Human sexuality in the modern politically correct age. Solutions to coworker attraction?

My personal issue is that I have a coworker, who to her credit is a very nice person and good at her job, but who I'm very attracted to. Now that on its own isn't a problem. But she also wears high heels to push out her ass, sexy yet professional clothing, and shows lots of cleavage. I guess that wouldn't even be a problem either. Except she comes to my desk to collaborate and seek my help a lot, which is encouraged at my company, and she sits very close to me with her tits pushed out over the desk. There's lots of cleavage, lots of exposed boob, and I can regularly see her bra when she reaches for things. She's also very personable and friendly so she brushes my arm and leans alongside me to read what I'm reading.

I'm absolutely certain all of this is innocent and she's genuinely trying to do her job, but it's now been 3 times that I've developed an erection against my will and twice I've had to come up with excuses to stay at my desk so I can wait for my erection to go away. Additionally, due to all the close contact and her breasts being so exposed and so close to me so often, I get worried just looking in her direction when she's walking around the office in her heels because I don't want to get turned on.

I've done absolutely everything correctly, however this situation obviously isn't sustainable. In today's corporate climate I'll absolutely get fired for having an erection even if it's not my choice, but I'll also get fired if I tell my coworker that her tits in close proximity to me are a distraction. I can't ask her to dress differently, I can't ask her to cover up her boobs, and I can't even refuse to collaborate with her. I feel trapped. I'm not a sexist but I am human, and the culture at my company is just not reasonable when it comes to these things. I'm starting to think my only option is to quit.

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A lot of words you wrote there.

holyshit you insufferable faggot

Learn some self control or fug dat ass.

Bang her already homo

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m8 what is wrong with you ? most girls you'll meet at work just wanna smash and you either do it or brush the whores off it's that simple. you're overthinking this on another level

Complain to hr that her attire is inappropriate and sexually harassing you, make sure you let an ugly woman know because they hate attractive women

>who I'm very attracted to
learn to deal with it or find another job because if you do ANYTHING, even complimenting her, your life WILL be destroyed.

She's aware of what she's doing, the two scenarios are a) she wants to fugg or b) she's using sex appeal to get something out of you. Either way, your options are i) use closed body language and terse speech to give her the hint to fuck off, or if you have autism and this is too socially advanced for you, ii) make an anonymous comment to HR that she's being inappropriately sexy and it's distracting you

Why arent you banging her?

report her for sexual harassment if she's touching you and you don't like it retard

not your blog faggot

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Let me spell this out for you buddy. You don't shit where you eat. Workplace romances are to be avoided in the first place.

Just Tap Dat


>fake story
>meme flag

Is there anything even real about you anymore?

It's not allowed by the company without HR approval and forms being filled out. I also respect her a lot and so I'd be looking for a serious relationship to see if we're fit for marriage, not random sex.

She doesn't seem like that. I think we just work well together. We've both been more effective working together and we've both gotten salary increase because of it.

That's what I'm worried about.

> a) she wants to fugg

The thing is everything she's done could be considered professional and friendly other than her style of fashion. She hasn't actually said anything to me to make me believe it's intentional.

> or b) she's using sex appeal to get something out of you.

Like what? I honestly can't think of anything.

It's practically career suicide in my company for me to even attempt that if it turns out she wasn't interested or didn't want to approve it with HR.

I understand. But I have no choice right now but to continue working with her, and I can't think of a way to ask her to cover her tits up without getting fired.

She's a whore so the answer is simple.
You treat her like a whore. What does this mean? Control yourself and act/be disinterested.
Give responses that either indicate you disapprove or don't care about her advances or actions. If she's a whore to you, she's a whore to everyone.

Don't be explicit because nowadays you can't be but just hint at it subtly and be consistent and firm. There you go user.

Jack off in the employee bathrooms, nigger.

You're a faggot shill and the only "solution" is to kys

but really, anonymous complaint to HR about revealing clothing might leave her thinking its a jealous female coworker, not the guy that is getting an eye load

you faggot

yes yes yes.
women get jealous very very very easily..

>Solutions to coworker attraction?
don't do it if you value your coworkers and job

don't dip your pen in company ink, it's that simple.
if you want a girlfriend join some charity organizations or find a hobby.
do not try to mix work and romance.
it's a bad idea even without our hyper SJW laws

who is this?

Why a charity organization? That's oddly specific.

Luckily you live in an age where you can have a sex doll of her made. After you've ordered it, show her to express your sexual stirrings towards her. Then come back to Jow Forums with an off-topic thread and tell us all about it.


i would repost this as a troll on Jow Forums and /qa/ but i need to stop procrastinating

Find another job, have an offer on the table. Put in your two weeks notice, and report her to HR. It's the only way out, user.

