Why does centrism trigger so many people?
Why does centrism trigger so many people?
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Easy way out from discussion
Nobody wants to admit fault with their side
>both sides are equal
Pick a side - war's a comming nigga
Sadly it has become associated with a sense of smug superiority.
Ideally, there's no way it can be used to back out. The only way I can see someone using it to "back out" is if someone is basing their whole argument on someone's political identity, which is dumb.
There are a lot of self-proclaimed "centrists" that are really just wingcucks trying to disguise themselves as having an open-minded moral high ground in order to convince the other side.
Centrism at its most basic, however, doesn't mean that you're magically blind to every disagreement and that there's always a compromise.
Yeah. Both sides are equally bullshit.
And yet they do indeed both have things worth listening to that the other side refuses to consider.
>implying the far left/right want to heal the divide in this country
what do you mean by this
There is no war coming. Centrists are the silent majority. They're sane and reasonable without cult mentality that forces people into agreeing with ideals that they don't actually believe.
Because tolerance, apathy and sitting on the fence does not constitute a political position, just a lack of moral fiber and character.
>Being forced into rigid dichotomy is the right thing
>hasn't read the sticky and strawmans
There's no such thing as centrists.
They're always, ALWAYS, leftists with a lack of gonads and an even higher sense of superiority than your regular communist.
Apathy and sitting on the fence =/= centrism.
There are people who do just that and claim centrism, but that's not what it's about.
Nobody likes fencesitters, not even God.
This divide is made by the media Kikes.
Far left and far right are controlled by Jews
>"how do we heal the divide in our country?"
you don't
If you think not taking a stand against Satanic paedophiles hell bent on destroying the white race and controlling the world is the right choice, you deserve to hang with them. Apathy and non-action is no better than flat out support.
usually low iq who think they're high iq
>why can't yall just get along
>ignores all the reasons why the sides are opposed to each other
Never met a centrist I could agree with, since I've never met a centrist that held a concrete view on anything. They shift with the tides, and flip-flop on the drop of a hat. It's hard to have any respect for someone who doesn't believe in anything enough to stand by it.
No 2+2=6
centrism is retarded (and doesn't actuslly exist).
people who use IQ without any basis are low IQ who think they're high IQ
The center just gets stomped on by the left
Because if you say anything other than
>orange man good
>orange man bad
You have no opinion, God help you if you say a mix of either.
Because theu don't understand it. They think it means being neutral or in the middle while it means taking ideas from any side as long as it is good and not blindly endorsing ideas just cuz your party does.
Centrism is the high IQ choices. Brainlets are partisan.
The centrist establishment creates and expands the divide. The far left and far right grow as a result of that.
Example: The Mainstream Centrist Left/Right Media jumped on propagating the recent Catholic boys harassing the poor old native guy story.
The result? Lefties are openly calling for racially motivated physical violence against kids for doing basically nothing. Rightys are rapidly losing trust in centrist media and noticing that the "other side" gets a hard on at the thought of murdering them and their loved ones for simply existing (and no one is condemning them).
Centrists like Blumpf and Pelosi only want to kill off half of the whites...
because half measures and compromises have fucked this country.
this conflict doesn't need a peace agreement it needs a winner
Just to elaborate for tje stupid fucks itt. It doesn't mean fence sitting. It means you can be pro guns and pro abortion, for example or for free trade at home, but protectionism abroad.
Anyone using "fence sitting" or "people with no opinion" is a fucking disgrace that lower than 70IQ and should kys immediately.
Centrism triggers people because they have this dumbshit belief that centrism means you "compromise" or "don't have strong opinions."
It's possible to be anti-immigration while also being supportive of abortions. It's possible for one to be supportive of both welfare and the free market.
The only time centrists say they don't have strong opinions are when they don't want to talk about politics with fucktards.
Who said we are trying to heal it?
This notion is fucking retarded, wrong, and helps nothing
Based drunk bulgarian.
Completely false. You can't even equate the far left's degenerate wants with anything the right wing does. Leftists want destruction of collectivism, the family unit, and anything holy. No child innocence, no accountability, no such thing as inequality. Personally, as a right wing individual, all I want is a safe living area with my family. Many will agree with me.
That's not centrism that's syncretism, newfag.
Centrists are the absolute definition of pussies because they submit to a political field set by others and place themselves in the middle to avoid conflict.
Stop media from posting dividing hatefull shit
Why would you want to "heal the divide"? You can't share a country with Bolsheviks, Feral Apes, and Trannies.
When compromise becomes impossible radical centrism is just fence sitting because you're too chicken shit to pick a side. You've gotta pick the best of the worst.
"Far left"
"Far right"
Maybe because centrists are literally retards?
Sadly, there's no cure for stupid.
The only thing remotely worth listening to from the left is environmental protection. But the thing is leftists are still wrong about that and blame white people rather than Chinese, Indians, and African niggers.
