(((the stranger)))

Seattle area newspaper (((the stranger))) is the most anti Trump anti USA anti Christian anti white media outlet in the country. If you cringe easily do not read this. If you notice all the writers are degenerate literal fags or (((fellows))) with fake names.


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Mann = German
Man = Yiddish

Sandmann = German
Sandman = Jewish

It's true, I have a friend who's parents are straight out of Krautland named Stockmann
He looks like a Nazi poster child

article written by a german

is he all bronzed and oiled up by weird german pedos in leiderhosen?

What the fuck is your point?

It's leftist goyim as degenerate and obese as yourself, it's not Jews, you dumb goy.

Not that I ever saw

What's the gist of the article? I'm not clicking it.


She sides with the maga boys against the natives and niggerkikes whats wrong?

Uber lefty trying to say they realized the truth but still can't just admit that the boys did nothing wrong.

Link doesn’t work

From seattle, can attest that the stranger is the worst publication ever

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God are you really that lazy? Just fucking go to thestranger.com and it’s like the second article down. Fucking hell, you lazy piece of human garbage. Do we need to hold your fucking mouse and click it for you? Go eat some tendies and then kys.

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all of the sudden about face from every media site at the same time, with the similar sounds headlines is a little suspicious

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>Note: An earlier version of this article erroneously claimed that Nick Sandmann's mother erroneously claimed that "black Muslims" started the conflict. It was another Covington student's mother, not Nick Sandmann's, and the author has been sentenced to attend a service with the Black Hebrew Israelites.

>the author has been sentenced to attend a service with the Black Hebrew Israelites

Is that a joke?

Probably not.
Imagine a magazine written entirely by Jow Forums stereotypes of leftists: HIV-positive morbidly obese feminists, goyboys with adopted black sons in an open relationship, tranny dykes majoring in women's studies with a minor in being unable to even.
That's The Stranger.

Imagine being this mad.

Archive it, faggot.

which makes the OP article even more suspicious

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lol no its not, the stranger is an advertisement pamphlet, theres no actual content or news in it to speak of at all.

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This is a level of retardation you can expect from stormfags. As if Jews can't change their names.. Nevermind that crypto-Jews and intermarriage exist. Not that it matters either way.

It was a good article. What's the problem? Also, how many of you fags comment on the Stranger's website? It's gotten very Jow Forums on there lately and I find it highly entertaining.

Post an archive or a pic of the full article.