After you start your new job, contact her and see if you can still manage to bang her. Make sure you film it all and make sure you have proof of explicit consent throughout the sexual act. When she cries rape, you will have the evidence you need to clear your name and expose her for the harpy she is. Be advised, some states have laws against recording people without their explicit consent even in your private property, which could make your proof of innocence inadmissable in court.

>She's aware of what she's doing
my boss does the same thing but not as severe as op, and i wonder if she gets off teasing us

1) Women know what they are doing when they dress like that

2) Dating a woman in the workplace is the worst decision, unless it's a job you don't give a damn about

3) No matter what happens, you as the man will always take the blame

4) Be very careful of what you say to her or to anyone else in the workplace, you never know when words can be used against you way down the line

5) AVOID any Holiday or Summer workplace party, avoid mixing alcohol and coworkers

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She doesn't wanna smash. She's using you to help her get work done and look better. She reasons with herself that it's okay because she's giving you something in return - because she thinks sexual arousal is a gift she's giving you (yes, she knows what she's doing to you). Best advice (that you definitely won't take), tell her to fuck off.

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Does she know all that? Maybe she's actually trying to destroy you.

>Kekistani flag
>Socially awkward
Checks out

but really, anonymous complaint to HR about revealing clothing might leave her thinking its a jealous female coworker, not the guy that is getting an eye load

I would feel terrible. She's very nice to me and also very good at her job.

meh a lot of people meet at work. it's a little delicate but kinda fun and sneaky. just be super super classy about it all. Like true gentleman.

find a reason to hang out with her outside of the office in a group setting, even at a work-related party or something. just enough to see if she is interested in hanging outside of collaborating. if there are signals (she touches you a few times and you feel a connection) ask if she would be interested in getting dinner some time or something.

Be ultra classy about it all and slow. Honestly, she will think it's even hotter and be more charmed by you (if she does indeed dig you).

If it doesn't work out, remaining classy means she will trust that you can handle still working together.

You're not getting her fired, you wouldnt even have to name names

Just general complaint
They likely would do a blanket ban / email, it wouldnt come down on her personally

alternatively you could stop being a faggot, get her out of work in a social context, ask if she wants to fuck and you will either get to play with the titties or she will cover up herself during work

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Gay. You might be the gayest there ever was.

you could do what i did and fuck multiple coworkers
turns out it’s a terrible idea

>4) Be very careful of what you say to her or to anyone else in the workplace, you never know when words can be used against you way down the line

I've always been professional even when she's reading when I'm reading leaning against me and her tits are pressing against me. I say nothing and I try not to stare, and I hide my erection as best I can.
>1) Women know what they are doing when they dress like that

I'm sure she means to dress like that, obviously, but she hasn't given any indication that it has anything to do with me when we work together.

>3) No matter what happens, you as the man will always take the blame

That's what I'm worried about.

>I honestly can't think of anything
Help with shit. "teehee can you show me what to do silly boy"

>but really, anonymous complaint to HR about revealing clothing might leave her thinking its a jealous female coworker, not the guy that is getting an eye load

>I would feel terrible. She's very nice to me and also very good at her job.

user, it's clear. Not only are you smitten with this whore but she's taking advantage of you. Stay firm and to the point. Don't let her pull one over you. Seriously, do you think you're the only and or first guy she's done this to?

They're other fish outside the workplace that aren't whores and yo ushould find them.

just read all of OP's posts. he's a total bitch. he'll never sleep with this girl, but spend a significant amount of time getting duped by her and her stupid tits. lmfao - what a loser.

next time, post on /b/ faggot. Reported for off-topic. kys

Rape her in the stationary closet. Then blackmail her into silence. This is what a real man would do.

If you plan on being at that job for a long time, no dipping your pen in the company ink. Just enjoy the show. I work with something like forty women. I see tits at work all the time.

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SWIIIIIING batter-batter-batter
In all seriousness though, OP's story does sound like origin thought of a career rapist.

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Marry her and make babies.

I fucking love cleavage

Hi, OP here. So I'm interested in your post mainly because I don't want random sex, but my coworker is a woman I'd be interested in a long term relationship with (good personality, smart, and very talented). However it's a very delicate issue since I don't think dinner would get me fired, but asking the wrong way might, and the rule is that we'd have to fill out HR forms before being in a relationship.