No, the left sucks at environmental protection because they're all brainwashed from watching captain planet and still think nuclear reactors are going to destroy the world.
Go tell the multi billion dollar media corporation who spam propaganda on a 24/7 basis. You niggers like to blame people who post on social media while the media corporations get a pass.
Yeah if the left was serious about eliminating emissions we'd be building nuclear plants all over the country and not harnessing meme energy like wind farms or solar.
No, we can't. You are stuck like this.
>Syncretic politics, or spectral-syncretic, refers to politics that combine elements from across the conventional left–right political spectrum.
Because people get mad when they can't change the subject in the middle of an argument to argue a different point that was never brought up.
For example(these are not necessarily my views)
>You're pro-choice? You people are so hypocritical since you support killing babies, but not convicted murderers
>How can you be pro-life and support everyone having guns when we have so many kids dying?
And then people get mad when they find out you don't have a set list of shit to argue against instead of the actual point.
Centrists are what got us into this mess. Centrism is just a word for being a limpdick slave to the kikes.
Because its wishy washy with no answers where people flip flop back and forth on all and any issues. Centrists always vacillate between different positions depending on what seems right in the moment, there is never any convictions. Try finding the political ideals that a centrist supports and pin them down, go to the root of their ideology and you'll find very little.
Pic related a centrist with no principles.
Your house isn't safe?
There's a tendency for centrists to act like they are too good for everyone else. That lacking conviction in itself is a virtue.
Same reason Atheists annoy so many people.
No but my goal is to divide the country like I'm not asking who did it.
Who wants to heal this "country"? Let America burn.
That's not how you use this meme
Anyone left or right of me should be holocausted.
Damn, this room looks comfy.
Cowards get the rope too
It's basically this. Can't tell you how many real-life discussions I had about Trump in 2016 which veered to "but what about Hilary" and the inevitable disappointment when I pointed out that I don't like her either.
"Centrism" is a stupid position if the process is looking at both extremes and taking a position in the middle as the truth. Fortunately this is not the actual position of basically anyone that would be described as a centrist, usually it's someone who has organized their views around certain principles and values, and their logical consequences.
It's surprising that this is a hard sell on Jow Forums, home of the third position, which is a great example of "centrism" that isn't ideologically vacuous; there's some aspects of the left, some aspects of the right, and all of it is organized around a few constant values.
The time for cowardice has passed. Pick a side and fight with all you got.
and what are you doing right now m8?
Because centrists have no convictions and stand for nothing.
Centrism isn't really a political position. It's just a way of approximating one's position when you're forced to cram anything but onions sucking marxist libcuck or bible fucking boomer neocon into the dogshit left/right false dichotomy.
It triggers people because:
> Spineless fence sitters with no opinion fall into this category too.
> Any kind of moderation generally means you reject something the extremes value / accept something they hate.
> Any acknowledgement of real nuance tends to make the ideologically driven extremes look retarded.
> Insufferably smug people pretend they're the nuanced group when they're actually the spineless group.
Needs more ponies.
The fact that he still got elected after that statement, was a major red pilling moment.
Because the only way to "properly" be centrist right now is to hold no controversial beliefs. Argue for race realism on a leftist forum or for dick surgery on a right-wing forum and see how long you last and how many friends you have.
How about I make both of you kids stand in the corner?
Both sides spoiling for a fight like this is a glaring neon sign of the illegitimacy of their views.
Environmental Protection is an extortion scheme where they hold up development projects based on bogus environmental reports. At the national level it's an extortion of our entire country to pay for the pollution of the 3rd world.
The stagnation of centrism and fear of changing the status quo is what got us into this mess.
It's always worth remembering that the left/right dichotomy comes from the mechanics of the FPTP voting system, it's not an organic categorization for how people's political beliefs naturally generate. Everything has to be crammed into one of two parties because only two parties can exist, and therefore there can only be two positions on every issue. A necessary consequence is that there's only two options, and each one has a fixed network of positions on the issues, and you can't pick out different positions on different issues, you have to buy the whole cable package.
>Far Right
>"The only reasonable end to the crisis is hard action
>Far Left
"The only reasonable end to the crisis is doubling down on what causes problems because it sounds morally correct"
Neither the "Far left" or "Far right" care about the political divide or "healing" it, schlomo.
Only the "Center" cares about "healing" the political divide, but the "Center" stopped existing for anyone who isn't the cliche "Fence sitter" because of how far the left has expanded and how "major" it is.
The left is so fucking lunatic fringe left that the actual middle would still be socialist. Centrist Dems should become Centrist Republicans, if they did a little bit of research and actually scrutinized the MSM. Walk Away or whatever, Dems are fucking nuts and making common folks nuts.
Appeasers, fence sitters, cravens, and indecisive.
because most self-described centrists are former hardliners who became disillusioned and gave up their convictions and people respect those who "stick to their guns"
when the average person hears "centrist" they think -- wishy washy faggot who can't pick a side.