybody to believe that you've met absolute unicorn mexicans your whole life and that's totally blinded you to statistics so you're totally for your own interests being stepped on for the benefit of (people you SAY are) outgroupers? Nice try Paco. You have to go back.

He's clearly willing to offer amnesty in exchange for something else. There is absolutely nothing he could get that would be worth amnesty, but he thinks there is, which shows he's basically not loyal to the white Americans who elected him to protect them.

He's saying that he won't be pursuing the deportation of all illegal aliens, something that is his basic duty as president and what he was elected for. That's not even "on the table", part of the offered wall bargain, he's just saying he's unilaterally not going to do it.

The wall is only important if it's backed up by a will to enforce the borders in other ways, starting with deporting every known illegal alien as quickly as they can be caught, and applying severe punishment to the ones who are caught before they're released, so the rest are incentivized to self-deport rather than hide as long as possible. That he's willing to extend DACA to get the wall shows that it's being treated as an empty symbol, that he thinks the American people are stupid enough to think that the physical wall being built means the country's border is secure.

Frankly, illegal aliens should be executed when they're caught. War should be declared against the invaders. There are millions of them. They should be shot on identification, like spies out of uniform behind enemy lines. If this policy were announced, and it was demonstrated to be serious, almost all of them would leave immediately. They should be given a short window of a few weeks to hear about the situation and declare themselves as mere economic criminals, and leave the country. Their departure should be observed, they should be forbidden to ever return, and assistance should be offered to transport them to the border. It would be settled in a month, and hardly anyone would actually die in the process.

>literally 99% are trying to do better for themselves or their family
A mosquito is literally just trying to feed herself and her family. Should you let one bite you?

Lol how can you make posts like this seriously? Are you a tween? Listen. This is not the 1950s anymore. The government shutting down, or a war starting at home doesnt mean we go back to cavemen era overnight. There is so much technology available that works independently of the global networks that people can live fairly comfortably in times of crisis. So please stop pushing this nonsense.

The leaf IS the jew.

Now the Pepsi, that's another story...

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Fuck this shit...
He threatens to do his job and deport the Invaders..
Like it is a bargain chip, this is shameful.
Do your job
You swore on the Bible, on your soul..
Fuck this shit, just do you sworn duty or may good have mercy on your soul

I have found a way to preserve food for fifteen to over a hundred years by vaccuum nucleus sealing. I am currently preserving some muffins but if you guys could give me some suggestions on what other foods I should do let me know. Some turn out worse due to the chemicals and physical states their in but I can do grain type foods.

Why is he "bargaining" with the future of our country?

Peanut butter. High in calories, nutrients and already stores well.

This, they are Invaders

Q predicted this

Q predicted that you would say that.

>Ill See you dudes in the streets if he ever comes close to doing this.
Nope. You won't see me in the streets at all. I'll be well hidden in at least a defensive position, well stocked and supplied. Have fun in the 'streets' as a juicy target.

Is there anything Q can't predict?

>Israeli psyop prez brags about doing NOTHING about illegal alien problem while downplaying their number by tens of millions
>MAGAtards cheer ecstatically

This is beyond pathetic.

>be white man flee your country to the indian's land
>do so without permission
>spit on Indians face after they accept you ,and teach you how to survive.
>make loads of money selling them religious items, literally turn their culture into a commodity. "cure them" without telling them that payment is due.
>whitey tries to take away your
>native finally sick of decide to vote them out.

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> Trump abandoned Israel
> Trump is an Israeli Puppet

Trump didn't abandon anything, you dumb fuck.
Not a single troop has left Syria, and we're still in Afghanistan, Iraq.

Never forget the 11 gorillion

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> " The president had ordered that the 2000 American troops in the country leave within 30 days"


You dumb leaf. Who do you think was responsible for rome’s (((Decline)))? Christianity was a Jewish trick.

you can leave with them faggot.

That’s some redpilled maple syrup

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>There will be no big push
They're getting deported every day slowly, but they keep coming back. If the wall is up the normal pace they get deported at will have them gone in a decade or two.

Unitarian heretics.

Not that actual Christianity has anything to do with building or maintaining a bloated, overreaching state.
Empires rise. Empires fall.
God is eternal.

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nah. i'll just take yours.
my bags already out, what about yours?

holy fuck! we're going to get rid of them all....
nancy can't play chess.

we'll save that for the nogs