How would I navigate that? Also it doesn't change the situation with her tits distracting me at work. She has literally pushed her tits into me while reading alongside me and given me an erection, and that's without her even being interested in me. If I started seeing her, it could get worse rather than better.

This reads like a reddit post and I think that’s because you’re a nice guy. Ask her out faggot

establish a dressing code. It's a distraction and unnecessary unprofessional sexualisation of work place after all.


Just act natural and don't think about it. Have a little confidence.

> use closed body language and terse speech to give her the hint to fuck off

I already use closed body language to hide my erection or because I'm worried about getting an erection, but it doesn't change her behavior nor the situation with her tits being directly in my field of view, pressed against me, or all up in my face.

Not sure about speech, since anything I might directly say is against company rules.

Game theory 101

If a woman is comfortable touching you, she is down to fuck.

I love my boss. We are inseparable, instant best friends, soul mates. I think she knows. If not she is about to find out. I am starting a new business and am desperate to take her with me but the money isn't there yet. Makes for an interesting life, especially when you have a live-in girlfriend (that I can no longer stand). Good luck OP!

Basically this

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I came here to post this

I came here for the tits, I ain't reading your blog you doublenigger.

op you are a massive faggot, this has to be one of the gayest posts i have read this year so far, perhaps ever

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Son. The society is upside down. Woman good. Man good. Combination bad. Because of too much mingling you are not developing warrior mentality. You are becoming a passive tolerant pussy.

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Try HR.

make up a bullshit story on how you got raped and tell her you hate being touched cause of it

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Im not going to read that, but let me tell you: DO NOT HAVE FRIENDLY INTERACTIONS WITH WOMEN AT WORK!

Be polite to them only as it pertains to getting the job done. Beyond that, do not fraternize, do not make jokes, do not hang out, NOTHING. If she asks you if you want to hang out, say no thank you and make a note of it with HR. Literally one single misread signal could mean your job and potentially your career. Don't shit where you eat. Only date her after you leave this job.

The answers to all of these questions are so obvious.. If she’s interested in you and you end up making out/ having sex/ going on several dates then you can just talk with her about filling out the form. No one will know that you fucked/kissed/ went on a date a few times before filling out the form. If you end up being in a relationship with her then it’ll be easy to ask her to cover up.

>Tfw my wife does this touche barely at all anymore

Why did I even get married. She doesn't want to have fucking kids anymore.

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post pics of coworker i know you have them

How big is her cock?

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Man is the gatekeeper to relationships women are the gatekeeper to sex. Right now she is teasing you and she knows EXACTLY what she's doing. she knows she has the power in this dynamic. If she really were flirty with you she would use her legs and hands more...but she wants to watch you squirm. That is why she keeps it within her eyesight and her boobs are the best way to go about that.

The easiest way to tease a guy and keep an eye on them is boobs.

Now if she were interested in dating, she should be squeezing in personal questions and hinting about going out together privately to further discuss things. A woman never asks a man out directly unless she literally has no other option. She wants the man to do give up his most precious power of 'commitment' to her. So you have to call her out on it and tease her about it. Do not concede...because that would make you vulnerable in the workplace environment.


volunteerism, anything to get you out of the house and interacting with people. you can't meet people if you stay inside and it is now socially inappropriate to approach women in day to day life.

She knows exactly what shes doing bro quit being stupid. Does she do all of that with other people or just you?


>If not she is about to find out.

let me guess you will give her bowls of eggs until she loves you?

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Consent is easily obtained with a "Smile! You're on camera!" sign posted anywhere on the premises.

You enormous faggot. Hit that.

How old are you? I'm imagining an office, but I think I need to be imagining a Best Buy the more I read from you.

new fucking pasta boys lets go

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>Not allowed
are you gay?



You'd feel worse if you lost your job because you were too much of a pussy to solve your own problem.

Only a giant faggot doesn't slay easy work pussy. It's like God put this hot piece of snatch there for you to fuck and you're complaining about boners? Grow a set nigger.

Wagie scared to lose his job over a BJ.

Yeah, obviously you want to fuck this chick, but don't, unless you don't want to have an objective work environment.

Just enjoy her beauty and be cool.

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If you think you're going to get fired for an erection, you must live a solitary life away from any misconceived threat

OP you just need to make sure you have an erection for 8 hours of the workday so everyone just assumes you have a huge cock. Problem solved.

You have to rape her right on your desk. It's her fault. You are just a man who can't be expected to control himself. You had no choice, Down with the matriarchy

You have to rape her right on your desk. It's her fault. You are just a man who can't be expected to control himself. You had no choice, Down with the matriarchy

Get her killed and find a new woman.